Chapter 66 Fighting


"The wrath of giants..."


Toretto swallowed his saliva and stared at the court. He didn't see Ma Leifu and Zhou Xiaomeng appear. He couldn't help smiling happily. "Ha ha... Both of them are dead, great! I'm rich." Wu Yong, who was also staring at me, said, "Hey! Don't be dazed and hurry to announce the result." Wu Yong looked at himself with strange eyes when he was woken up, He hurriedly added, "I can't save people if you don't announce the result." Then he gave Wu Yong a white look.

Wu Yong looked at Toretto and said to himself, "You don't want to make more money, don't think I don't know what you think." He stopped paying attention to Toretto and cleared his throat and said, "Dear students, it seems that today's competition is over. In order to ensure the safety of the two contestants, we will now organize our students to help the two contestants, Wu, the college miracle club...", A man stood up in the flames.

"Look, someone is standing up. Let's zoom in to see who it is. The camera zooms in again on the man. The man lowered his head and slowly raised his head for a long time. "It's Mareford! It seems that Mareford won in the end."

Most of the people on the scene immediately burst into loud cheers when they heard this sentence. Of course, some people were not happy about this, and some people did not care about it. "Being beaten like this by a junior psionic person really disgraced our college's top 100 combat power."

Tiffat was looking at a group of data on the communicator screen, frowning and thinking about something. I didn't even hear Avril talking to her.

At this moment, Mareford suddenly screamed, making the whole playground quiet. Mareford, who was standing in the flames, suddenly screamed, a beautiful arc flew out and fell outside the flames.

Then a distraught figure appeared where Mareford had just stood.

"Oh, my god! It's Zhou Xiaomeng's classmate. It seems that we underestimated his strength." Wu Yong immediately shouted, asking everyone to look at the playground again.

Tianxiang smiled and patted the dust on his body. A sharp pain came from his legs. He looked down. I saw two legs and bare feet were also black, and I could smell a smell of barbecue. After a careful look, I found that the outer skin of my legs had been roasted,.

After glancing at Mareford lying on the ground, he scolded "bastard." He touched his body, took out a small iron box from his coat pocket, took out the red pills, poured all the remaining dozens into his mouth, chewed and muttered, "As the monkey said, I can't stand a big move. I didn't expect this bastard to be very powerful."

Remembering that he used the "starburst" to attack Malefield before, he was about to hit. Unexpectedly, Malefield was not slow to respond. He controlled the giant flame arms to block the "starburst" body and into the flame giant's body. However, Tianxiang was very pleased to see that the "starburst" had punched the flame giant with holes.

But when he saw Mareford floating on the fire giant's chest for the second time, Tianxiang knew that he was miserable. Then he saw Mareford's body leaning back, and the fire giant was doing the same action as Mareford. Then his body suddenly shouted "Giant's anger" forward. At the next moment, endless flames shot at him from the mouth of the fire giant

Looking at the flames coming from the pavement, Tianxiang wanted to escape, but his feet softened and fell to the ground. Tianxiang burst out and cursed. Suddenly, his finger touched a piece of grass. He used all his strength to gather a drill bit and fled to the ground. Unfortunately, he was still a little slow and his leg was injured.

Tianxiang hid in the ground and had a rest for a while. After taking some recovery medicine, he heard the cheers on the ground. So he dug up at the condensing drill bit, found the location of Mareford, broke through the ground, and kicked Mareford's chin with an upside down gold hook.

After eating the medicine, I felt that my body and spirit recovered almost. After seeing that the injured legs were no longer so painful, I took a deep breath, condensed a light green wind blade in my hand. After a cold look at the finished Mariford, he smiled coldly, and forced his feet to rush to Mariford. "Fuck, go to hell!"

Mareford saw this, wiped the blood from his mouth with his hand, stood up abruptly with a cold snort, raised his hand to condense a fireball, and rushed to Tianxiang with a sneer on his mouth. If you look carefully at the fireball in Mariford's hand, you will find that there are countless high-speed rotating gear like flames inside the fireball.

"Die!" Tianxiang and Mareford shouted at the same time, and the wind blade and the fireball collided.

"Bang..." The explosion shock wave bounced the two people away, and instantly countless red gear flames flew toward the sky.

Tianxiang didn't expect that Mareford had hidden a second attack in the fireball. Ignoring his unconscious right hand, he quickly gathered a wind shield in front of him, but it was a pity that the wind shield was quickly broken.


