Chapter 94 Appointment

Looking at Longfei and Willis' cannibalism, Tianxiang had no choice but to curl his mouth and thought, "Don't you just go shopping? Is it necessary?" Ignoring them, he stepped up to the clothing store in front.

"Tianxiang, come quickly." Tiffat saw Tianxiang coming in, took his clothes and walked to Tianxiang. He compared them with Tianxiang and asked, "Do you think this dress is beautiful?" Unfortunately, he didn't wait for Tianxiang to answer, and then said, "I think this dress is very suitable for you. You can try it." He handed it to Tianxiang, turned around and looked at other clothes.

Tianxiang looked at some fancy clothes in his hand, but he didn't think they were suitable for him. When he was about to hang them back, Longfei and Willis came to him and hurried to the fitting room with their clothes.

"Little bastard, he ran very fast." Willis looked at Tianxiang's back and scolded angrily. He turned to look at the clothes hanging in the wardrobe, picked one and said to Long Fei, "I'll try on clothes", then walked to the fitting room.

Seeing this, Long Fei sighed, shook his head and walked to the three Tiffas who were picking clothes. "Tiffas, I have something to do. I'll go back first."

However, just after the words were said, they were educated by three women, and even raised the problem to the life and death of the whole team. "Please, I just don't go shopping with you. Is it so serious?"

"Of course..." Poor Long Fei only said one thing. The three women were bombarded with words. Finally, he couldn't stand it. He quickly picked up a dress and walked to the fitting room. But after two steps, I suddenly felt wrong. I looked down and saw that I was holding the skirt. When I turned around, I saw that the three people wanted to laugh and held it back. I smiled awkwardly and said, "I gave it to Tianxiang." Then I turned around and walked away quickly, and heard three women laughing behind me.

Tiffat picked out two clothes. Seeing that Tianxiang had not come out, he said to Bella, who was picking clothes on the side, "Bella, Tianxiang will come out later and let him wait for me. I will try on the clothes."

"OK, you go." Bella did not look up and agreed, her eyes focused on the clothes on the wardrobe.

Tianxiang went out of the fitting room and sighed, looking at Tiffany's clothes, he was a little depressed, "Why can't I wear them

"Tianxiang, do you look good in this skirt?"

Seeing that Swift didn't answer his question, Tianxiang asked himself whether her skirt was beautiful, and casually replied, "Nice, where is Tifa?"

As a result, the swallow slapped him on the head. "Bad boy, I didn't even look at him." Seeing Tianxiang's aggrieved face, he gave Tianxiang a white look, and said angrily, "Tifa just went in to change his clothes, and then came out." After saying that, Tianxiang asked, "Why don't you change your clothes?"

"Too small to wear."

"What size do you wear?"

"I don't know."

Swift shook her head helplessly. Just about to say something, Willis heard a strange cry and came out of the fitting room. "Wife, see if I'm decades younger."

Swift takes a look at Willis's clothes, which are popular with young people nowadays, and roars, "Bastard, take off my clothes for my mother."

At a glance, Swift was so angry that he turned around and slammed the door. "What's the matter? Why is he so angry?" Although he didn't understand why Swift was suddenly angry, he didn't dare to slow down at all. He quickly took off his clothes, put on his own clothes, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Here, try these clothes on." Willis took the clothes from Swift, looked at them and found they were suitable for middle-aged and old people. He was about to say something, but when he saw Swift's murderous eyes, he held back what he wanted to say.

"Swift, what are you doing? Those clothes are not suitable for him." Bella held several pieces, looked at the angry Swift, and asked strangely.

"Hum, that's the best way. I can rest assured that he will go crazy." Bella heard the words, smiled and said nothing. She handed some clothes to Swift and said, "Let Willis try later."

"What are you doing? Buying clothes for your captain again?" Swift looked at some men in her hands and asked jokingly. Seeing Bella's embarrassed expression, she continued, "I think you will be a traitor sooner or later." After saying that, she looked at Bella seriously and said, "I haven't been in my room these two nights. Where have I gone? Did you hang out with your captain?"

"Fuck you, you are just fooling around. We are not allowed to be in love as long as you two are in love." Seeing that Swift was about to start, he said quickly, "Stop making trouble, and look at Tiffany."

Swift turned her head to see that Tifa was wearing a lilac skirt, revealing two round thighs, and her upper body was wearing a white slim short sleeve. She showed her figure perfectly. Just as she was going up, Bella pulled her "Don't you go there, haven't you seen her go to Tianxiang?"

Looking at Tifa and Tianxiang not far away, Swift asked, "What are they talking about? Could it be Tifa who promised Tianxiang that smelly boy?"

"Wow! These two people look like beautiful women and wild animals!" Willis dressed and looked at Tifa and Tianxiang not far away.

Swift looked at Willis, saw that he was wearing his original clothes and asked, "Why didn't he wear the clothes I picked for you? Do you think it's not beautiful?"

"Why? It's too expensive. I'm not willing to buy it. I'd better leave the money to my wife to buy clothes, hey hey!" Willis answered incorrectly.

