Chapter 31 Crisis! (II)

  • Faerie Master
  • Zhu Xiwen
  • 2258 characters
  • 2020-01-03 14:08:37

Cool leopard fell to the ground and hurt it a lot with its side at high speed. In addition, its hind legs were penetrated and it was badly injured.

Xia Mu's nervous heart was relieved, and there was no time to criticize Yaya. He could not seize such a good opportunity, and quickly commanded Yaya, saying: "Yaya, anger of the dragon!"

The shock wave of a dragon roared away at Kubao. Kubao, who fell on the ground, looked flustered and hurriedly stretched out his claws to block him.

The rage of the dragon hit Kubao, but there was no loud noise as expected. Kubao was just hit by the shock wave and flew out.

Xia Mu looked at the cool leopard who resisted the anger of the dragon and sighed in his heart, "It's really worthy of being a quasi elite!"

But he won't keep his hands on it. The ready sniper gun was raised in an instant, and the trigger was pulled to directly hit Kubao who has not yet recovered from the anger of the dragon.

This is a conventional bomb!

Quasi elite level cool leopard, dead!

Xia Mu ran out from the side, ran directly to Yaya, picked up Yaya and ran back.

He didn't care about criticizing Teeth either. Teeth really didn't suffer too much damage.

He urgently needs to run now. He clearly sees a group of purple creatures running towards him.

Don't think about it. It's a group of cool leopards!

He doesn't care what direction is behind him. The priority is to get rid of this group of cool leopards.

As soon as Xia Mu ran more than 100 meters, the purple creatures came to the body of Kubao.

Sure enough, it's a group of cool leopards!

There are 13 cool leopards. Xia Mu's face turns white just after sweeping. There are only five elite Baokemeng leopards in the 13. The leading cool leopard has reached Level 40!

Xia Mu's face is ugly, so he can only speed up his running.

Although I had psychological preparation before, I was still very nervous when I really faced it.

Fortunately, I didn't stop or move forward just now, otherwise I would hit the enemy directly in the face, which would be too sour and cool!

Although the running will be caught up sooner or later, it's better than not giving any time for reaction and preparation.

At least there is a buffer time!

When the group of cool leopards saw their companions' corpses, they cried sadly and bowed their heads one by one.

Then, the leading cool leopard raised his head and called, turned his head and called to a cool leopard behind him. Then he thought about Xia Mu chasing after them. At this time, Xia Mu was about 500 meters away from them.

Led by this cool leopard, a group of cool leopards rushed towards Xia Mu's escape direction, but Xia Mu obviously found that there were two cool leopards running backwards.

Xia Mu's heart jumped, and a bad guess appeared in his mind. Now the leading Kubao is probably not the leader of this group.

Xia Mu feels that the whole person is bad.

A leader is all 40 levels. How many levels should he be!

He can only run as fast as he can now. Fortunately, there are many obstacles in the forest and his own speed will be reduced, but the speed of this group of cool leopards will not be fast.

However, despite this, Kubao is always a Baokemeng who is good at speed. It will be sooner or later for them to catch up with Xia Mu.

Xia Mu knows the situation behind her from Yaya's mouth through telepathy. The leading Kubao is very flexible. The distance between Xia Mu and Kubao has reached about 400 meters.

The others followed.

Xia Mu can't just let them chase without hindrance, and immediately order Yaya to use ice hockey against them.

After receiving the instruction, Yaya jumps directly from Xia Mu's shoulder to Xia Mu's backpack, which is large enough to allow Yaya to move.

Teeth turned to face the group of Kubao who were chasing closely behind, and showed a sense of unhappiness on his face. Then his two claws waved together, and ice hockey balls swarmed away to hit Kubao.

The cool leopard in the front showed a little disdain when he saw the ice hockey coming, and directly waved his paw to break a ice hockey ball.

But to its dismay, though the ice hockey ball was broken, the ice debris formed directly attached to it, virtually impeding its running speed.

Xia Mu, who learned about this through telepathy, raised his mouth slightly, and expected that this cool leopard would do this. It's really smart and stupid.

Tooth's ice ball said that it could not be 100% frozen, but it was OK that the ice slag formed after crushing could hinder their progress.

Sure enough, with the arrival of ice hockey balls, the speed of the eleven cool leopards was a little slow. They had to be distracted because they were busy avoiding the ice hockey balls.

Even so, they will still be hit and even frozen.

On the other hand, Ya Ya is relaxed. Due to the low energy consumption of ice hockey skills, Ya Ya's energy is higher than that of ordinary elves. In addition, there are many snow green fruits in the backpack. Ya Ya can try to replenish his energy.

In this way, the two sides ran after each other, and I hit you and hid. It lasted for about ten minutes. The cool leopard, who was the leader, finally couldn't help but spew a black energy ball out of his mouth.

This energy ball has average speed, but its power is not small. It directly engulfs all the ice balls hit.

But after all the ice hockey balls were eliminated, the shadow ball also ran out of oil and the lamp ran out, and disappeared directly.

However, the cool leopard without ice hockey is still like a runaway wild horse. The speed is accelerated, and the distance between him and Xia Mu is pulled into 200 meters.

Yaya was also a little flustered. His ice hockey skills were lost, but the effect seemed to be poor. They were all solved by Kubao's shadow ball.

"Teeth, don't panic!" Xia Mu communicated with Teeth using telepathy. He was panting after a long time of high-speed running. "Continue to use ice hockey, but use bullet ice between ice hockey balls!"

"Yaya~~" Yaya's eyes brightened after receiving the command, and then shouted to the cool leopard behind him as if he were rallying.

Then, there was another ice hockey volley. After the cool leopards saw it, they all stopped. Then a few cool leopards who could shadow ball began to open up again.

The four shadow balls came out together, and the ice hockey balls were swallowed one after another. The shadow balls were also thrown forward without hesitation, and Yaya dodged without danger under Xia Mu's command.

This is why it is inconvenient for cool leopards to use skills during running, otherwise Xia Mu could easily escape. Any elite cool leopard can kill Xia Mu.

Xia Mu also clearly understands this point, so he can't compete with these cool leopards.

Yaya is not angry when he sees that his ice hockey has been destroyed again. There are several ice hockey shots, but there seems to be a difference between them.

The speed is fast and the size is smaller. When a group of cool leopards have no reaction, they directly hit a cool leopard's front leg. The hit cool leopard's body leans forward one by one, and the whole cat rolls out so uncontrollably that it directly hits a tree. Due to the high speed, it directly knocks out.

The other cool leopards were also surprised. They stopped under the leader's instructions. One of them checked the cold leopard that had fainted and found that it was only injured, so they left one behind, and the others ran after it again.

However, as soon as he stopped, Xiamu ran out for two or three hundred meters. At present, they are about 500 meters away again.

Yaya is also very happy to see that his skills are effective. He claps his hands and smiles.

Later, they followed the same pattern and left two cool leopards. Therefore, there are only seven cool leopards still chasing Xiamu.

Xia Mu is very happy, but also very tired, but he still can't stop. The strongest cool leopard is still behind him, and he can't take it lightly.

The next step is to fight wits against courage.