Chapter 37 Roy's Careful Thinking

After listening to Roy's explanation, Tianxiang said with a surprised face, "I'll go! I was calculated by the old guy again?" After drinking a mouthful of wine, he was dissatisfied and then said, "Why don't you just say that? Why do you have to beat me?" After hearing Roy say, everything was the idea of Tianying, he cursed in his heart again.

Roy gave Tianxiang a white look and replied, "We are going to tell you that you will agree?" Seeing Tianxiang giggle, he touched the head of Lanni who was sitting beside him eating and then said, "As for why he beat you..." Roy stopped to add a piece of meat to Lanni and put it in the bowl and said, "Who let you bully Lanni? Don't you know he is our little princess?"

"Ah! Hehe." Hearing the words, Tianxiang was surprised at first, then smiled, looked at Lenny, and looked at Roy. He approached Roy and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you married? How did she come?" Then he pointed to Lenny who was having a serious meal next to him.

"Whatever matters to you, villain!" As soon as Tianxiang finished speaking, he heard Lenny's voice coming from nearby. Lenny stood there with an unhappy face, staring at the sky with big eyes. Grasping a chopstick, knocking at Tianxiang's head and mouthing, he said, "If you bully me again, I will... I will..., uh..." Bite my finger and think for a long time. Suddenly, he thought of something and pointed to Tianxiang and said, "I will smash your black face with a wrench, hum!" Then he turned his head to one side and sat down on the stool to eat.

"Ah!" Tianxiang was stunned and stretched out his hand to touch his face. Looking at Roy who was giggling there, he asked, "Am I that dark?" When he finished asking, he suddenly thought that he had been taught a lesson by a little girl film. He squinted and looked at Lenny and said in a deep voice, "Little girl film, do you want to smoke?"

"You are a little girl. I'm older than you. You should call me sister?" Hearing what Lenny said, Tianxiang couldn't help laughing, "Ha ha... I - you - return sister..."

Seeing Tianxiang and Roy laughing up and down, Lenny stood up, pursed her mouth, put her hands in her waist, and moved around with big eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking. Suddenly, she pointed to Tianxiang and asked, "What month are you?"

"Eh!" Hearing Lenny's question, Tianxiang was stunned, scratched his head and thought for a while, then lowered his head, grabbed his fingers and muttered something. After a while, I was a little uncertain and said, "It should be in September

Lanni smiled when she heard the words, stretched out a finger to Tianxiang and said in a panic, "I am one month old! I am eight months older than you, so you should call me sister. Hehe......"

"Ah......!" Hearing Lan Ni's answer, Tianxiang immediately opened his mouth and thought, "Is age still so important

"Hum! That's how it counts." Lenny's small face raised and her mouth purred to Tianxiang. He pointed to Roy, who was lying on the table and laughing, and said, "If you don't believe me, ask Uncle Roy."

Tianxiang glanced at Roy, who was already smiling on the table and covered his stomach, and then looked at Lanny, who was smiling triumphantly, and asked, "Why do you call him uncle?"


"Oh! I'm so angry." Seeing Lenny leave, Tianxiang walked up to Roy who had already laughed on the ground, kicked him and said, "Hey, don't laugh, or you will choke to death." Then he left with a sad face.

The next day

Tianxiang got up, washed, ran to the restaurant to find something to eat, and then slowly walked to the maintenance room. Just entering the maintenance room, I saw a small spaceship with seriously damaged appearance parked in the maintenance room. I walked around the spaceship and looked at the scars on the ship. While patting the spaceship, I shook my head and whispered, "What a poor guy! It seems that you have experienced a fierce battle. Don't worry, I will repair you and make you look new."

"Little sluggard, it's getting dark before you come!" Hearing the words, Tianxiang turned his head and saw Lenny with her hands behind her, looking up at her with a happy face.

"Why are you here again?" Tianxiang blurted out, suddenly finding himself completely taken advantage of by Lenny. He quickly pretended to be innocent and asked, "Where's your Roy

"Here we are." Seeing Lenny making a face to himself with a triumphant smile, Tianxiang ran to the other side with his mouth curled and muttered "It seems that I'm going to burn incense, or I'll make the little girl angry."

"It's getting dark, why did you come here? Don't you want to do it? Go away if you don't want to do it, have you heard? Don't waste my time and food here, and don't take up the manger here..." Tianxiang was a little dizzy when he was bombarded by Ronald.

