Chapter 12 Meteorite

  • I became a little monster
  • Mangfu One
  • 2146 words
  • 2020-01-07 16:41:11

In the afternoon of neon, pedestrians in a certain block seemed to be in a hurry, because the advertising screen of the building was broadcasting the message that there was a plane falling nearby.

If someone is lucky, he can find a super beast cub who seems to have drunk fake wine in the grass of the nearby park.


"Ouch! How dizzy! Do you know how much I have suffered in order not to expose you, Xiaokeng?"

Li Hao, who had just escaped from the crashed plane, could not tell the east from the west, the north from the south, and he had to rely on a small map to move forward.

"The pit just obeys the host's command."

Yes, in order not to reveal his ability, Li Hao, who is played by an obsessed agent, lets Xiaokeng control the spiral of the plane and turns the other two people unconscious before stopping on the ground.

Even when pretending to be a plane crash, because of the turbulence, the Kurosaki staff had the intention to wake up, which made Li Hao look at the back of his head and make up again.

So even though Li Hao's body is a super beast, he still feels that the sky is spinning and the earth is spinning when he walks, but after this operation, he really succeeded in getting rid of himself.


"Kurosaki, wake up, are you all right?"

The neon rescue with frequent disasters was really fast. Not long after Li Hao left, the two people still on the plane were saved.

"What about Baksim? What about Baksim?"

After waking up, the Kurazaki staff member found that Li Hao was not in his arms, and anxiously grabbed the medical staff beside him.

"I'm sorry, when we arrived, there were only two of you on the plane."

Kurosaki breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the hasty arrival of the defense agents.

"Maybe it's the best for him to escape."


After noticing that the two blue dots on the small map were saved by a group of gray dots, Li Haocai was really relieved and found a hidden place to rest. After all, dizziness was really hard.

"It's completely dark, pit. How long have I slept?"

"35 hours."


Li Hao, who had just woken up and was still a little confused, woke up immediately.

"Quickly search for the news of meteorite falling yesterday."

"There was no eyewitness report of meteorite yesterday, and the observatory found no relevant information."

Li Hao was relieved to hear that. It was easier to go to the site and get it in advance than to go to the research institute where he didn't know.

"Xiaokeng, keep an eye on the news about meteorites, and notify me immediately when it is found. By the way, find out if there is a convenient and easily hidden place nearby, so that I can quickly arrive at the scene."

"The task has been recorded and the route has been updated."

Thinking that he was about to get rid of this powerless predicament, Li Hao followed the starlight to the side of the road and got a ride to his destination.

Yes, as a super beast who fights Altman and treads on the land of light, it is reasonable to go out to catch a ride.


While Li Hao was lying on the top of the truck blowing, he suddenly heard the conversation between the driver and the co driver. Although he still could not understand the neon language, telepathy could make him understand what it meant.

"Boss, what's in it? It's mysterious. It needs to be delivered late at night."

"Hahaha, it's a secret. I tell you not to tell others. I heard that this is a concept car stolen from SRC. The boss was afraid of getting burned, so he sold it to those race car owners in a hurry."

"Don't worry, boss. I'm just curious. You don't know that I'm the most strict person."

"But boss, it's still a car. What's the trouble?"

"Hey, hey, hey, you don't know that. I heard that this car can not only drive automatically, but also has a spaceship thruster installed. I bought a spray paint, and the competition is not a random win."


Hearing this, Li Hao's eyes brightened. The autopilot and spacecraft thruster, if you meet me, the embodiment of justice, will certainly be mine.

"Xiaokeng, if you intrude into the control system below, you can call it a temporary courtesy car."

"Temporary courtesy car, invasion completed."

As time went on, Li Hao arrived at a dock just after the sky turned white. He had been ready to hide in the debris pile next to his truck when it stopped.

Then he found that his scooter had been transported to a warehouse by them, and Li Hao decided to drive away secretly when no one was around.

However, he found that several gangsters with matt hair style were left in the warehouse to guard. After a long delay, Li Hao managed to get into the car, let alone drive out.

Just as he was struggling, a hint of a small pit came from his ear.

"Host, the observatory has detected the signal of the suspected meteorite, whether to plan the route."

"It seems that there is no need to think about it. Let's go to the scene as quickly as possible."

As Li Hao's voice dropped, the courtesy car, which had been quietly in the warehouse, suddenly made a harsh engine sound.

Then the tail of the car blew out a bright flame with a loud bang, and the small pit drove the car into the warehouse door and rushed to the destination.

Only a group of dull matt killers were left, looking at the warehouse gate that had been knocked off with a frightened face.


"Brother security, listen to me. I didn't break the warehouse door."

Just as Li Hao was on his way, the gangsters in the warehouse were caught by the security guards who came after hearing the news.

Seeing that the gangsters are not hypocritical, the leading security guard is skeptical.

"Come on, I'm listening."

"Brother Security, don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next."

Hearing this, the security guard on the scene could not help straightening his back when he thought of the frightened look of the gangsters when they came.

"Don't worry. We are security guards. We won't be afraid. Tell me."

"Just now, the car in the warehouse drove away without anyone driving!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, why don't you say that the money in your pocket flew in by yourself, and you dare to tease us and ask for a fight?"

Thinking that he was scared by a gangster, the security guard who became angry with him immediately punched and kicked him.

"Don't fight, don't fight, what I said is true. Ah..."


Li Hao, who has left, certainly does not know what happened after he left. He is now looking at a robot staying in the field and worried.

"It's a miscalculation. I forgot that there was a toy robot from the universe before Minning."

Because it came too fast, Li Hao was preparing to go back when he found that the vehicles of the youth elite team were parked beside the courtesy car. Looking at the researchers walking around, Li Hao hid his choice from his heart.

So Li Hao passively got a ticket to watch the Altman rescue robot Egoma.

As Gauss finally turned Igomas into a toy for children, the youth elite team gradually withdrew.

"Well, it's time to go back. I've wasted so much time."

As the side of the courtesy car gradually becomes deserted, Li Hao returns to the car full of complaints.

In the evening light, a murmur seemed to come from the car that was gradually away.

"But it's really reassuring to spend my childhood here."