Chapter 223 Escape

"What a bold murderer." The security director of the Star Alliance, with a straight face, told his assistant behind him, "Go, let the pursuers help." If it was normal, he would not let his subordinates do such things, but today in front of the Vulcan Empire royal family, it is necessary to show his strength.

In this way, he can better persuade the Vulcan Empire to join the Star Alliance and win one more vote for mankind in the Alliance.

"Yanbin......" Yanbin listened to the order, nodded, turned to the lounge, looked at the team members who were standing in front of the window, and said, "Everyone gather at once."

Yanbin looked at the team members standing in a row with a cold face and said the order again, "Faroes, your team is helping us outside." Yanbin looked at Zhao Qianxue without any trace, and saw that the other side was not a bit nervous, so he felt relieved. "Go

Seeing more than a dozen people from the pursuit force quickly approaching Tianxiang, Feier knew that it was not good. He immediately reminded Tianxiang and urged Haotian to speed up their action. "OK, give us ten minutes."

When Phyl heard that, he could not help shouting, "Ten more minutes? You are crazy, five minutes at most. After five minutes, you will pray for yourself. I will take Tianxiang away in a spaceship right away."

Haotian had wanted to fight for some time, but the communicator had no response. Shaking his head, he immediately urged Haochen to speed up "five minutes in time and evacuate on time."

Feier was not in the mood to cheer Tianxiang now, and began to break the Vulcan Empire's military network and airport security system with all her strength. At the same time, she sent out all three sets of armor that she had prepared before, and let Haoran charge all the weapons on the spaceship.

The "bang" sword crashed into the ground, and Tianxiang looked up at the man in black who was flying in the air.

Looking at the other person's face, I always felt that I had seen him there. A chill came, and I quickly stepped back. The energy shield was gathered, and the snowflakes were flying. Each snowflake was bigger than the nail plate and whirled rapidly.

Tianxiang quickly broke away from the killing range of snowflakes and pushed back the besieged people, lacking a familiar figure in the crowd.

Looking at Zhao Qianxue, he did not expect to see Zhao Qianxue again, but they became opposite sides.

After a careful look at the dozen people who will surround her, Tina is not relieved. He doesn't want to expose another identity, so that the future life will be difficult.

Yanbin immediately whispers to the team members. When the team members receive the signal, they rush forward immediately. Faroes sees this and joins the fight directly. Yanbin yells at Faroes and yells to the team members, "You act according to the plan, and those who violate it will be dismissed immediately." Behind you, a thick snow and a thick flame, and two short knives, one white and one red, appear.

In a short time, Tianxiang had more than a dozen scars on his body. He felt that his body could not support him and his physical strength could not keep up.

Although he has dealt with spotted triceps before, Tianxiang doesn't take it seriously, but this time he obviously feels weak, and he is determined to exercise his body well

Push back three people and dodge to avoid a sudden spike. Three Moon Blades shot at a man who was covered in metal. Tang Dao in his hand flashed to another guy with the same wind attribute.

"Ka" Tang Dao pierced into an ice wall, and a strong wind hit his head. Tianxiang drew his sword and dodged aside.

"Bang" The ice wall was broken, and countless ice spikes hit him before he had a firm foothold. At this time, Tianxiang finally saw who was attacking who, and who had wings.

The Tang sword in Tianxiang's hand swept across, the wind blade flew to the ice spike, and Tianxiang followed closely to the winged guy.

"Faroes, get out of the way." Hearing Faroes, I suddenly thought of the guy with wings in front of me, and the dense snowflakes rushed towards me like a huge monster.

Tianxiang gathered the wind and retreated quickly. Unfortunately, others didn't give him this chance, and the rest of them blocked all the retreats in an instant.

Unless Tianxiang retreats to the ground, he will definitely be hit this time. In a fit of anger, Tianxiang condenses several retreats all over his body and rushes towards Yanbin.

Yanbin sees that the flame behind him grows thick and disappears quickly, and three flaming firewolves condense in front of him, and others quickly move closer to Yanbin.

Unfortunately, at the same time of their action, Tianxiang rushed out with blood all over his body, and the split blade swept across the three firewolves.

"Go to hell!" The split blade in his hand swept and cut Yanbin's head.

"Don't" Yanbin felt a strong wind, looked at the big knife that was about to hit the yin and yang twin knives, swallowed saliva, and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar mask.

Tianxiang moved the split blade away and looked at Zhao Qianxue without any trace. If he hadn't heard Zhao Qianxue's voice, the knife would have been cut.

"Tianxiang, hold on for a while, and I'll be there right away." Hearing the words, Tianxiang was ready to leave, and a figure in the air rushed to himself, and Tianxiang rushed to Zhao Qianxue's direction.