Grabbing his head and just trying to explain, he saw Rod take off his maintenance arm and throw it over to the spaceship, pointing to the spaceship and saying, "Go and remove all the damaged parts of the armor outside the spaceship, and look at those that can be repaired and those that can't be repaired, then put them outside. After checking the transmitters of the energy shield for damage, finally check the damage of the second layer of armor, and check the damage of the external lines. Understand? " Seeing Tianxiang nodding, he still stood there and shouted, "Hurry up! Do you want me to invite you

"Nonsense, or why should I tell you so much?" Ronald answered naturally.

"Ah......! I can't repair some things. Let me do everything else. What are you and Roy doing?" Hearing Ronald's answer, Tianxiang asked bitterly. Who knew that he was slapped on the head with a big hand, Then there was Ronald's roar, "Son of a bitch, I asked you what to do so many times. I came back to ask you to work, not to be a manager. Do you want me to provide you with an assistant?" After that, I turned around with a cold grunt and prepared to leave. After two steps, I stopped and said, "No, go to the tool box. I have my maintenance manual. I search it myself, and contact me if I can't find it.", Let Tianxiang write down his contact information.

"I'll go! I'm so old and hot! It seems that the night life is boring." I thought of Tianxiang and laughed.

Shaking his head, he used his maintenance arm to climb to the top of the spaceship, and saw Lenny sitting there, holding a lollipop, looking at himself with a smile and wondering, "Why are you here? No, where did you come from?"

"Haha, that's stupid." Lenny got up, stood in front of Tianxiang, looked up at her head, and said proudly, "Look how you were scolded by Grandpa Ronald! Haha..." Her two big eyes laughed into two curved crescents, then put her hands behind her, turned around Tianxiang and said, "I came down from there!" Then she turned and pointed to the aisle, I saw a walkway stretching out from the bottom of the walkway above the spaceship.

"You are busy! Grandpa Ronald will go outside to buy goods, and it will take several days to come back. Uncle Roy will accompany Nini and her mother to school activities today. He will take Nini out to play tomorrow, and celebrate her birthday the day after tomorrow. So, you should be busy here for at least three days alone! Hehehe..." After that, he made a victory gesture beside his head, Sticking out his little tongue.

After listening to Lenny's words, Tianxiang said "Oh". Suddenly, he thought of something, bent down his belt and smiled at Lenny. "Why didn't Lenny go with her father?" Hearing the words, Lenny's small face immediately collapsed. She lowered her head for a long time before whispering, "I've never seen my father before. Mom said that my father died of an accident."

"Oh... dead! Hehe... I see. It seems that there was a premeditation!" Someone completely disregarded the children's mood, smiled obscenely, touched his chin, and then asked "Nini, do you want to have a father like Roy?"

Lenny was stunned at first, blinked a pair of big eyes, wrinkled her nose, "hummed", raised her foot and kicked Tianxiang's leg hard, then turned and ran away.

"Wow... Why are you kicking me, dead girl?" Tianxiang held his legs and jumped on the spot. With a painful face, she yelled, "Hum, bad guy. Later, she will speak ill of Uncle Roy and his mother, which will make you find your teeth everywhere." Lenny turned to the corridor and said angrily to Tianxiang.

"Oh, it hurts, dead girl." Looking at Lanny who left, Tianxiang squatted on the ground, rubbed his legs and whispered. Rubbed for a while and sat down, lit a cigarette and sat in a daze.

"Hey, what are you thinking? You haven't answered for a long time?"

"Oh! What didn't you think?" After looking at Roy who didn't know when he appeared, Tianxiang subconsciously replied. Stand up, suddenly think of something, put his arm around Roy's neck, and asked with a smirk, "To be honest, do you have a crush on Lenny's mother? Hmm!" Then he raised his eyebrows.

"Ah!" Roy was surprised when he heard that, then he smiled at Tianxiang with some embarrassment, and nodded his head with some embarrassment. It took me a long time to whisper, "I like her very much, she should also be a little interested in me, hey hey......"

"Oh... when will you get married?" asked Wen Yan Tianxiang immediately.

"What do you think? We haven't clarified the relationship yet." Roy gave Tianxiang a white look, but then said with a smile, "I want to clarify the relationship with her on her birthday, so for the sake of her brother's happiness, you have worked hard these two days." Roy patted Tianxiang on the shoulder.

"No problem, you can do it with confidence, and I'll take care of it here." Tianxiang released Roy, and answered with great loyalty.

"Then I'll go."

"Go ahead... go ahead." Hearing the words, Tianxiang smiled and waved his hand until Roy disappeared at the door. He looked at the spaceship at his feet and shook his head with a wry smile. "It seems that I have to work hard to fulfill my mother's wish and find a wife as soon as possible, hey hey..." Tianxiang's face showed a dirty smile.