Chapter 75 Comprehensive Test

Looking at the leisurely white clouds in the blue sky, slowly changing their forms, I miss the time when I was injured and recuperating.

Tianxiang sighed and looked around at the students, each of whom was looking at the examination questions on the screen. Looking down at the dense text on the screen, I felt the brain was dizzy, "You can do it, you can do it." After carefully reading the first question, I looked at the four answers below, "Hmm... this..." My fingers kept shaking between the four answers, and finally I closed my eyes and clicked at random.

I opened my eyes to see the answer I chose, nodded with satisfaction, and began to look at the second question. I still didn't know the answer at first sight, and I was too lazy to think about it. I decided the answer in the same way, closed my eyes, and clicked.

Tianxiang frowned at the fifth question, took a deep breath and began to look at the following four answers. The more he looked at the wrinkles on his forehead, the deeper he got. After reading the third answer, he decisively clicked on the bottom of the screen to hand in the paper. He caught a glimpse of the method of answering with his head down, crept out of the classroom and flew downstairs.

"Tianxiang, why did you come out by yourself? Where are Tifa and Avril?" Willis asked when he saw Tianxiang appearing on the screen.

Hearing Willis's voice, Tianxiang subconsciously touched the special spirit receiver on his earlobe, which was similar to an ear sting, and was very upset. "Why didn't anyone tell me that this damned test was a written test?"

"Don't you know this problem that the whole universe knows?" Bella rubbed her forehead, and her long-term mental strength was connected, which consumed a little more. She was really helpless about these boring topics.

"Really?" Tianxiang touched his head and thought about it. Then he said impatiently, "Oh, no matter what, staying inside makes me uncomfortable, and..." Before he finished speaking, Tiffat whispered, "Tianxiang, go back to rest first. See you at the restaurant at noon."

"Good! I will have a good rest." Hearing Yan Tianxiang immediately replied happily, whistling and swinging to the dormitory.

When the connection was disconnected, Bella took off her head, like a hairpin, to connect with the amplifier transmitter and asked, "Do you think that Tifa has been much better to Xiangzi since he woke up last time?"

Willis nodded approvingly. "And Tiffat is not as unhappy as before."

"Really!" Bella immediately said with a face of gossip. "Do you think that something unknown has happened to Tifa and Xiaoxiangzi?"

"Ah! It's very possible." Willis became energetic when he heard this. He turned his eyes to Bella and said, "Why don't you ask Tiffat later?"

"Forget it, she's too strict. If it's not for her..." Bella stopped suddenly and thought for a while, "Why don't you go ask Xiao Xiangzi and fill him two bottles of wine to be sure to say everything, hey hey..."

"You two, Tiffa's mood is getting better and better. It's not good that she can put things down." Long Fei looked at Bella and Willis and said with a smile, "Don't make trouble."

"Hey, hey... we also care about Tiffat."

Tianxiang lay on the bed, opened the communicator and looked at several familiar faces. His fingers slid up and down. He was afraid of hearing the busy tone "I will be angry if I don't answer

"Xiao Xiangzi, wake up..."

"Ah..." Tianxiang suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. His hands were tightly clenched into fists. There was a whirlwind around his fists. The quilt was broken into two holes, and his body was even wet with sweat.

"Are you all right?" Bella, who was shocked for a while, reflected that Tianxiang was staring at the front, and went forward to take a picture of Tianxiang. "Wake up, Xiaoxiangzi..."

"Pa!" Bella slapped her face hard, and Tianxiang woke up. He turned his head to see Bella looking worried at himself and asked curiously, "Sister Bella, what are you doing here

Bella gave Tianxiang a white look and crossed her hands in front of her chest. "Get up quickly, Tiffany and they are already in the restaurant, and you go there quickly." Then she turned and walked to the door.

Tianxiang agreed to get up quickly and get out of bed. He opened the quilt, searched for his clothes and put them on. He caught up with Bella and asked, "What time is it now?"

"Lunch time." When she remembered how Tianxiang looked just now, Bella asked curiously, "What happened to you just now?"

"I had a nightmare, hey hey!" I asked for Tiffar's position and said goodbye to Bella, then said hello to Willis and Long Fei and hurried away.

Looking at Tianxiang who left in a hurry, Bella could not help but frown and said, "Xiaoxiangzi will not have any mental illness, will he?" Considering the performance of Tianxiang before, Bella frowned more deeply "It seems necessary to talk about this with Tifa."

Walking on the road, Tianxiang sneezed suddenly, rubbed his nose and said, "Damn it, that old guy is scolding me again." Just after saying that, he couldn't help thinking of his dream and recalling the contest between Tina and Zhanshen Academy. Tina created the illusion and the indefinable feeling in her heart recently, which made Tianxiang feel uneasy and sighed, "Nothing will happen..." Take a deep breath to speed up the pace and walk towards the restaurant.

