Chapter 76 Are You Equipped?

  • Dupo Snake King
  • Poisonous Man Who Covered Han Dynasty
  • 2012 words
  • 2020-01-14 20:31:47

The next day

The heavy rain stopped, and the thin mist was rising.

The closed city gate is also opened in advance.

A large number of pedestrians poured into the city, and Shan Liqin and Ke Shu entered the Steel Rock City with tired faces.

In the wild camping yesterday, they didn't sleep well all night under the storm.

Of course, even if there is no storm, they dare not sleep in peace.

After all, every pedestrian here should not be underestimated, and will always use some strange means.

If not, life will be lost quietly.

As soon as they entered the city, Yuemo changed his appearance, put on a luxurious sable fur, and wrapped himself tightly.

In the time approaching autumn, this dress also looks very wonderful.

"Lord Heitu, I'm very sorry." Shan Liqin apologized when he saw Yuemo.

Yuemo shakes his head to show that he is OK.

After a few words, a group of three snake people headed for the mansion of Shan's family in the west.


Single family

Home Owner Xiaoyuan

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Shan Liqin, with the moon ink, knocked on the door of a delicate small courtyard.


The door is slightly opened, and only one person's space is opened. In the only space, an old servant with white sideburns is squeezed out.

The old servant was displeased. After seeing Shan Liqin, he immediately became amiable: "Miss, you are back."

"Grandpa He, I want to see my father," said Shan Liqin, who was about to open the door and burst in.

Uncle He didn't stop Shan Liqin, but Yuemo was stopped.

"Grandpa He, he..." Shan Liqin wanted to say something, but the old servant shook his head firmly, looked at Yuemo and said, "Please wait a moment."

"It doesn't matter." Yuemo chuckles and simply retreats to the old tree trunk on one side and waits.

Close the door,

The moon was dark, and he felt that things were really going to go in a bad direction according to his expectations.

He knew the importance of each quota, so he did not plan to directly obtain the quota of the clan association seed based on Shan Liqin's words.

Just thinking about the other side, we should give him a chance to fight with his strength.

The situation seems to be hanging.


In the courtyard

A middle-aged man with a smart face and luxurious clothes was carrying his hands and staring at Shan Liqin who was sobbing in front of him.

This person is the contemporary owner of Shan Family, Shan Ambition!

A strong fighter with five stars!

At this moment, Shan Liqin, whose right face is swollen and his mouth is full of blood, holds Uncle Ke who has fainted and sobs in a low voice.

One of Ke Shu's broken arms was randomly discarded on the ground.

The smell of blood pervaded the whole hall. In the surrounding dark corners, there were ten family elders at the level of Douwang, who sat on the big chairs and closed their eyes.

They are here for the purpose of this membership.

Ke Shuxian Yuemo reported the matter one step at a time, and Shan Ambition immediately summoned all the elders, and in the presence of all the elders, he personally abandoned uncle Ke's arm and slapped Shan Liqin in the face.

"How dare you make such a promise?"

Facing the question from his father, Shan Liqin just kept silent.

The trembling body, the unstoppable tears, and the dim eyes,

All of them are showing how desperate and painful she is at this moment.

Is this still the father who loves himself?

I beat her for the first time because of the quota of a seed conference, and... I also destroyed Uncle Ke's arm

She gradually understood what she did not understand and did not want to understand.

Mother once said that family interests are paramount,

It is itself a victim of political interests.

She didn't think so. How loud the slap is now!


Before long, there was a slow sliding sound behind the door.

The door opened again, but this time it was completely open,

The person who opened the door was a snake man, who was about 50 years old, with a jade tree facing the wind.

A cloud embroidered gown and a felt hat.

The man stood in the front center of the gate, standing upright like a pine and cypress, showing his lofty character and perseverance.

"Your name is Heitu?" he said quietly with his hands on his back.

"I am." Yuemo looked at the man directly, with the same expressionless face.

The man looked at Yuemo and nodded his head: "Not bad!"

"I'm flattered." Yuemo is not uncommon in this kind of review, and he doesn't think so.

"Come in with me."

The man said that and took the lead to walk inside the gate.

Yuemo followed him into the small garden.

As soon as I entered the garden, I felt a cool and refreshing breeze, accompanied by the fragrance of jasmine.

The bluestone path is planted with various bamboos, willows, flowers and plants.

These flowers and plants are so bright that they break the shackles of autumn defeat and show a strange bloom.

Continue to move forward, along the road, there is a light cloud. At the end of the cloud, there is a stone bridge, step on the stone bridge, and finally come to a courtyard.

"This courtyard is where you lived these days." The man pointed to the courtyard in front of him and said to himself.

"Thank you, Single Family Leader." Yuemo doesn't have to guess who this person is at this time.

"Don't call me the master of the single family. Although you are only fighting spirit nine stars now.

I believe it will not take you five years to reach the level of Douwang. Then you and I will be peers.

If you don't mind, just call me uncle. " The man turned and said with a smile, the sudden change made Yuemo's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Since Shan Ambition doesn't care about these red tape and is willing to take the initiative to get closer, Yuemo will not refute the other party's good intentions.


Hold hands and fists together.

"Very good." Shan Ambition nodded with satisfaction and said in a deep voice:

"It's impossible to give you the quota of this clan meeting. Liqin is still young, so he doesn't know how complicated the relationship involved is."

"Of course, you saved Liqin. As compensation, I will give you one million gold coins. As for Liqin

I will betroth you, and you will become a single family. I can use resources to train you to quickly promote yourself to the top. Your achievements in the future will be no less than mine,

It is even expected to take part in the next list in 20 years, how about? "

So far, Shan Ambition stopped talking and quietly looked at Yuemo.

He was sure that Yuemo would accept it.

The young man came to the outside world. He didn't believe that the fight had reached Douwang Er Xing.

Therefore, most of them have treasures.

Where is the strongest fox monster that hasn't been seen yet?

In his eyes, this is a poor loser from the countryside who has some adventures.

His little favor was enough to make him jealous and grateful.

Yuemo lowered his head and lowered his eyes for a moment, slowly raised his head, and a smile rose from his mouth:

"Excuse me, who are you?"