Tianxiang chose this position because now only Zhao Qianxue has a flaw. Seeing Zhao Qianxue's reaction, he took out Tang Dao and rushed to it. To Tianxiang's surprise, Faroes even ignored Zhao Qianxue's comfort and launched a direct attack on the two people "Cold Ice Feather Killing"

Tianxiang turned his head and took a look. The feathers wrapped in ice came like a big net. He pushed hard on the ground, crossed the frightened Zhao Qianxue, and his body spun in the air

Destroy Faros' skills, and see Faros follow him. With a cold snort, a power storm for armor appears in his hand.

"Whoosh..." The light blue energy bomb shot as fast as if it didn't cost money, forming a light blue light screen in an instant.

Seeing Faroes evading, he immediately turned the gun and fired at Faroes, "Flying in the sky, right above, ready."

Tianxiang stopped the energy storm, looked at a dozen people who rushed over, and used two big moves in a row.

"Jump" threw another month's blade at Faros, and jumped up facing the sky with one push. When the body was about to fall, the body was wrapped in armor, and the other two armor rushed to the ground.

"Boom..." Two mushroom clouds rose from the ground, "Feier, you black sheep, why don't you control one and hit the bird man with wings?"

Feier controlled the armor to rush into the spaceship at the fastest speed, and immediately asked Haoran to start the jump engine. The tail of the spaceship flashed and disappeared in the sky of the Vulcan Empire.

Tianxiang walked out of his armor and spread himself on the ground. "How about Tianxiang? Is everything okay?"

Tianxiang shook his head and decided to take good exercise in the future. When he thought about how many years he had wasted, he felt lucky that he had not completely abandoned his time. "Feier, I will take good exercise in the future, or I will die sooner or later."

Looking back at Haotian, several people laughed and scolded, "You bastards, you almost killed them this time."

Haotian smiled, lifted Tianxiang up and lit a cigarette. "As long as you speak, I will do it for you, brother."

Tianxiang took a smoke and gave a thumbs up to Haotian. "Well, you are enough. I will accompany you when you speak."

"According to the latest statistics of the Vulcan Empire, the bloody wings have killed nearly 100 elites of the empire, killed 200 people and caused economic losses of up to 20 million. It is not clear why the bloody wings attacked the Vulcan Empire. According to the head of the Security Department, the bloody wings may have something to do with wolves stealing the Royal Museum this time."

"According to the latest news, King Huoyun of the Vulcan Empire made a speech and decided to join the Human Alliance..." Yanbin touched his chin, crossed his arms in front of his chest, looked at the two groups below, and saw no one talking and said, "Let's talk about it, what's your opinion about this bloody wing?"

"I personally think he has a strong purpose this time, and his behavior may be related to the wolves' stealing of the Royal Museum of Vulcan Empire."

The other said without cutting, "Aren't you talking nonsense? Such a simple thing is that everyone......"

Yanbin raises his hand to stop the two men and looks at Faroes. "The order has been issued from above, let's chase the top ten on the reward list as soon as possible."

A woman with purple hair and sharp ears and a tattoo on her skin said, "The superior will give these orders without assholes. If these people are so easy to catch, why should they set up a pursuit department? Even if they promise more bonuses, they will not get them."

After the woman said that, other people also said that Yan Bin also knew that he wanted to catch the top ten on the gold list. It was too difficult to catch them without sufficient preparation and manpower. Even if the team met, it would only be a death.

Moreover, the top three of the reward list are all heroes from one side. If you want to catch them, it will be difficult to catch them unless you call all the pursuit departments to attack their home.

Seeing that all the people were not interested in the orders issued by the superior, they waved to everyone to disperse.

If you want to stop Faros, you should give up after thinking about it. Although the other person is a newcomer, he is on the same level as himself. "Zhao Qianxue, don't go, I have something to say to you."

When everyone left, Zhao Qianxue immediately got up and came to Yanbin with a smile, took Yanbin's arm and said coyly, "What's Yanbin's brother looking for me for?"

Yanbin pinched Zhao Qianxue's nose and said, "Of course I taught you a lesson. I was distracted during the battle. What are you thinking about?"

Zhao Qianxue covers her nose and looks at Yan Bin who returns to her seat. She says unhappily, "Of course she is worried..."

Yanbin stops Zhao Qianxue "Stop, it's not you playing in the college. You should be careful in the future. By the way, your captain is too rude. If he is my team member, I must dismiss him."

Suddenly, something occurred to me. I took out a box from the drawer and handed it to Zhao Qianxue

When Zhao Qianxue heard the words, she looked at the food sent by her father again. "The master also asked me to tell you that when I have time, I should go home more to see them."

Zhao Qianxue saw Yanbin bent his head and was busy. She bit her lip and struggled for a long time before saying, "Brother Yanbin, my birthday will be in a few days, you......"

Yanbin patted his head "Look, if you don't say I almost forgot, don't worry, I will give you a big gift this time"

Zhao Qianxue looks at Yan Bin, who is working with her eyes bent down, and turns to leave with her mouth pursed.

Zhao Qianxue leaves, and Yanbin slowly raises his head, with a faint smile on his face. "Wait for my surprise for you."