Chapter 401 Tianguan Mountain Special Training (First)

Xingtong stayed in Shenhe Town until the middle of February, and finally prepared to go to Tianguan Mountain for special training.

This was decided years ago, but it has been delayed since the Spring Festival.

Take the elves and ride a bike, and Xingtong will move towards Tianguan Mountain.

He didn't call Yayi or Zhu Lan because Yayi was helping Grandma with her research. The girl was really not very interested in trainers, while Zhu Lan had already entered the Sacrifice Mystery for special training. It was estimated that when she came out again, she would become a trainer of the Heavenly King.

The strength of the wild elves in the inner circle of Tianguan Mountain is very suitable for the six big elves of Xingtong, and

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