Chapter 4 Registration Form

  • Elvish mania
  • Hot pot
  • 2095 words
  • 2019-11-22 00:08:11

For example, it is not allowed to let the elves freely use their skills in public, not allowed to fight outside the war zone, not allowed to ride the elves on the street or into the air without permission, and must ensure the health of their own elves and not abuse them.

These are basically things that people know now. Previous courses have also emphasized them, and they are basically ignored. The head teacher read it responsibly.

The following students could not help whispering. The head teacher knocked on the desk with his hand: "Let's talk after class, even if you all know these rules, listen again."

However, she also knew what the students cared about. The speed of reading was not slow. It took only a few minutes to finish. Glancing around, I saw that the students had finished their breakfast, and then I sent out a list.

"When you get this form, fill it out with me first. Don't rush to write it. If you are not sure, write down the format with a pencil first. First, write your own name..."

Although the preferential system starts at the age of 16, it is generally registered when the average age is about the same, which saves some trouble.

At the beginning, the identity of new trainers was acquired uniformly, and the process was not complicated. With the completed form and student ID card, you can go to the elf breeding house to buy fairy eggs at a preferential price, and then go to the elf center to register and seal.

If there are unregistered elves at home, you can also go directly to the elf center to register. However, this situation needs further verification to confirm whether the elves are really suitable for new trainers.

If you want to become an elf breeder or other elf related professions, you need to pass the qualification exam to transfer. The latest qualification exam is the college entrance exam.

Of course, this is not over yet. After registration, the identity was confirmed. To continue to enjoy the preferential system, the stamped form and 150000 yuan should be submitted together.

Although it seems that 150000 yuan is quite a lot, it offers a large range of benefits, including free treatment in the Global Elf Center, half price of food provided by the Elf Center, free living in the Elf Center for three days, half price for five days, 10% discount on the price of first purchase of elf eggs, 30% discount on ordinary tree fruit props, 20% discount on rare tree fruit props and other benefits.

The discount on the price of fairy eggs alone can save 13 million yuan if the average price of fairy eggs is 130 thousand yuan.

And although the preferential system only lasts until the age of 22, that is, until the day of college graduation. But as long as we can reach the level of ordinary trainers during this period, we can extend this privilege for life. That is to say, if you have the strength to climb up all the way, you will get more and more preferential value.

In addition, 150000 yuan also includes 10000 yuan of taxes and fees to be paid by trainers every year, tuition fees for the next year and a half, fees for the use of training venues, battle venues, facilities, and resources allocated by the school for the next year and a half.

"If you are interested, please complete the registration within half a month from today and return this form to me. You must pay attention to the fact that there is only half a month to go back and discuss with your parents. Don't miss the time. After missing this opportunity, it will not be so easy to enjoy such a discount in the future." Having said all the important things, it is almost time to finish class, and the head teacher finally asked.

"You must think it over carefully. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. It is suggested to make a decision as soon as possible. Now is the time for all breeding houses to sell fairy eggs in a centralized way. Although the quality of fairy eggs sold in formal breeding houses is very high, there will always be some differences, no matter the type or qualification. The earlier you go, the more choices you will have. It may be difficult to find the right fairy later. "

"Finally, no matter what choice you make, I believe you can have a good future, class is over!" With the class bell, the head teacher waited for a moment, saw no one had problems and left the classroom, the classroom immediately became noisy.

Xu Nan glances at it, and Jane Ming fills out all the forms: "Is this going to buy fairy eggs when we go back?"

"Yes, I've been waiting for a long time." With uncontrollable joy on his face, Jane Ming had to stick his face to the watch and rub it.

"Then why didn't you buy an elf first? With your family's conditions, it's not difficult to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. Besides, Uncle Jane also has elves. You should see them every day."

Jian Ming's mouth curled helplessly: "That's not my elf. As for buying ahead of time, you think I don't want to, but don't you know that my father will deduct too much? He said that money should not be spent indiscriminately. When we can enjoy the discount, there will be a lot of money left. You don't know what price I want for those two elves."

To think about it, the little fire monkey's fairy eggs have been fried to more than 400000 yuan because of their potential and the plot of the Chinese "Monkey Brother". The remaining 40000 yuan at the preferential price is not a small amount, but a wooden palace guard. The price is relatively balanced, and has not exceeded 300000 yuan.

In the morning, the students were in a state of excitement. When they had time, they discussed with each other what they wanted. They said that if they had the chance to become trainers, they would definitely become the king of heaven. They didn't stop until the afternoon.

In contrast, Xu Nan was silent all day long and spent most of his time on textbooks, but the messy strokes in the blank space of the book reflected his restlessness.

Jian Ming, who knew Xu Nan's family, didn't know how to comfort him. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come on."

When the students saw Xu Nan's appearance, they lowered the voice of the discussion one after another. They didn't know that Xu Nan had a cat dog at home, but they knew that Xu Nan had a younger sister. They knew that Xu Nan's family situation was not so good, and they had no choice but to choose not to stimulate.

After school, Xu Nan and Xu You went home together and went to the food market to buy food as usual.

Although Xu Nan smiled, Xu Yu was too familiar with him. He could see that he had something on his mind. He didn't ask or say much, and walked with Xu Nan side by side.

Xu's father and mother always come home at more than eight o'clock every night. It's too hard to cook for them again. After the two brothers and sisters learned to cook, they took turns to cook dinner. Although Xu's father and mother have their own small restaurant, they seldom have dinner in the restaurant. They always go home and have the only meal they can have together with Xu Nan and Xu You every day.

"Uncle Huang, take six potatoes and two carrots." When he got to the stall, Xu Nan glanced around and said to the middle-aged uncle who was weighing vegetables for other guests.

Uncle Huang Da, hearing Xu Nan's voice, raised his head and smiled: "Yo, it's Xiao Nan and Xiao Yu. Are you tired of class today? Just wait a moment and you'll be ready soon."

Huang Da acted quickly. After completing the transaction with the previous customer, he immediately mixed Xu Nan several large potatoes and carrots with good appearance, weighed them, and stuffed two yams into the plastic bag: "Just give me eight yuan."

"Uncle, you are so unlucky. Don't look for it. I will come back tomorrow." Xu Nan handed over ten yuan.