Chapter 99 Crazy

Tiffat saw Tianxiang coming in and handed him the food. "Go hungry, eat first." Then he took Tianxiang a bottle of water and turned to look at Longfei. "Brother Long, go on."

"According to the gossip I got, Xiao Xuan is the illegitimate daughter of the Wilson family this month, and seems to be the illegitimate daughter of the contemporary owner Wilson Kidd."

When Tiffat heard the words, he frowned and asked, "Since they are from the Wilson family, how can they find us?"

"Well, according to the information I have learned, Xiao Xuan and the Wilson family are not compatible this month. At first, the two prescriptions she improved were free to the Wilson family. Later, some of the prescriptions she studied and improved were sold to the Wilson family. It is said that she has broken off the relationship with the Wilson family."

Tiffat nodded and looked at the girl in the upper left corner of the screen. Her long black hair was tied behind her head. Her delicate melon seed face was slightly indifferent. Behind her metal framed eyes, a pair of beautiful black eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. Her mouth was slightly sneering.

Seeing that no one spoke, Tianxiang ran to Tifa and asked, "Who is this woman

When Tifa heard the words, he turned to look at Tianxiang with a smile and asked, "Who is more beautiful with her?" After that, Tifa suddenly realized that his words were like those of a jealous girl.

"It's just your appearance. It's on the same level as you." When Tifa was stunned, he heard Tianxiang say such a sentence and said subconsciously, "Then you should go after her." After that, Tifa was stunned again and was very angry.

Tifa hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "Swift, you and Willis go to the laboratory to check the equipment and liquid medicine that Tianxiang hasn't finished checking." After the command, he turned to Bella who was busy at the console and said, "Bella, check the communication system again."

"Brother Long, please contact Yue Xiaoxuan and ask her if she needs anything else. By the way, tell her that we can start at any time." After saying this, Tiffat took a long breath, reached out to touch his still beating heart, looked at the sky around him with the corner of his eyes, turned and left quickly, thinking "What's wrong with me?"

Tianxiang chewed the food in his mouth and looked at Tifa who was leaving quickly. Only when Tifa's figure disappeared around the corner did he take back his eyes and bite the bread, and then he realized that he had just said the wrong thing, "Damn it, said the wrong thing." Looking up at the picture on the screen, he angrily said, "Damn girl, ugly bastard killed you.", Smash the unfinished bread to the screen.

Long Fei shakes his head helplessly. "When will you find the real secret, such a fool?" He opens the communicator and begins to contact Yue Xiaoxuan.

"Hello, is this Miss Yue Xiaoxuan?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm from Shield Company. I want to ask if you need anything else we can prepare?"

"Oh, well, I'll tell the captain now."

"Well, you're very kind."

"OK, we will contact you when we get there." Long Fei turned off the communicator and saw Tianxiang sitting there glumly. He shook his head, walked to Tianxiang and said, "Tianxiang, go and talk to Tifa. Miss Yue Xiaoxuan let us go now."

"I won't go." Tianxiang was unable to answer, but on second thought, he could take this opportunity to see if Tiffat was really angry. He quickly stood up and said, "I'm going now." Then he pushed Longfei away.

Ten minutes later, Tianxiang followed Tifa to the main control room with a happy face, but when he saw the picture of Xiaoxuan on the screen last month, he was still very unhappy. In fact, Tiffat's heart had calmed down when he saw Tianxiang. He treated Tianxiang as usual, but in Tianxiang's eyes, he was totally different.

Tiffat asked Longfei about the specific situation. After confirming that there were no problems, he said to Longfei, "Brother Long, you are responsible for this flight. I will go to have a rest and notify me when it comes."

Tifa came to Tianxiang and said, "Tianxiang, you have nothing to do. You can learn to fly a spaceship from Brother Long here. Besides, take a good look at the information about the destination of this mission, and ask Brother Long if there is anything you don't understand."

"Tifa, I can fly a spaceship, but I still..." Before Tianxiang finished speaking, Tifa interrupted, "Stop, I know everything about you in the War Theological Institute." After saying that, he ignored Tianxiang and turned to leave.

Although Tianxiang was reluctant, Tifa said that Tianxiang would do as Tifa said. He went to Longfei and watched how Longfei operated the spaceship. Although there are some differences with virtual machines, there is no difference on the whole. Tianxiang asked Longfei if he didn't understand. Until the spaceship went into space, Tianxiang immediately said, "Brother Long, can you let me drive?"

Hearing the words, Long Fei looked up and stood beside Tianxiang with a smile on his face. He smiled and said, "OK." After that, he stood up and let Tianxiang sit on the console. After introducing the various functions of the console to Tianxiang, he said, "OK, now you just need to look at the route and the situation of the flying ship."