"Hum! Stinky man, he knows rhetoric." Yuyan muttered discontentedly. Seeing Long Fei passing by Tifa and Tianxiang, she quickly waved, called Long Fei to her side and asked, "Brother Long, what did Tifa say to that smelly boy?"

Long Fei looked back and said, "They didn't say anything, just looked at each other."


Long Fei looked at the three men and knocked them on the head, saying, "Isn't it good that Tifa can have a good home?"

"Of course, we just want to know the progress."

"Well, what should we do? Let's go." He said, pushing several people away.

Tiffat took a depressed look at Tianxiang. He wanted Tianxiang to see if he would look good. If he looked good, he would wear this to dinner that night. But he didn't expect Tianxiang to say anything and just stare at himself. Some angrily kicked Tianxiang's leg, "How beautiful!"

Tianxiang suddenly woke up and looked at Tifa and smiled, "It's so beautiful. I must catch you."

When Tiffat heard the words, he was stunned and said quickly, "Well, why didn't you wear what I just picked for you“

"It's too small to wear." Hearing Tianxiang's answer, Tiffara took Tianxiang to the men's clothing area and asked Tianxiang to choose clothes first and pay the bill himself.

After Tiffat settled the account, he called the four Longfei people together and asked them to help him to see what Tianxiang would wear. Although they were full of complaints, they followed Tiffat.

When several people saw the clothes selected by Tianxiang, they were completely speechless, all in black, and all of them were old-fashioned but suitable for outdoor sports.

Long Fei looked at the clothes selected by Tianxiang and said, "Are you going hunting or going hiking?"

"Hey hey, is it suitable for me?" Tianxiang gave me a powerful expression, only to find a group of people shaking their heads and sighing. Pick up the clothes you choose and begin to explain the benefits of choosing clothes yourself.

When Tiffat heard the words, he interrupted Tianxiang and asked the four Longfei men to take away the clothes Tianxiang had selected and pick some more.

Seeing this, Tianxiang hurriedly protected the clothes he selected and said he would not take anything away. Finally, Tifa chose two pieces to leave for Tianxiang, and Tianxiang agreed.

After a period of selection, Tiffat finally finalized two sets of clothes among many clothes. Although Tianxiang was not very satisfied, Tiffat's attitude was firm, and Tianxiang had to agree. At one time, he was really tired, and could not change more than 100 clothes in two hours.

Originally, Tianxiang thought he could go back to have a rest, but he didn't know that three women had enough shopping. Then Tianxiang found out what it means to go shopping with women. He went through the whole street and dozens of buildings with hundreds of floors. They are also required to follow them all the time and help them carry things. Although there is space and equipment, it is far from enough to hold the things bought by the three people.

Finally, I couldn't take it down, so I asked one person to deliver it to the car. When the car was full, I made a reservation first. I was taking it when I left. When the three women decided to go back and take everything, I found that there was no room in the car, so I had to look for a car. When I came out, five people had a car, and when I went back, five people had to use five cars.

Tianxiang, who barely squeezed into the car, looked at the objects on the car and shook his head. "Are these three women too scary?"

"Hmm, do you know now?" Willis looked at Tianxiang and saw that three women had already taken a taxi. Then he said, "You deserve it. Let you vote for shopping. Remember that you can't vote for shopping next time."

"Well, I don't care. If Tiffat wants, I will still follow the ticket."

"Bastard, my life is so hard!"

Back at his residence, Tianxiang took his newly bought clothes and ran into the room. He didn't come out until sunset in his new black clothes. Except Tiffany, everyone else was watching programs in the living room. He laughed and jumped in front of everyone and asked, "Am I handsome?" Then he put on a look that he thought was very handsome.

"Oh, go away and don't watch the game in front of us," the four said in unison.

Seeing this, Tianxiang turned his head to take a look at the game being played, and angrily turned to close the holographic image, "I will go to dinner with Tiffat later, you first show me how I dress."

"Oh, how can I forget my business?" Willis said, carefully looking at Tianxiang's clothes, frowning and saying, "Well, let alone, it's a bit of a dog's face." After that, several people laughed.

Bella saw Tianxiang's twisted face, so she stopped everyone from laughing. She went to Tianxiang, rubbed his head, put his hands on Tianxiang's shoulders, and said, "Don't be angry. Everyone is joking with you. It's beautiful. Go and ask Tifa to go, or he will be hungry later."

When Tianxiang heard this, he was too lazy to argue with Willis. He gave Willis a cold grunt, went to Tifa's room and knocked at the door. "Tifa, let's go to dinner, shall we?"

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll come right away." Tiffat shook his head, shook off the confused thoughts in his mind, patted his face, and said to himself in the mirror, "Don't think about it, let it all go." Tiffat has been sitting in the room since he came back from shopping, thinking about his relationship with Tianxiang, thinking about it from knowing to now, Although there is Tianxiang in my heart, most of them feel that they owe him, and there is not much love between men and women.

When I opened the door, I saw Tianxiang standing there with a smile on his face, and looked at the people sitting on the sofa who were watching the game intently. "Let's go," he said, and walked to the door. At the same time, he said hello to the people watching the game.