Chapter 40 Escape from Xueren Village

In the snow shadow study.

After the middle-aged man Jieyin lifted his own Jiushu and said the words "take yourself as an apprentice", Beiyuan has been competing with each other in sports skills by taking advantage of Kuwu.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of two painless collisions reverberated in the study. Seeing the other side easily take their own attack again, Beiyuan's physical strength began to be weak.

Damn... Who is this man?

How come I haven't seen him before... and his physical skill is not so strong.

I almost caught up with Murata

No, if it goes on like this

Dai Tu and Murata

Most of Xueren in Xueren Village were attracted just now.

If I don't leave here again... they may be in danger.

Since the other side will also escape from the storm, he must also know that move

It seems that I will take a dangerous move

With a sinister smile on his face, Beiyuan said to the strange man who rushed again:

"Hey, hey... You're dead, old man!"


With the help of the moment when the middle-aged man collided with himself again, Beiyuan Zhen used the rebound force to open the distance between the two.

"Wind... snow... Dun!" Looking at his distance from the middle-aged strange man, Beiyuan kept changing his hands and fingers.

Those seals... is that ninja?

At the moment when he saw that Bei Yuanzhen's hands were tied with the seals needed to perform his Ninjutsu, the middle-aged man in charge of guarding the study could not help thinking that the other side was going to use his Ninjutsu to attack him, so his hands subconsciously followed his instinct and began to seal.

"Ice escapes - ice waves!"

Hey hey, old man... although I may not beat you.

But in the end

I won.

After seeing the huge ice wall between him and the middle-aged man appeared out of nowhere, Bei Yuanzhen resolutely stopped the seal in his hand, turned to the door and disappeared in the study with an instant technique.

"This kid... didn't use ninja?"

"A cover up?"

After not hearing the sound generated by the collision of Ninjutsu in his impression, the middle-aged man lifted his own Ninjutsu and said.

That kid... left?

After seeing the empty study, the middle-aged man could not help shaking his head and saying:

"No wonder this boy... will choose to leave Xueren Village."

"How can you do such a thing?"

And on the other side

Leaving the study of Xueying's home, Beiyuan did not take into account the fact that he would be found. He rushed across the street of Xueren Village and soon arrived at the entrance of Xueren Village. He took out a cylindrical object from his arms and threw it into the sky.

Pa --!

After being thrown into the sky by Beiyuanzhen, the cylindrical things burst out a dark purple flame light, almost illuminating the sky around Xueren Village.

Dai Tu and Murata, you two should come out alive

Looking at the dark purple flame in the sky, Beiyuan couldn't help thinking like this.


In the Snow Shadow Village.

"Why save Murata?" Yu Zhibo answered with Tu. "Because he is my companion."

Xue Ying's disgusted look at Murata and his hurtful words made Yu Zhibo and Tu begin to doubt whether he was Murata's father.


So you've been

Are you living under such pressure?

Maybe for me, who lost my parents when I was young

I don't know.

The feeling of being hated by one's relatives.

But I think

You guy... must have forgotten us just now?

At the thought of this, Murata could not help shaking his head.

"Although Murata may not have the talent to become a ninja."

"But he has never given up on himself!"


"It's never been your garbage!"

After hearing what the snow shadow said, Yuzhibo countered with earth.

"He is your son..." Yu Zhibo said angrily, "but you want to kill him!"

The snow shadow on one side was silent.

Pa --!

After hearing the voice appeared in the sky, Yuzhibo took Tu to look at the dark purple flame in the sky, and his face showed a faint smile.

It seems that Beiyuan has succeeded

Then we don't need to stay here any longer.

"Murata, thank you..."

"I have done so much for Lin and me."

Yu Zhibo took Tu's hands to lift Murata from the ground and put him on his shoulder, and said softly to him.

"Goodbye then... Lord Snow Shadow!"

The blue star in Yuzhibo's left eye and the purple star in his right eye appear together with a black smell, which gradually forms his unique black warrior Xuzunenghu.

A swish.

Only a pair of dark wings grew out of the back of the black warrior. Under the control of Yuzhibo Daitu, Xu Zunenghu wrapped Daitu and Murata and slowly rose from the ground.

That kid was right

I shouldn't do that to you

My son, Murata.

The snow shadow did not stop them from leaving, but quietly looked at the figure of Xu Zunenghu and Murata leaving.

When the two were about to leave the sky above Xueying Village, Yu Zhibo and Tu controlled Xu Zunenghu to pick up Beiyuan Zhen at the gate of Xueren Village.

"Murata... is he all right?"

After seeing the injured Murata in Xuzuneng, Beiyuan asked with some worry.

After hearing the words of Beiyuan Zhen, Yuzhibo and Tu did not answer. He just silently controlled Xu Zuneng to quickly leave the valley where Xueren Village is located.

"Beiyuan, first help bind up Murata's wound."

Seeing that he and others had left Xueren Village for hundreds of miles, Yu Zhibo turned around with Tu and said to Bei Yuanzhen.

After hearing the words, Beiyuan Zhen was stunned. Then he tore off part of his gray robe, stopped the bleeding on Murata's shoulder and bandaged it.

"With soil..."

"You can tell me."

"Who... hurt Murata?"

After watching himself and others getting closer to Xuedu, Beiyuan really said his doubts.

"It's his father... Snow Shadow."

Yuzhibo took Tu Wen Yan for a moment, then looked at the blue snow below and said slowly.

Under the control of Yuzhi Bodai Tu, Xu Zunenghu slowly landed in the Xuedu Hotel.


A group of guarding members trained in the courtyard of Xuedu Hotel soon found a huge black warrior in the sky.

"That huge black giant... What is it?"

"I don't know..."

When a group of Shouming members hesitated, a young man dressed in gray robes like other Shouming members said:

"Whatever it is... this thing is absolutely not simple."

"Go and tell Lord Woodhand that there is an enemy attack!"

After seeing one of them go to tell the village, the young man said again:

"Before Lord Woodhand comes out... let's stop him!"

"Oh!" a group of guarding members replied loudly.

At this time, the huge black warriors in the sky were getting closer and closer to a group of guarding members, and they were about to use their ninja to attack.

"You guys are good!"

A group of guarding members heard a familiar voice coming from the black samurai.

"It's the leader... they!"

"Go tell Lord Woodhand that it is the leader and they are back!"

After seeing the figures of Yuzhibo Daitu, Murata and Beiyuanzhen, a group of Shouming members welcomed the call.