"All right." Tianxiang sat in front of the console excitedly, his eyes scanning all the pages on the console, but his heart was excited and roared, "Let's hurry up and have a problem. Let me solve the smart, handsome and powerful boy, hahaha......"

Fortunately, Tianxiang didn't shout out excitedly. If Longfei, standing aside, knew these thoughts, he would probably kick Tianxiang off his chair immediately.

Ten minutes later, the spaceship was running normally, and Tianxiang was no longer excited.

Fifteen minutes later, the spaceship was still running normally, and Tianxiang sat on the chair, staring at the dark universe in front.

Twenty minutes later, Tianxiang stood up silently from his chair and walked to Long Fei who was chatting with Bella. "Brother Long, I'm going back to sleep." After saying that, he turned to leave, but was called by Long Fei.

"Here you are. This is all the information about this mission. I will go back to sleep after reading it."

"Ah..." Tianxiang scratched his head and said wearily, "Brother Long, I've been tired all day, let's watch tomorrow." After that, he turned around to leave again.

"Don't think about it. Tell you, you can't finish it. I can't even open the bedroom door."

Tianxiang ignored Longfei and turned to leave quickly. When he came to the rest area, he found that all the doors could not be opened. Finally, he had to brazen to the control room to beg Longfei.

"Brother Long, you are the best. Please forgive me. You don't know me. I feel headache when I see those words."

"Tianxiang, do you have to know something? Otherwise, you won't know how to die." Long Fei patted Tianxiang's shoulder earnestly, put the recorder into Tianxiang's hand, and then said, "Since you have a headache when you read the text, why don't you let him read it by himself?"

"Ah! How can I not know where this function is?"

Long Fei clicked on the recorder and said, "Look, some things don't know if they will kill you? Well, now he will read the content for you when he opens the data." After saying that, he took a picture of Tianxiang's head. "It's terrible to have no knowledge."

"Well, it's terrible to have knowledge but not martial power." Tianxiang was unsmiling, took the record and opened the information, and really began to read the content automatically. He smiled and said, "Brother Long, I went to the kitchen." Tianxiang smiled and said, "I can't go to the room, I go to the kitchen to sleep."

After seeing Tianxiang leave, Longfei walked up to Bella and said with a smile, "Quickly bring out the picture of the kitchen. It's interesting to see."

Bella was stunned when she heard this, but she immediately reflected it, quickly called out the picture of the kitchen, and asked "Did you turn on the electric shock wake-up mode?"

Long Fei nodded and shook his hand. "Once every five minutes, I set it a hundred times." After saying that, Long Fei couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the so-called electric shock wake-up mode is similar to an alarm clock. It's just a sound, a power, and of course, the power is not big. It can only make people feel a needle prick on their back. When this function first appeared, although many people were very critical of this function, the official interpretation of this function was that it was fun and used.

Tianxiang opened a packet of dried meat, sat down on the chair and ate while listening to Yue Xiaoxuan's introduction, "I'm going, I don't see this ugly guy is so powerful." He said, picked up a jar of wine, but just put it to his mouth, the back of his hand suddenly hurt, which made Tianxiang cry, his hand loosened, and a jar of wine fell on his crotch, Coincidentally, he hit Tianxiang's little brother "Oh... his grandma's"

Tianxiang simply tidied up, took off his pants, threw them on the chair, and took a can of wine to drink. He had just sat down and had not eaten two mouthfuls. Suddenly, his arm hurt, his hand loosened, and a piece of meat in his hand fell on the table. After seeing that there was no wound in his arm, Tianxiang could not help cursing, "What's the matter with his grandma?" He shook his head and turned up the voice of the recorder, Then eat.

After a while, Tianxiang cried again, "Who is your grandma's old leg?" Tianxiang covered his left cheek and kept observing. Tianxiang must have something attacking him this time, because he saw a faint light just now.

Tianxiang began to look for the "mysterious attacker" in the kitchen. During the search process, Tianxiang's buttocks, back and thigh were attacked once, and Tianxiang jumped up and down in anger.

"His grandma and his grandpa's old leg, who is it?" Tianxiang stood in front of the table, roared angrily, and then hit the surface with a heavy fist, "bang", and the alloy table was depressed by Tianxiang.

"Ah!" Tianxiang was "attacked" again and his seat was just the little brother Tianxiang. Tianxiang was totally angry this time and rubbed his little brother "Go to hell, asshole!"

There was a roar from Tianxiang, and then countless blades of wind shot away from Tianxiang in all directions. At once, the tables, chairs, cabinets, and tableware in the restaurant were broken into pieces, and the walls, floors, and ceilings were also covered with scratches.

Long Fei and Bella in the control room were dumbfounded. After a while, Long Fei reflected, "Damn it, the stinking boy is mad, let's go." After saying that, Long Fei quickly ran to the kitchen