Chapter 207 Shen Tu Haoran

Tiffat also took out an energy gun when he landed, and the two men shot the surrounding black smoke animals back to back.

If Tianxiang had not launched the attack, Tifa would have chosen the Black Flaming Beast to attack. "Maybe I should learn from Tianxiang," Tifa thought.

Just when Tianxiang launched an attack, Tifa suddenly thought, "Although Tianxiang doesn't know much, many times Tianxiang handles things more quickly and effectively, because he doesn't think so much, and directly uses the most effective method to solve problems."

Although there were only two people, none of the Black Flaming Beasts could get close to them. Under the fire net composed of two people, the Black Flaming Beasts suffered a lot of casualties, most of which were caused by Tianxiang, which made Tianxiang extremely excited. He finally hit the target with guns, and his extreme enthusiasm made Tianxiang even more crazy, After a while, Tianxiang used half of a box of energy blocks that had been stored for a long time. "Ah..."

More than ten minutes later, all the black flaming beasts fell to the ground. The body of the black flaming beast nearest the two men was only one step away from Tianxiang.

"Haw..." At that moment, the dying black flaming beast made a piercing shriek, and Tianxiang went up to shoot his head and said, "Call your sister."

Suddenly, Tianxiang was happy and looked at the gun music in his hand. "Why are you laughing? So happy."

Tianxiang immediately said, "Haven't you noticed Tifa? I killed most of the black inflamed animals here.

Tifa saw the gun in Tianxiang's hand and suddenly realized.

Without waiting for Tiffat to speak, Tianxiang immediately said happily, "I finally hit the target with a gun, ha ha..."

Tiffany gave Tianxiang a white look and smiled. "You are lucky to say that, except for you, children have a higher hit rate with guns than you."

When Tianxiang heard the words, his face immediately pulled down, "Tiffany, you......" Before Tianxiang finished speaking, he heard the ground tremble, and the sound of trees breaking in the left forest, "I'm going, what's the situation?"

The guy of the goblin family shouted at them and ran away.

When Tifa heard the words, his face could not help sinking, "Tianxiang, hurry..." Before he finished, a huge black flaming beast rushed out of the forest, looked at the black flaming beasts' bodies all over the ground, and raised his head to the sky to scream. The shrill cry forced Tifa and Tianxiang to block their ears.

Even so, the two men also felt unwell and fell on their knees.

The huge black flaming beast spewed out a black flame, and the huge body was surrounded by the black flame. The trees behind the black flaming beast were instantly lit, and even the rocks at its feet were melted.

"Tianxiang, run quickly." Tiffat stood up with difficulty, lifted up Tianxiang and ran. Unfortunately, he was blocked by the black flaming beast before he ran far, and a black flame shot at the two people. They had no choice but to turn around and run.

After being blocked for the third time, Tianxiang became bored and shouted a curse. The moon blade shot at the black hot beast. Seeing that the moon blade was about to hit the black hot beast's forehead, the moon blade turned pale. When it hit the black hot beast, it had no attack power, and even its hair was not hurt.

"I'll go, is that all right?" He said that he would take out his energy to fight against the Black Flame Beast.

"Tianxiang, be careful!" A black flame came and flew out the next moment. "Ah..."

"Putong" Tianxiang turned his head and was surprised. He looked at Tifa's burned arms and legs. "Is Tifa all right?"

Tifa shook his head and said, "Let's go, this one is too powerful for us to deal with him." Tianxiang hurriedly picked up Tifa and avoided the flames of the black burning beast. Although he did, the high temperature still made Tianxiang feel a burning pain.

While avoiding the Black Flame Beast, Tianxiang fled with Tiffat in his arms. He kept cursing the city lord and accompanied Lian Mozhen. Of course, the Black Flame Beast was behind him.

Tianxiang gasped for breath, turned his head and looked at the super large black inflamed beast that was getting closer and closer. "Tianxiang, put me down."

When Tianxiang heard this, he immediately shouted, "Shut up and let you go..." Tifa was shocked by Tianxiang. He stared at Tianxiang blankly, and then was let down by Tianxiang. He heard Tianxiang say, "Tifa, run quickly, I will lead the big bastard away, quickly."

Without waiting for Tiffat to speak, Tianxiang ran away for a distance and issued a moon blade to the black flaming beast, "Hey, my brother is here, and your brothers are all... I'll go..." He watched Tianxiang quickly escape from the "fool" in the other direction, and then quietly followed Tianxiang.

While wiping away sweat, Tianxiang gasped for breath. Looking at the black burning beast, he didn't mean to give up. "Your sister is still chasing you. Why don't you just kill hundreds of younger brothers? Is it necessary to work so hard?"

Take out a few bombs and throw them at the Black Flaming Beast. "Bastard blew you up." Not only did it not hurt the Black Flaming Beast, but it even more aroused the Black Flaming Beast's anger. "What a fool, why attack it?" He said to speed up again.

While running, Tianxiang suddenly felt something was wrong. His eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and the brightness was still increasing. Tianxiang turned to look, and couldn't help staring, "I'll go..." Before he finished speaking, something moved his feet to the ground, and directly fell a dog to chew the excrement. "It's really unlucky."

Tianxiang hurriedly got up and ran away. He turned his head to look at the black flaming beast, but unexpectedly he saw Tifa following the black flaming beast.

Tianxiang hurriedly turned his head. "It's impossible. I must have misread it." He said, and looked back carefully to confirm that it was Tifa. He couldn't help but panic. "This silly girl, why didn't she run away? Why did she come?"