After Mariford landed steadily, he slowly raised his head with a smile on his mouth and looked at the sky lying on the ground. With a cold snort, he rushed to Tianxiang, jumped up three meters from Tianxiang, and gathered a huge flame arm in his hands to smash into Tianxiang.



Looking at the dust surrounding the flame, Mariford coldly snorted, "This is the end of offending me." After that, he turned to fly to his own car. Mariford now feels quite bad. Although he was not seriously injured before, it consumes quite a lot. Now he feels very tired after stopping. What's more, Mariford can't bear, All this is given by a person who is just like waste.

Suddenly I felt something coming at me behind me. I quickly turned around and saw two black things flying towards me. I dodged and heard, "Bastard, do you want to escape?"

The next moment, Zhou Xiaomeng walked out of the fire with difficulty. The next moment, he suddenly disappeared in front of him. Then he felt a pain in his back and flew forward.

When Mariford was in the air, he was about to adjust his figure, but he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he flew straight up to the top, "Ah..."

"I will not lose to you, a damned dwarf," roared Mareford, in great pain.

Hearing the words, Tianxiang suddenly pushed on the ground and hit Mareford's chest.

Seeing this, Mareford quickly gathered a flame to adjust his body, flashed to the side, gave a cold snort, and gave Tianxiang a hard knee, "Die!"

"Ah..." The collision almost made Tianxiang faint. After landing, he covered his head with a grin and opened one eye to look at Mariford. Seeing Mareford slowly standing up, he shook his head and rushed to Mareford.

Maryford put his hand into his pocket and took out the remote control of the flying car, started the flying car and controlled it to crash into the sky.

Seeing this, Tianxiang lightly jumped to avoid the flying car, flipped over in the air, condensed a wind blade on his feet, and kicked Mareford's hand with the remote control.

Mareford, the "giant armor", saw this and quickly gathered a pair of flame armor on his arm. "When" a sound of metal impact, Mareford only felt a severe pain on his arm, but had not yet had time to scream. Then a severe pain occurred in his chest, and the scream turned into a gush of blood. When I opened my eyes, I saw that one was smoking all over, but his face was black, but his white teeth and a pair of black bright eyes were leaking out.

"Are you laughing at me?" Ma Leifu roared, and his left hand gathered a flame sword to stab Zhou Xiaomeng.

"Puff..." The flame sword pierced Zhou Xiaomeng's belly without any obstacles, then kicked her away, stood up hard, and looked at Zhou Xiaomeng lying unconscious on the ground. Take out a physical recovery pill from the space bracelet and put it into your mouth. After looking around at the students, each face was shocked.

Mareford looked at his embarrassed self again. He knew that he had lost today, and that he had lost in a mess. He not only lost to the transfer students, but also lost his reputation. What makes Mareford more unacceptable is that he lost to a junior power, and he was so embarrassed. Although he was the last one standing here.

The more I think about Mariford, the more angry I am. "Poof..." A mouthful of blood spurted out "Ha ha..." Mariford laughed miserably.

Everyone was awakened by the sound of Mareford's sad laughter. Looking at Mareford who was standing there laughing up to the sky, some did not understand what he was laughing about?

"Oh, my god! A junior psionic person has repaired Mariford, one of the top 100 in the college, so badly. It seems that what our predecessors said is not wrong. The grade is just for reference, and can't measure a person's real strength. So please remember the famous words of the first generation president, hold your" sword ", and cut through the thorns, The victory belongs to you. " Wu Yong shouted with passion.

Looking up at the camera robot flying in the air, he said, "Dear students, let's cheer for Zhou Xiaomeng!" Suddenly, he felt the anger around him was wrong, and suddenly remembered that today the main character was still lying on the ground. Quickly turned on the communicator and shouted, "Hey, the medical department, why haven't you come yet? Oh... What? You can't come until later? Are you mistaken? It's going to kill people here, and you still need me to wait. You'd better come quickly, otherwise, I don't guarantee you can see the sun tomorrow, hum! It's ridiculous, totally..."

At this time, Tifa, Wade and others were running towards the field. Mareford looked at the dozens of people who ran over, looked at Zhou Xiaomeng who was lying on the ground, reached out to wipe the blood from his mouth, and shouted, "Go to hell, giant sword!"

In an instant, a big fire red sword appeared in Mariford's hand, and he did not hesitate to cut at Tianxiang lying on the ground. Seeing the huge sword getting closer and closer to Zhou Xiaomeng's neck, Ma Leifu showed a cruel smile.

Suddenly, there was a strong pain in the brain, and the huge flame sword in the hand dissipated with a scream. Then his eyes slowly blurred and he passed out.