Chapter 71 Cultivator Assessment (III)

  • Faerie Master
  • Zhu Xiwen
  • 2229 characters
  • 2020-02-11 16:01:03

The time soon came to three o'clock, and out of the room came an elegant man who appeared to be in his 30s and had a moustache. He walked up to everyone and said, "Everyone, maybe some of you know me. My name is Fred, an intermediate educator, and I am one of the examiners this time. Whoever I call for the following assessment will go in with me and start the assessment."

"Got it, Fred, let's start!" the old white haired man shouted in a very impolite tone.

"Oh! Old man in the mountain, you are here again!" Fred was not angry at the old man's impoliteness, but made fun of the other party. Obviously, they knew each other.

"Hum!" The old man in the mountain hummed and stopped talking.

"Good! Then it won't delay everyone's time!" Fred said. "The first examiner, Ishikawa."

The boy of the first pair of men and women stood up. Apparently, he was Ishikawa.

"Come on!" His female companion gave him a puff and waved her fist.

"Hmm! Xiu!" Ishikawa followed Fred in confidently.

After Ishikawa entered, the preparation room became silent for a moment, and all the people who had talked about the hot topic began to close their eyes and adjust their state.

Only the boy was not at ease at all. Seeing that everyone was silent, he came to Xia Mu. After all, only Xia Mu seemed to be his age.

"Hey! Brother, my name is Ahu, what's your name?" The boy was familiar with himself and said directly to Xia Mu.

"Xia Mu!" Xia Mu glanced at him and said.

"Oh! Are you also a new trainer this year? I'm from Snowflake City. What about you?" said the boy named A Yu. "I planned to take a detour to Kuifan City to challenge Liyong Road Hall, but I didn't expect to catch up with the breeder's assessment, so I came to have a try."

This man is talkative. Xia Mu adds a point to his impression, but he doesn't answer.

"Xia Mu, how many badges have you collected?" A Yu said excitedly

"No!" replied Xia Mu. Now in the middle of August, collecting the eighth badge should be what most new trainers are doing.

"What? No?" Ah Yu cried out unconsciously with a ghostly expression. The loud voice attracted other people's glances.

"Boy, be quiet!" the old man in the mountain shouted.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Ah Yu apologized repeatedly for his mistake.

"You didn't really collect any badges, did you?" Ah Yu said to Xia Mu again, "The Huiyuan Conference will start in about a month. How can you collect eight badges in a month? Can you?"

Ah Yu suddenly thought of something. He looked up abruptly and stammered, "Hard, don't you plan to attend the Huiyuan Conference?"

Xia Mu thought that he thought he was not this year's new trainer and was ready to nod, but he unexpectedly said this, which made his face stagnate.

Then, Ah Yu began to talk about Xia Mu with painstaking care. He deeply analyzed the conference from many aspects, such as what it was, why, how, and why.

After hearing what Ah Yu said, Xia Mu felt that the whole person had been washed, so he told Ah Yu in a righteous way, "What you said is right, but what does it have to do with me? I'm not a new trainer this year."

"Hmm!" Ah Yu listened to Xia Mu's words and felt very pleased. It seemed that he was really suitable to be a teacher in the Pok é mon School. But when he heard what Xia Mu said behind him, the whole person was silly, "Ah?!"

"Ha ha!" Ah Xiu, the woman who had been listening to the conversation silently beside him, was amused and laughed aloud. Ah Yu could not help making a big face, muttering "How humiliating."

After a dozen minutes, Shichuan came out with a cheerful face, apparently passing the examination.

When everyone saw that, they quickly stood up. Ah Xiu trotted to him and looked at him with concern. Ishikawa nodded to her, saying OK.

Fred followed him and came out, shouting, "Xia Mu, the next examiner."

"Hmm?!" Xiamu did not expect that he was the second one, and stood up in a daze, which in the eyes of everyone thought he was nervous.

"Little brother, don't be nervous, it's not difficult at all!" Shichuan, who had just finished the exam, walked forward and patted Xiamu on the shoulder, comforting him.

"Oh! Thank you!" Xiamu came back to himself, thanked him and walked up to Fred. "Mr. Fred, I am Xiamu."

"Oh! That's a young guy!" Fred saw Xia Mu and couldn't help but brighten up. He smiled, "Come with me."

When entering the room, the first thing I saw was the jury seat and the examiner behind.

"Let me introduce you. The person sitting in the middle is Mr. Zoelli, the vice-chairman and senior cultivator of the Association of Cultivators in Juni Fan City. The person on the left is Miss Dai, the senior cultivator. The person on the right is Mrs. Motori, the senior cultivator in Suanmu Town. The person on the left is Mr. Qingtian, the senior cultivator." Fred introduced one by one.

"Good examiner!" Xia Mu bowed respectfully.

"Well, Fred, let's start!" Vice President Zoelli said. He was a very strong middle-aged man, and he looked not like a cultivator at all, but rather like a fighter.

"All right, President Zoelli." Fred returned to his seat and sat down.

"Please sit down!" Zoelli reached out and motioned to Xia Mu to sit down. After Xia Mu sat down, "let's simply ask a few questions first."

"What should I do if the elves are lightly poisoned?" The question was asked by Qingtian, a scruffy man. The question was not too difficult.

"Qingpiaopiao's poison belongs to paralytic toxoid, and its toxicity is not very strong, so ordinary detoxification fruit is enough." This question is not difficult, but Xia Mu has obviously felt the eye changes of all examiners, "but if this Qingpiaopiao is a female and pregnant, its toxicity will increase ten times, which needs more advanced......"

Xia Mu talked freely and easily avoided the trap. Several examiners nodded. This question is not difficult, but it tests whether a person is careful and sensitive to problems, which is also an essential quality for cultivating a family.

"Xiamu, right?" Mrs. Motori asked. "I'm from Chengdu. Do you know Bangila, the quasi god of Chengdu?"

"Hmm!" Xia Mu nodded. It seems that Mrs. Motori's exam question is Bangila.

"Very good, then please tell me your opinion on Shakira," said Mrs. Motori.

"Well, Shakira is an evolutionary type of Kira. After evolution, it forms a pupa type, which is to better accumulate strength. Generally speaking,..."

Later, Miss Shendai, Fred and President Zoelli raised some questions respectively, and Xia Mu answered them easily.

The five examiners nodded to each other. After reaching a consensus, Zoelli said, "Xia Mu, the previous question was answered very well. Now you just need to make the energy box on the paper in front of you."

Xia Mu picked up that piece of paper, on which was written a formula for an energy square.

This is a kind of primary energy block. There are five or six kinds of materials, which is much more complicated than the basic energy block made by Xia Mu before.