When he came to Tifa's private room, he just said hello to Tifa and Avril, sat beside Tifa and launched a fierce attack on the food. Even a few beautiful people were on a par with Tifa, and Tianxiang didn't look at them. As for those handsome boys, Tianxiang ignored them directly as air.

Tiffat smiled awkwardly at the others and poked Tianxiang with his elbow. "Please pay attention to your image."

Tianxiang turned his head and looked at Tifa's embarrassed smile. He wiped his mouth with his hand, stood up, picked up a bottle of wine, poured a mouthful of wine, and said frankly, "A man should drink and eat meat, right Avril?"

Seeing Avril's embarrassed face, he turned to look at others and looked at himself contemptuously. Pointing to a boy with a knife and fork, he said, "Look, there are still people who eat with weapons?" Then he gave a thumbs up to the man.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded. The boy pointed at by Tianxiang looked at Tianxiang with his mouth open. He didn't even notice that the food just put in his mouth fell out.

Tiffat blushed and grabbed Tianxiang's hand and pulled it down, motioning for him to sit down. He grabbed the wine from Tianxiang's hand and put it on the table. He handed Tianxiang the tablecloth and whispered, "Shut up and let you leave the team when you are talking."

Hearing the words, Tianxiang quickly sat down and saw that Tifa and Avril were all red. He asked strangely, "You two are sick? Why are you so red?"

"Shut up and eat your food." Tiffat fiercely inserted a piece of meat in his plate and rudely put it into Tianxiang's mouth.

This made Tianxiang very happy. He chewed the meat in his mouth and smiled happily at the other boys. "See, Tifa is feeding me in front of you."

In order to break this embarrassing situation, Avril coughed and picked up his glass, saying, "I wish you all good results in the afternoon exam", and then smiled and lifted his glass.

Just as everyone picked up the glass and prepared to raise it, countless crystal clear drops of water mixed with saliva shot out of Tianxiang's mouth and fell on the food on the table like raindrops.

Tianxiang said with a look of disgust, "Cough... isn't it? Do you have an exam this afternoon?"

But Avril completely collapsed and wanted to date Tianxiang, but now

Tiffat grabbed Tianxiang's collar and dragged him out of the compartment at the first time to avoid losing control of the scene.

"Tifa, why are you so violent? I can hardly breathe." Seeing Tifa looking at himself angrily, although he didn't know what mistake he had made, Tianxiang immediately admitted his mistake. "Tifa, I was wrong, don't be angry?"

"No." Bai Tianxiang looked at him, sighed and opened the communicator. He clicked several times and said, "Open your communicator and I will send you the exam schedule."

Hearing the news, Tianxiang turned on the communicator, opened the timetable sent by Tiffat, and looked at dozens of exam items, "I will go, so many will not let people live."

Ignoring Tianxiang, Tifa said, "Remember the time and place of the exam. You can't come out ahead of time until I let you out."

"Ah...! But, I'm inside..." Tianxiang wanted to fight for it, but looking at Tifa's serious face, he immediately closed his mouth.

Thinking about the days in the next few days, Tianxiang sighed helplessly, "I would have been in a coma for two more days, alas..." Although Tianxiang sighed, he still had to participate in the next week's assessment. Sitting in the classroom, looking at the dense text, numbers and various graphics on the screen in front of me, I sighed, "How hard it is to be a man!"

Due to Tifa's majesty, Tianxiang had to stay in the examination room until he got Tifa's order. In order not to waste his life, Tianxiang made a decision the next day and went to sleep! Anyway, I won't. It's better to have a good sleep than wasting brain cells there.

In the following days, Tianxiang felt that life was passing quickly. When he woke up, he followed Tifa and Avril to the restaurant to have a meal. When he returned to the examination room, he went to sleep again. When he woke up, he followed Tifa back to the dormitory, had a simple meal, went to work if he had an arrangement, and went to the training room to practice if he didn't.

Occasionally, I will compete with others to learn their skills in using their abilities, and sometimes I will practice teamwork. After all, Tianxiang has only joined recently, so we need to know more about each other to avoid making a mess like last time.

However, the only thing that made Tianxiang a little unhappy was that he had to be trained every time he practiced team cooperation, and he was still training from the beginning to the end. Unfortunately, every time he finished speaking, Tianxiang turned his head and forgot, but could only practice once and again.

What makes Tianxiang most happy is that he can stay with Tiffat every day, and can also eat and chat together. Although he has a light bulb, Tianxiang is still very happy, and can't close his mouth happily every day.