Tianxiang was anxious to get angry and tried to find a way. Tifa kept gathering energy behind the Black Flaming Beast.

Tianxiang stopped suddenly and drew a distance between his feet on the ground. "Brother, I fought with you today.

"I'm going, too fierce!" Tianxiang looked at Tifa, and just wanted to praise him, he saw Tifa fall down "Tifa..."

Seeing this, Tianxiang could not care so much. He gathered Feng Dun outside his body, rushed directly from the fire to Tifa's side, and immediately picked up Tifa's usual way to run.

But what made Tianxiang angry was that he got lost at this time. Fortunately, he met the goblin family with two people, otherwise Tianxiang would have to go crazy.

Back to the RV, Tianxiang checked Tifa's body at the first time, and only when he was sure that Tifa was just in a coma did he grow a breath of "scared to death!"

Remembering that all this was due to Mo Zhen, Tianxiang was so angry that he swore that he would teach him a lesson next time he saw Mo Zhen.

When I thought of this, I thought of the city lord here. With a cold groan, I got out of the car and went straight to the place where the city lord was. When I saw him, I beat him up without saying a word. By the way, I beat the guy who was pulling a fight. "If something happens to Tiffat, I will let all of you pay for your lives, hum!"

Tifa didn't wake up until the evening of the third day. Tianxiang didn't sleep for three days and stayed close to Tifa.

What's more pitiful is that those goblin families keep praying every day for fear that they will be killed if there is an accident.

Tifa woke up. In order to ensure that Tifa was healthy, Tianxiang stayed for three days and decided to leave after confirming that Tifa was OK.

Before leaving, the old city lord told the two people that they needed to go to the mercenary union to get the commission. They had issued a task before, but no one came, so he found Mo Zhen. Tianxiang wanted to beat the old city lord. Fortunately, there is a Tifa standing in the way now, otherwise the old city lord's old bones would have to be broken into Tianxiang's hands.

Sitting on the spaceship that might disintegrate at any time again, Tianxiang had to curse the old city lord and Mozhen, "Tifa, what are we going to do next?"

Tiffat smiled and said, "I have arranged that we go to Xiaodongxing first. I heard that there is a snowy mountain there. I always want to go there. This time we will go and have a look together. By the way, we will get the commission for this task. After that, I want to go back to see the children." Tianxiang nodded. "Everything is arranged by his wife and adults."

After a week-long voyage, they arrived at Xiaodongxing in the evening. They found a place to have a meal. It should be because the mercenary trade union has closed. They decided to get a commission and went to the snow mountain. "Tifa, how my forehead itches these days? Show me."

Tianxiang grabbed his forehead and looked at Tifa. He found that Tifa wanted to say something, but he dared not say it. "Tifa, are you hiding something from me?"

Tifa thought, "Anyway, Tianxiang will know sooner or later, let him know." Determined, Tifa looked at Tianxiang and said, "Well, actually, I secretly planted a plant under your forehead." Then he saw Tianxiang's cold face, He hurriedly said, "This is given to me by the dean, who said that it is for the most beloved person. As long as the other person really loves you, it will grow a very beautiful pattern. If you don't believe it, look."

Tiffat hurriedly turned on the communicator and opened a picture, but Tianxiang didn't look at it and said coldly, "Take it out for me."

As soon as this sentence came out, Tifa's tears ran out of control, and he looked sadly at Tianxiang. Tifa couldn't believe that Tianxiang would say this sentence. She thought Tianxiang would be unhappy at most, but she never thought that Tianxiang would let her take it out.

Tiffat was going to tell Tianxiang at the beginning that she should settle down with Tianxiang for her whole life, and Tianxiang should never marry another girl. But every time she wanted to tell Tianxiang, she dared not say anything. She was afraid of Tianxiang's rejection. At that time, she did not know what to do, so she planted the seed secretly. But the next moment Tianxiang's words made Tiffat dumbfounded, "Take them out and replant them for me."

Tifa was stunned for half a minute before he reflected. He looked at Tianxiang with a cold face, threw himself into his arms, and kept beating Tianxiang "Sobbing... You are bad, you cheat me, bad guy."

Tianxiang held Tifa and allowed Tifa to beat himself with his fist. "Who told you not to tell me to plant it secretly? You obviously don't trust your man."

After a while, Tiffat left Tianxiang's arms, looked at Tianxiang's smile and let him wipe his tears from the corner of his eyes and said, "Sorry, honey, I shouldn't believe you."

Tianxiang smiled, "I'll let you go this time. I'll see how I can cure you next time."

Seeing Tifa smiling through tears, Tianxiang then said, "But I will punish you well." Then he threw Tifa on the bed and kissed him hard.

"Manager, here comes a beautiful and sexy mercenary."

Hearing this, Shen Tu immediately got up from the bed and said, "Really?" Seeing his man nodded, he immediately got out of bed and dressed.

"Honey, why are you going so early?" When Shen Tu Haoran heard the words, he suddenly stopped, looked at the beautiful woman in the bed and said, "Get dressed and go away." Then he took out a card from his clothes and threw it to the woman on the bed.

After finishing quickly, Shen Tu Haoran looked at himself in the mirror, showed a charming smile, and followed his men quickly downstairs.

When he came downstairs, without waiting for his men to speak, Shen Tu Haoran's eyes stopped. Looking at the perfect figure and long crimson hair, especially those long white legs, Shen Tu Haoran could not help licking his lips "perfect"