Chapter 125

  • Dupo Snake King
  • Poisonous Man Who Covered Han Dynasty
  • 4093 words
  • 2020-02-16 23:59:11

In the heavy night, the stars twinkle and twinkle, the breeze is blowing, and occasionally nightingales sing.

Master Room of Xuan Mansion

The candle flickered out, and the fingers could not be seen when reaching out. A soft murmur sounded vaguely.

"Is there anything special about the abyss of chaos?"

"One to ten per hour."

"So if you go into a decade, it will be a hundred years? If you go into a century, it will be a thousand years? If you go into a thousand years, Douzong will be a natural place, right?"

"Theoretically, but in fact, the aura of the chaotic abyss of heaven and earth contains the factor of rage. If you stay for a long time, your body will not be able to bear it, and even your mind will be affected.


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