Chapter 41 Lying Gun

Poor Tianxiang should be so happy that he forgot to call Lenny and let the girl hunt alone in the mountain forest when he came back. Originally, other people didn't say that it was nothing. The wild animals like the armor that Lenny wore could never hurt her. However, Lenny has been reluctant to let them fight Tianxiang.

As a result, Tianxiang had to summon up his energy and sit there to let Roy and Ronald fight. After Lanny had had enough food and drink, he took over from Ronald and Roy to fight Tianxiang. According to Tianxiang's character, it is impossible to sit there and listen to others learning from flies.

However, his two fists could not compete with his four hands, so he had to sit there and listen to the flies shouting in his ears. If Lanny's mother hadn't scolded Lanny at last, Tianxiang still didn't know when he would suffer.

"Wait, I'll let you taste my power tomorrow, hum!" This is what Lenny said to Tianxiang before she left. Tianxiang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the leftovers on the table, ate some casually, ran back to the room, took off only one pair of underpants, and suddenly fell on the bed. Tianxiang groaned with satisfaction, "I can sleep at last, it's really happy..." He had already fallen asleep before the words were finished.

Looking at Tianxiang, who was sleeping in the bed, Lenny didn't open her mouth. The thief smiled, raised the frozen water from the refrigerator for a long time, and shouted, "Take a bath." She poured a whole bucket of cold water on Tianxiang's quilt.

"Wow... What's the matter?" Tianxiang jumped up as if he had been hit by an electric shock. When he saw Lenny carrying a bucket and sneaking toward the door, he pointed to Lenny and shouted, "Damn girl... don't run away, I will clean you up today."

Lenny turned her head and made a face at Tianxiang. Smiling, she said, "It's a fool not to run away!" Then she stuck out her tongue at Tianxiang and ran out with the bucket.

"Damn girl, I can't spare you today." I was just going to chase you out, only to find that I had no clothes on. I turned back, grabbed my clothes, and chased Lenny while she was wearing clothes. I didn't care about her wet underpants. "Who is afraid of you!" Lenny looked back at Tianxiang and made a face. "I let you know what it is to respect the old and love the young."

Tianxiang, who was dressed, quickly caught up with Lenny. "Ah... let go of me." How could Tianxiang let go? He put Lenny on his leg and slapped her on his buttocks, "Big villain, Grandpa help..."

"Pa... pa... dare to call me a villain." Tianxiang can't care so much now. He calms down his anger first and says, "Ah... Brother Xiang, please forgive me, I won't dare to do it later, hum..."

Tianxiang looked at him standing there, blinking a pair of big eyes with tears, ducking a small mouth and rubbing his buttocks with small hands. After scratching her head, she smiled a little sheepishly, "Lenny, hey hey... I didn't mean to! Who..." If I didn't say it was OK, Lenny cried again, wiped her tears and ran out crying loudly.

Tianxiang wanted to chase after him, but it seems that it's not his fault. If Lenny didn't pour cold water on herself, she wouldn't hit her. He shrugged his shoulders and exhaled, then turned and walked to his room. Throw the bedclothes wetted by water to the bed, and just lay down and made them again. With a frightened face, he said, "It's broken. I beat Lenny. Let Old Man Luo know that he won't fight with me!" The more he thinks about it, the more likely it is.

"It seems that I will leave early. Anyway, the money has already been given. Hurry to leave." After checking my things, I found nothing missing, and hurried out. "Oh, what are you doing? Running so fast?" Roy asked strangely, rubbing his bumped shoulder. Seeing that Tianxiang didn't speak, he still looked worried. "What's the matter? What's the matter?" he asked strangely

Hearing the words, Tianxiang was stunned at first, and suddenly thought, "Maybe Roy didn't know he hit Lenny, hey hey, a good opportunity." He hurriedly said, "No! Good." Tianxiang pretended to be indifferent, looked around, and didn't find Lenny and Ronald were relieved. Seriously said to Roy, "Roy, I'm going back to college, can you send me off?"

Roy was stunned at first and asked strangely, "Oh! Don't you hate going to school? Why do you want to go back now?" He flashed the sky up and down, and then said, "Did you suddenly change your sex?"

Tianxiang looked at Roy seriously and said, "I have thought for a long time, and I can't live up to their expectations. Therefore, I plan to study hard from today to become their son."

"Oh!" Looking at Tianxiang with a serious face and firm eyes, Roy was stunned, shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK, wait a minute, I'll drive." Then he walked to the maintenance room.

"Huh..." Looking at Roy who had left, Tianxiang secretly felt a sweat and whispered, "It seems that his acting skills have improved, hey hey... But if he plays this in front of several old boys, he will probably get a beating."

When he saw the car coming from Roy, Tianxiang immediately stood up and scolded him on the spot, "Fuck me..." The reason for this was that Roy's car was too shocking, because it was a smaller version of the suspended sports car, and it seemed that he could only be a person. He could not help muttering, "Do you want me to drive this thing back? But I don't know the way? Damn Roy won't drive this car to see me off, will he?" Roy answered Tianxiang's question, "Get on the car quickly, and don't let Lenny know, or she will be angry again." Hearing this, Tianxiang felt like falling into a pit.

