Chapter 12 Direction and Decision

The sky gradually darkened, and on the snow mountain, a hundred miles away from the snow village, the snow drifted relentlessly with the wind.

In the cave halfway up the snow mountain, the boy in black woke up from his coma.

This is


"Hiss!" He felt the sharp pain coming from his right eye and reluctantly opened his right eye with dirt.

This is

After fighting those ninjas

Are there any sequelae of chakra eye?

And just now in my dream

The man with the fire mask and black clothes

Fight with Shuimen teacher

Isn't this my old memory?

But why does this memory remind me?

Could Yuzhi Boban

by the way!

He remembered the person who was very important to him in his mind and searched for her in the cave with his right eye that he could only open.

So Lin is OK

After watching the brown short haired girl lying on the cave floor not far away safe, Yu Zhibo calmed down with the tense expression on his dusty face.

"Dai Tu, you little boy..." After seeing Yu Zhibo and Tu wake up, Wooden Hand Village, who added fire to the fire, stopped his hands, looked at him and could not help complaining, "After sleeping for a week, I finally woke up."

"Wooden Hand Village..."

"We are..."


"By the way, is Uncle Yamazaki all right?"

"We are now..." His voice echoed in the cave like ice and snow. Mushou Village was not surprised by the change of Yuzhibo's soil. He calmly looked at the soil and replied, "In the snow mountain cave not far from the snow village."

"As for Uncle Yamazaki..."

"He's dead..."

Uncle Yamazaki with a gentle smile

Was Xueren killed?

"Where are the corpses of everyone in the snow village?"

After hearing the answer from Wooden Hand Village on one side, he asked again with soil in a slight silence.

"I buried them all..."

After another question with soil came from the ear, Woodhand Village replied.

Take the soil and say to the wooden hand village beside:

"Those ninjas..."

"Is it because you...?"

It seems that this boy is not as stupid as he imagined

After hearing Yuzhibo's question, Woodhand Village smiled helplessly and said:

"Those ninjas..."

"In the country of snow..."

"Sent by Xueren Village..."

It turns out that he is a ninja in Xueren Village

Yu Zhibo and Tu didn't feel too surprised about the explanation of Mutou Village.

After all, the status and reputation of a ninja who can use advanced medical ninja techniques, such as Mushou Village, will not be too bad no matter in the big or small Ninja Village.

What's more, this tense period, which has just ended the Third World War of Tolerance, may lead to another outbreak of war at any time, resulting in huge casualties.

The casualties of the war will raise the status of the medical ninja to several levels again in the tolerance world.

"A medical ninja like you, why did you defecte from Xueren Village?

Looking at the subtle expression changes on the face of Mushou Village, Yu Zhibo and Tu said so.

"Why did I defecte?" As if hearing some funny joke, Woodhand Village's face showed a self mocking expression, "It's funny to say..."

"When I was young, I dreamed of my father..."

"I want to be like my father..."

"Ninja who can heal others..."

While Mushou Village put the wood fire in his hand into the fire, he looked at the burning flame, and his face was even more ironic.

"In the seven years after that, I began to learn medical ninja from my father..."

"Do you know?"

"Although born in this cruel world, I have to admit..."

"My father is a gentle and powerful ninja..."

"He is also a genius in medical ninja..."

Looking at the burning fire of wood, Mushou Village seems to have returned to his childhood again. He then said:

"He has changed the traditional medical Ninjutsu and created a medical Ninjutsu that can be called Forbidden..."

"My father didn't intend to use this ninja in front of others..."

"But..." when he said that, Chakra on his body seemed to be affected by his anger, and the tone of Woodhand Village turned, "That time..."

"In a battle for the title of the Snow Country..."

"My father saved almost all the injured people at that time..."

"His move directly led to the anger of both sides of the civil war at that time..."

"Because my father is a ninja in Xueren Village, they have to endure."

"That night, my father was sent on a mission, so only my mother and young me were left at home to prepare dinner."


"It's not that simple..."

At this time, in Yuzhibo Daitu's eyes, Mushou Village was like an angry tiger, his eyes flashing with anger.

"When my mother and I woke up again, we were already in a prison."

"Probably spent a few days there..."

"The guard in charge of guarding the prison escorts us to a palace..."

"There I met my mother..."

"The devil like man..."

"He took us to a cliff outside the Snow King City..."

"The man used me and my mother..."

"Threaten my father..."

"Hand him over during the war in Snow Home..."

"The medical ninja used to save the casualties..."

"My mother knew that..."

"No matter what the final result is, that man will not let our family go."

At this time, there was only one picture in Mushou Village's mind; On the snow covered cliff, a group of ninjas in strange armor surrounded a man, and there was a woman and a young child beside those ninjas.

Suddenly, the woman pushed the child beside her to the front and said loudly to the man:

"Save our children first!"

The determined woman turned and rushed towards the enemy. In order to protect children and men from leaving, a tall earth wall rose from behind her.

In the cave, Mushou Village came back and said:

"In order to save my father and me..."

"She sacrificed her life..."

"In the days after that, my father seemed to have changed."

"Drink all day long and stop using his medical ninja to cure others."

"I wonder if my father misses my mother..."

"Soon after, my father also died."

"As for the reason for my defection..." Mushou Village shook its head and put the wood in its hands into the fire again

"In a mission to massacre civilians..."

"I still used the medical ninja I learned from my father."

"After killing the ninja in the same village as me, I had to choose to leave Xueren Village."

After hearing what happened to Mushou Village, Yuzhibo and Tu fell into silence with the same feeling.

In the cave ignited by the fire, after telling his own experience, Wooden Hand Village did not know what purpose he was for. He said a sentence with unknown meaning:

"Yuzhi Bo Dai Tu..."

"What do you think of the Snow Country?"

What does he mean?

"I think..." The voice of Wooden Hand Village came from my ear, and took the earth to look at Lin who fell asleep. "This country is cruel. Ninjas kill civilians at will. For weak people who want to live..."

Recall the scene of the massacre of Xuecun in the brain sea

And the scene of Lin's death by being spotted

"It's cruel..."

Mushou Village feels the same way about Yu Zhibo's answer with Tu. His voice turns:

"With soil, I used to think that this reality..."

"It's impossible to change..."

"But that day I saw you fighting with Xue Ren alone..."

"I knew..."

"If it were you..."

"Maybe I can save my country..."

So he thought

I need a force that can save Shuimen teacher

I also want to avenge everyone in the snow village

"Since you are all..." After understanding the idea of Wooden Hand Village, Yu Zhibo took Tu to look at him and replied, "I want to come here..."

"Have you ever thought about..."

"What should we do next?"

"Dai Tu..." After hearing Dai Tu's question, Woodhand Village did not feel surprised. A smile appeared on his face, "Let's create a..."

"Only belong to our times..."