Chapter 379 Fight against the Emirate Rem!

  • Faerie Master
  • Zhu Xiwen
  • 2184 characters
  • 2021-04-23 22:55:06

"God name: Rashiram

Clergy: True

God system: the god king of all gods and the main god of the world gods

LV:??? (Leader level)

Attributes: Dragon, Fire

Characteristics: turbine flame

Exclusive magic: staggered flame, green flame (unavailable)

Skills: several

Divine prophecy: a brave man who pursues the truth of the world!

Comment: You are lucky to be one of the strongest people standing at the top of the world and get her favor. Come on! Teenager! "

Xing Tong found that there was a note on Lei Xilam's information column. The leader level means that Xing Tong can

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