"Get in your sister's car! Can I get in?" Tianxiang shouted angrily, "Ha ha... It's OK, we can squeeze together, there's no problem." Roy first smiled, got out of the car and pulled Tianxiang with an angry face, "stuffed" Tianxiang into the car, looked around, got on the car quickly, and rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

"It's a close call, ha ha..." When he drove the levitation vehicle out of the village, Roy immediately relaxed, looked at Tianxiang, who was curled up behind him, and said with a smile, "Why are you so upset? I tell you, you should be honored to be able to do this car." He said he stopped here for a while, but Tianxiang didn't talk to him, Some said proudly, "I tell you, Lenny designed this by herself, looked for materials by herself, and made it by herself. Isn't it amazing?"

"Just blow it, that little girl movie, except for being naughty, there is nothing left to eat." Tianxiang doesn't think that little girl movie can be made, Ronald and Roy must have helped Lenny.

Roy smiled and said, "Don't believe it. Except for the engine, I participated in the installation and debugging, everything else was done by Lenny herself." Seeing Tianxiang still upset, he shook his head and said, "Have you seen the armor Lenny wears? That..."

"Don't tell me that she did it!" Tianxiang shouted out in surprise before Roy finished saying the following. Seeing Roy nodding, Tianxiang covered his face with his hands and said, "Why is there no one I know who is normal

"You are a pervert. Is that talent?" Roy retorted. "It is a pervert. And it is also a super pervert."

"That's a gift, not a pervert."

"It's a pervert..." The two big men quarreled all the way to see if they were perverts, and they blushed and had thick necks. They didn't stop quarreling until the gate of Zhanshen Academy.

Look at the tall gatehouse, and look at the vehicles and high-rise buildings flowing around. Tianxiang asked doubtfully, "Is this the Ares Academy? I remember it should be a forest?" Then he looked at Roy in front.

Roy sighed helplessly and said, "There is a path." He pointed to the gate not far away and said, "Here is the main gate."

"Oh," said Tianxiang with a sudden realization, "you'd better send me to that path! I'm not familiar with this road, so I don't want to get lost. It will be very difficult for people to know."

"Bastard, you should have said so..." roared angrily.


"Ah, I can't hold it anymore. I'll find a place to sleep for a while." He patted the footprints on his buttocks, breathed, and Tianxiang walked towards the forest. Of course, the footprints belonged to Roy. After leaving the main door, the two men discussed the problem of metamorphosis, which was even more intense than before. Finally, Roy, who was angry, kicked Tianxiang out of the car and left angrily.

While walking, Tianxiang looked up to find a big tree suitable for sleeping. "Alas! This tree is good, and its branches and leaves are luxuriant, which is very suitable for sleeping. The upper part of the body leans against the tree trunk, with both hands behind the head, feeling the warm sun shining on the face, closing the eyes comfortably and murmuring, "Comfortable, I can finally have a good sleep." After saying that, the snoring began.

"Roar...!" An earth shaking roar of wild animals spread all over the mountain forest in an instant. The forest shook, and countless birds started up. "Damn Xiao Pang, why are there rock arm orangutans here?" There were three men and two women, and five young people running in panic. One of them was a handsome boy with short blond hair and a gloomy face. He shouted to the fat boy running beside him.

"How do I know?" Xiao Pang shouted with a frightened face, looked back and shouted, "Nobody said that there are any powerful beasts here?" Then he looked back at the rock arm orangutan following behind him. As a result, countless pieces of rock flew out of the rock like arms of the rock arm orangutan and shouted "Be careful, get out of the way quickly" to his own people. At the same time, he stretched out his arm and stopped a girl with long blue hair beside him in his arms and rushed to the side.


When I looked up, I found the other three people. They fainted, and only the silver haired Felik was crouching nearby, clutching his arms. I could see that his sleeves and hands were covered with blood. But the rock arm star was approaching quickly. After taking a look at the girl under her, she asked, "Lan Lan, are you all right?" When she saw the girl shaking her head, she got up and ran to the silver haired boy to help him up and said, "Felik, how is it?"

"It's OK. You and Lan Lan take them two and go quickly, and I'll drag it." After saying that, he grabbed the wrist strap on his wrist, and a two meter long metal stick appeared in his hand, and quickly ran towards the rock arm orangutan in a circle.

Looking at Felik who wakes up and rushes towards Rock Arm, he doesn't say anything more. He quickly comes to Alec and Wen Wen who are unconscious. "Lan Lan, you take Wen Wen away." He helps Lan Lan put Wen Wen up and then puts Alec up again. "Ho..." Hearing the roar of Rock Arm orangutans, Xiao Pang turns his head and looks at them, He found that Felik ran in the other direction. "Felik, you bastard!" The rock arm orangutan saw that he could not catch up with Felik, turned and roared, and ran after them.

"Damn Felik, you bastard." Watching Felik's receding back and the rock arm flying towards him and others, Little Pang roared angrily. Quickly turned around to form an oblique ice wall.

Watched the rock arm orangutan who fell down along the ice wall fall down and hit a huge old tree with a bang, breaking the sturdy old tree, accompanied by "creaking..." The old tree slowly fell. Xiao Pang gasped and turned away. "Ah... what happened... ah..." With the fall of the old tree, the dust was flying. "What happened to you? Why did the big tree fall when you slept?" A figure rushed out of the dust and jumped on another big tree, and saw a frightened little fat man supporting a person.