Chapter 1016 The World Only God Knows Love (8)

Mihuacho, Police Department.

Today, there was a big event in Mihua Town. A mob openly started a gun fight in the hotel in the hinterland of Mihua. Fortunately, there were no casualties. But according to the owner's wife who seemed to have been scared silly, there was a man and three women missing with the killer. She was directly knocked unconscious by someone at that time, so she didn't know what happened in the middle. Only knew that when she woke up, the man, three women and the killer disappeared.

"After receiving the alarm, we rushed to the scene quickly. We did see advanced submachine guns that were not mass produced even in the Holy Brittany Empire. According to the bullet holes left on the scene, it can be judged that they were enough to break through the fire network of the guard in the police inspection hall. This matter has been alarmed to the top. The White Horse police inspection director was asked to produce results within a week, so we specially invited Mr. Maori helped solve the case. " In the meeting room of the police camera hall, under the introduction of officer Bainiao, Maori Xiaowulang became the focus of everyone's attention.

Uncle scratched his head in embarrassment, while the eyes around him were disdainful, suspicious and expectant.

Conan is holding his Kexue glasses outside the meeting room. He has already put the eavesdropper in Maori Xiaowulang's pocket.

The famous detectives who have committed crimes against national security and invasion of privacy are very justifiable.

This detective thing, can it be called a crime?

"De? So did you hear any useful information?" Xiaohuiyuan leaned against the wall with a pot of coffee in her hand. She didn't have much spirit after staying up late, but because she was worried about the relationship between the case and the distillery, she forced her spirit to wait for the famous detective to collect first-hand information.

"Not yet... Mumu police officers don't seem to have any useful information. The killer left no fingerprints on the equipment at the scene, except..."

"Except what?" asked Xiaohuiyuan.

"Except for several RPGs frozen by ice, I don't know how these RPGs were frozen," Conan said doubtfully.


Conan looked up in surprise. He saw the coffee in Xiaohuiyuan's hand fell on the ground, and the emotion in Xiaohuiyuan's eyes was quite complicated.

There are surprises, fears, and a bit of disbelief.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Conan asked curiously.

"Nothing, just didn't sleep well last night. It's too sleepy." Xiaohuiyuan yawned, waved his hand and said, "I'll go back to sleep first, and call me when I make progress."


She only showed her eyes when she heard the RPG frozen by ice. Does ice...... RPG...... Have anything to do with the organization?

Ke Dao fell into meditation here, while at the same time, he was at Sigong Family.

In order to thank Liu Shengzongmao for protecting their eldest daughter, Sigong Family is holding a banquet.

Sigong Huangguang was not a person who liked banquets. Rather, he only liked "exciting" banquets instead of drinking, eating and listening to small songs.

Only Liu Shengzongmao's identity makes him unable to neglect.

Because of the integration of the world, the Sigong family, which should have dominated the rice wife, once again became a very unlucky rival to the Suzuki chaebol. However, in the world without the existence of the Liusheng family, the Sigong family has a very direct advantage over the Suzuki family, that is, they are inseparable from both black and white, rather than just like the Suzuki chaebol, or simply rich.

So after learning Liu Shengzongmao's name, I wanted to kill Liu Shengzongmao to prevent him from revealing the Sigong Huang Guang where Sigong Family is, so I immediately changed my attention and started to hold a banquet.

The uncle of the eight families of Sheqi, if he can't handle this well, his wife will suffer from an earthquake.

Well, physical earthquakes.

Kassel College has two dogs in Daowie, one is the eight snake qi families, which help them stabilize the underground situation and engage in various illegal smuggling businesses, such as pure dragon blood serum business, dragon attendants, corpse guards, dead attendants' corpses, evolution agents like drugs, etc. Kassel College needs to complete through the eight snake qi families.

The other dog is the Sigong Family with beautiful appearance.

The Sigong Family has only one role to play in Kassel College, that is, to collect money. The eight snake qi families help the Sigong Family to wipe out competitors in physics, while the Sigong Family needs to provide Kassel College activity funds.

Also because the Sigong family members are not of mixed race, it is unnecessary for Kassel College to deliberately stir up conflicts between the Sigong family and the eight snake qi families, so the relationship between the two families is good.

Liu Shengzongmao did not expect that the Sigong Family would have such an additional identity after the integration of the world. How can we say that it is sad that a good wife overlord has become the dog of Kassel College, which is even worse than the Sigong Family who dominates the world.

"Mr. Liu Sheng, but you have a crush on Zazaka? As soon as you speak, I will immediately order you to go down, and Zazaka will appear on your bed at night." During the banquet, Sigong Huang Guang saw that Liu Sheng Zongmao always looked at Zazaka, and immediately smiled and said.

"No need." Liu Shengzongmao shook his head and said squarely, "Of course, I don't want Zazaka to appear in other people's beds."

Of course, Liu Shengzongmao would not force Zazaka to do something, but Sigong Huangguang's attitude made him feel a little bad. If any big guy came to see Zazaka, Sigong Huangguang would not just give him a free gift?

He had to get a shot in advance. He thought that he would have some say in the identity of the Eight Elders of Sheqi Family.

"Good, good." Sigong Huang Guang's eyes were cold.

He felt that Liu Shengzongmao didn't give him face. Zaoban was different from ordinary maids. It was the maids he placed beside Sigong Huiye to monitor Sigong Huiye. How could they send them to him? Liu Shengzongmao not only didn't give him face, but also later ordered him not to give Zazaka away, which made him extremely unhappy.

No matter how unhappy he was, he could not show it on the surface. Sigong Huang Guang continued to pull Liu Zongmao to drink. This time Liu did not refuse. Although he was still under age, he learned from Duan Yu and pretended to drink.

After three rounds of drinking, Sigong Huang Guang saw that Liu Shengzongmao seemed to be drunk, so he asked carefully, "Master Yuanzhi... is he interested in my sister?"

Liu Shengzongmao sipped his glass and looked at Sigong's yellow light without moving his face.

Obviously, Sigong Huangguang misunderstood something. He mistook Yuan Zhisheng, a diamond bachelor, for Sigong Huiye, so he played a hero rescue game to brush Sigong Family's good opinion.

As for why Liu Shengzongmao saved people instead of Yuan Zhisheng, Sigong Huangguang was also very strange. But he felt that Liu Shengzongmao, since he was the uncle of the eight snake qi families, was not qualified to take the second wife.

Although it's strange, Sigong Huangguang will be very happy if he can sell Sigong Huiye for a good price.

The guy who only has interests in his eyes is almost the same as Wu Ju Shengyan. He doesn't have a bit of humanity. However, his words reveal some information, that is, the killers who assassinated Naoko, and it has nothing to do with him. But in this case, why does Sigong Huiye deliberately monitor Wu Jujia's villa? And why did the group of killers kidnap Naoko in just a few minutes as if she had been premeditated?