Chapter 363 Wolf Smoke

  • Sky breeze
  • Fate 0
  • 4477 words
  • 2020-01-10 12:46:55

The return of Qianshuiqing is like a shot of heart enhancer, hitting the Iron Wind Flag and Spirit Wind Flag soldiers hard.

Especially for the other tigers, Mu Xue and others, the battle at Qiushui Ferry, the transformation from hell to heaven, and the feeling of life and death changing rapidly, is really shocking. To be honest, although Hu Muxue and others have made great progress in commanding the battle, they still lack a lot of heat compared with the veteran battlefield generals like Shi Junyang. It's a fluke to win. Therefore, the return of Qianshuiqing, the backbone, really made everyone feel relieved.

"Liang Qiuxu spread rumors everywhere, saying that you have died in Mo

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