Chapter 51.

  • Dupo Snake King
  • Poisonous Man Who Covered Han Dynasty
  • 2005 words
  • 2019-12-30 22:07:09

Yuemo galloped all the way, rushing and bumping, without stopping,

Until entering a secluded and gloomy inn,

In the hands of a middle-aged shopkeeper with gold teeth and an extremely ambiguous look, he opened a room and paid the sky high rent of 10000 gold coins,

Then he forced Aqi into the room

At first, there was a slight noise of fighting, but later it stopped and became quiet

The boss, who winked at the crack of the door and peeped at it, grinned with relief, shook a bunch of keys, and the little snake was about to go to heaven. He was in a good mood.

He thought of his youth,

At that time, if the boss was not the girl's father, he and his confidant might have been


With a faint sigh, this is a joyful mood, but it seems heavy again. The "step" of walking will not blind Karaka.

An hour later,

The night is as dark as ink, with dark clouds converging. Thunder flashes from time to time on the sky, and there is a loud roar between the jagged teeth,

The heavy rain will fall.

At this time, 'There is an Inn', Room A 2, lit a dim candle, illuminating the scene in the room,

Ambiguous pink warm color, all kinds of strange objects, dazzling, add a bit of smell.

On a huge bed five meters long and wide, Aqi sits in the middle of the bed, curling his hands in a strange knot. The beautiful face, which was white and red, became as white as snow

The silver teeth clenched, the trembling body, and the frowning eyebrows all showed that she was suffering from inhuman pain at the moment.

Relying on the moon ink at the window edge, one hand rubbed the blue and swollen face, and the other hand did not forget to smear the self created holy medicine - Dieda Huoluo Powder.

The strong and pungent smell makes Yuemo, who is too sensitive to smell, sneeze repeatedly. Based on the principle of comfort, he recalls that Aqi is in a critical period, so he can only resist the desire to sneeze,

Fill your nose with two balls of rags, knead long strips of rags, block your nose, and breathe with your mouth.

Although the effect is not very good, it has also eased.

Then, I snorted and sneezed, my eyes were red, and soon there were a lot of tears and runny nose, not to mention how disgusting my appearance was.

Time is ticking away,

When Yuemo gets through this difficult period and is ready to fall asleep,

Aqi slowly opened his eyes.

The colorful halo in the eyes is deeper. According to the percentage of blood concentration, the blood of the current Aqi, the colorful snake swallowing heaven has gone from 30% to 40,

This also means that Aqi's grasp of the colorful snake swallowing the sky has reached 40%!

Yuemo felt something and looked at Ah Qi vaguely, and his eyes immediately became the boss,


This girl is not only very beautiful, but also has an open figure?!

It was Aqi who made a breakthrough earlier, and his black skirt was soaked in cold sweat, showing his graceful posture vividly.

In Yuemo's mind, there are roughly adjectives: the one that should be lifted, the one that should be lifted, the one that should be lifted, the one that should be larger, and the one that should be smaller. Anyway, it is good.

Fortunately, the dress is a black skirt. If it is replaced by a white skirt, it is undoubtedly red fruit!

After swallowing his throat, Yuemo pinched his tail and reminded himself seriously that he should not raise bad thoughts about the other party. He should restrain himself, and boys should protect themselves when they go out,

She is a violent maniac, always aggressive

She is an air pump, always angry

She is an iceberg monster and always likes refrigeration

She is a poison doctor and always likes to poison

This chanting of scriptures has a miraculous effect.

In a twinkling of an eye, he looked at Ah Qi as if he were a holy monk, without desire or desire. His eyes were as plain as water, like a stranger.

As for Mo's eyes last month at the moment, Aqiben had breakthrough joy, but somehow disappeared.

Holding hands tightly, she lowered her head and her eyes turned into calm. She raised her head to Yuemo and said, "Thank you."

There are three magic sulfur in total, one for Yuemo, one for her sister, and one for her,

This kind of love is very important.

Yuemo is not aware of this subtle change. Maybe he has just experienced ups and downs in his mood and can't turn around at all, or maybe he has an incurable defect in this respect.

With a bright smile, he replied seriously:

"You're welcome. Remember to treat Bensheng better in the future, eh?"

Aqi neither nodded nor shook her head. Her small hand, which was hidden in her sleeve, tightened more tightly. She pondered for a while. She looked at Yuemo very seriously and asked, "Why do you believe me so?"

Miraculous sulfur, such a rare treasure, how precious it is!

If the news leaks,

That will certainly make a big stir!

And even if Yuemo carries a magic sulfur, it will be contested by numerous forces!

Countless old monsters have emerged from the Buxiao Tagore Desert,

Even countless forces, such as Warcraft Mountain, Black Point, Gama Empire, will swarm in.

That's atavism!

How many Warcraft, how many Snakemen are looking at, trying to break the barrier.

Her master Jiuyuan, four royal elders, eight snake people, and even the whole snake people

All of them are looking forward to one day, breaking through obstacles and achieving new life.

Although Qian Hun is trying to please Yuemo, he just knows that he has no hope of further development and plans for a future.

Although Jiuyuan is very good to Aqi and Xiaodie now, he is working hard to find a future for Aqi,

It's just that I know that I can't wake up to the colorful boa constrictor blood, and that the future is doomed to fall, so I choose to be a good teacher with peace of mind.

Once they know that Yuemo has this treasure, they don't have to think much about it. They resolutely choose to turn their backs on it immediately.

Whatever your bloody blood and how strong you will be in the future, the weak will be the weak after all. Even if the future is foreseeable, what's wrong with taking risks in front of huge interests?

"Ha ha ha~" Yuemo suddenly laughed, and then smiled and stuck his shell. He could not speak for a long time.

"Why?" Ah Qi was very patient, and his tone was unprecedentedly calm.

Yuemo thinks that today's opponent is very tough, and the goblin in front of him is becoming more and more cunning.

If I had known, I wouldn't bother to bring the goblin out and give it back to her.

He was secretly remorseful. In response to the aggressive look, his mind flashed. Suddenly, he covered his stomach with an ugly face and said in a hurry:

"No, I have a bad stomach."

After saying that, there was a slight sound of clothes being broken, and the room suddenly lost the smell of moon ink.

Aqi got up, put the snake's tail gracefully, and walked slowly to the window. With a gentle smile on her charming face, she leaned out of the window, caught the cold rain drops, bent her lips, and murmured:

"It's my fault."