Chapter 278 Kuaiyuan Congress (XII)

  • Faerie Master
  • Zhu Xiwen
  • 2254 characters
  • 2020-10-18 23:01:31

As Xia Mu expected, the spirit of Moya on the 19th did not cause too much trouble to Jingjing.

Moya's first spirit is a 45 level sword ghost. Although its attribute is restrained, but the strength gap is not small, it was defeated by Jingjing with one move.

The other two fairies of the girl are even less worthy of mention. A level 44 cold water ape and a level 42 toad king are not Jingjing's enemies.

Finally, the third game ended in an amazing time, ten minutes!

Dean Xi once again dressed three times, which surprised everyone's eyes. Judge A Yun and the commentators have already

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