Chapter 45 Yuzhi Wave Takes Earth Battle and Three Tail Rock Touch!

Because Yuzhibo Daitu thinks that human beings are equal to tail animals as a comparison, it is like that Sanwei Fu suffered some humiliation when he was born with the dignity of tail animals. Sanwei Fu stroked his eyes and looked at Yuzhibo Daitu's purple star and wrote the wheel eye.


Sanwei Ji first roared to the sky, then curled it up into a huge ship full of thorns and thick crustaceans and attacked Yuzhi Bodai soil. The huge ship also aroused waves and amazing waves on the lake.

It seems that Sanwei Jifu is only the third among the nine tail beasts, but as a member of the nine tail beasts, its strength is not as simple as Yuzhibo imagined when he was in the snow country with soil.

Looking at the three tailed beast Jifu in front of him, he didn't use the tail jade to attack himself. He just used strange moves that he had never heard of. Yu Zhibo and Tu began to understand that if he didn't have to go all out, then he, Lin and Murata might be here. After getting ready quickly, He slowly opened the triple star kaleidoscope wheel writing eye like a blue gem in his left eye.

"You must help others!"

When the attack of Sanwei Jifu's giant ship was about to attack the half finished Xunenghu, the purple and blue stars in Yuzhibo's Tu's double pupils began to rotate crazily, and only saw black smells enveloping the half finished Xunenghu like plants growing fast.


Accompanied by the attack of the giant ship of Sanwei Jifu falling outside the Yuzhi Wave Belt, the full body of the Samurai Zuneng burst out countless water mists and a huge sound on the black warrior.

"Since the last war with Fenghua and Nutao..."

"It seems that the strength of this guy has improved a lot."

Murata sighed after seeing the water mist aroused by the three tailed beast Jifu and Yuzhi wave belt soil and the amazing sound in the middle of the lake.

At the same time, Murata was not alone in being surprised.

"That man can even fight with..." When he saw his employer Yu Zhibo Daitu and Sanwei Jifu who lived at the bottom of the lake matched each other, he could not help thinking of the Ninja "Ze". "It is said that the huge creatures living at the bottom of the lake are tied?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After the loud sound after the loud sound, the scene that appeared in front of Murata Yuze was that Sanwei Jifu and Yuzhi Bodai Tu retreated to the edge of the lake respectively.

Looking at the purple star in Yuzhibo's right eye and the blue star kaleidoscope wheel eye in his left eye, Sanwei Jifu can't help thinking of the human beings who made him born hundreds of years ago.

"Those weird eyes..."

"Is he a descendant of Yu Yi, a member of the Yuzhibo clan?"

After seeing a pair of triple star kaleidoscope wheel writing eyes in Yuzhi Bo Dai Tu, Sanwei Jifu in the spiritual space said to himself.

"For me now..."

"It seems a little difficult to defeat the tail beast alone!"

Looking at the Sanwei Jifu on the edge of the opposite lake, Yuzhibo took Tu to complain to himself.

"Hey, boy." When Yu Zhibo was thinking about how he should deal with Sanwei Jifu next, he heard a voice like a middle-aged man in his mind.

This sound is

Just when Yu Zhibo Daitu was puzzled by the voice in his mind, he heard the voice again, "Boy, I think you are a descendant of Yu Yi. You disturb my sleep. How about doing it now?"

This is the sound of a three tailed beast?

Yu Zhibo and Tu soon understood that the owner of the voice in his mind was the three tailed beast Ji Fu who had just fought with him.

"Not so good."

Yu Zhibo took the soil and said to the Sanwei Jifu who communicated with his spirit.

Since Yu Zhibo and Tu read Beiyuanzhen's information about Renzhuli stolen from Xueren Village, he began to understand that since humans captured the tail beast and tried to seal its huge Chakra in its body for their own use, humans and tail beasts were doomed to be enemies rather than friends.

At this moment, in order to revive Lin, he must kill three tails to capture Lin's share of the other's soul, which is used to use Ninja to revive Lin.

So he could not leave, whether it was to avenge Lin or to capture Lin's soul to revive Lin, at this time, Yu Zhibo and Tu had only one choice.

That is to defeat Sanwei Jifu!

Resurrection Lin!

After hearing Yuzhi Bodai Tu's answer, Sanwei Jifu angrily said:

"Hum! It seems that the descendants of Feathercoat are arrogant?"

"You really think..."

"Do you seal me again like your ancestor Yuzhi Boban?"

Sanwei Jifu first said this sentence to Yuzhibo and Tunaohai, then his voice sounded again in Yuzhibo and Tunaohai's mind, "Although I will not break your defense for a while, are those two people on the bank your friends?"

With the sudden stop of the voice in Yuzhibo's mind, Sanwei Jifu opened his mouth not far away, and then one after another strange dark purple light gradually poured into its open mouth, slowly forming a huge sphere.

The dark purple sphere is

Beast jade?

At the moment when he saw the tail jade, Yuzhibo emerged from the sea of earth and got all the information about the tail.

"Bang --"

After Sanwei Jifu coagulates the tail beast jade, he shoots away in the direction of Lin and Murata not far away.


I saw the tail jade gathered by countless dark purple furious Chakras flying towards Murata and Lin at a very fast speed.


I can't let Lin and Murata get hurt again

I must rush to attack Sanwei Jifu's tail beast jade in front of them, and use Xuzunenghu's defense to block the attack of tail beast jade.

At the moment when Yu Zhibo saw the tail jade flying out, Yu Zhibo and Tu confirmed their goals.


Yu Zhibo took Tu to control the black warrior to open its wings in an instant, and quickly flew to Lin and Murata's location.

Just when the tail jade used by Sanwei Jifu was about to attack the shore used by Murata and Lin, the black jade controlled by Yu Zhibo and Tu was in front of Murata and Lin.

At the moment when the tail beast jade came into contact with the black warrior of Yuzhibo, the tail beast jade burst out of its anger like a three tail rock caress.

Damn it!!!

This guy with dirt... What's the trouble?

Watching Sanwei Ji stroking the tail beast jade straight towards him, Murata held the body of the samurai sword with his left hand and the handle of the samurai sword with his right hand.

Since you can't hide

Then I will cut its tail jade!