Chapter 415 aspire to the lakeside!

On the morning of May 22nd.

Xingtong is going to leave Shuangye Town and go to Lizhi Lake to find Yakenom.

Xing Tong and Luo Miamu were standing in the courtyard of the villa of the Sacred Sacrifice Family, while Chi Hong bent down and let them get on his back.

When Xing Tong held Luo Miamu and was ready to jump onto the red back, Luo Miamu suddenly became unwilling and struggled in his arms.

"What's the matter? Yam?" Xing Tong doubtfully turned Luo Miam around, looked at the little girl's unwilling eyes and asked.

"My brother can't sit on the red back, but only on Yamu's back!" The little guy puffed up his mouth, and his face was not

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