Chapter 18 Practice Class

When the leaves flow to the back of the mountain, there are all kinds of medicinal materials everywhere. Some flowers look like a sea of flowers from afar, and the air is full of medicinal fragrance.

Looking from afar, these offices are very classical. If Ye Liu is not sober, he suspects that he has passed through and there is also a pharmacy.

Teacher Qian Haoyu's office is just in the back mountain, so Ye Liu doesn't have to go to the back mountain with him directly. Soon Ye Liu found Teacher Qian's office.

"Teacher Qian, I'm from Class Two of Traditional Chinese Medicine to have a practice class." Ye Liu knocked at the door.

"Go to the back mountain to get familiar with the environment." Qian Haoyu didn't look up.

Qian Haoyu was wearing a white coat with short hair and a little fat.

Ye Liu touches her nose. Why does she think that Teacher Qian doesn't like to be happy with herself. I didn't offend anyone when I first came here. Am I too ugly?

Ye has gone out. It's really different to look around at those medicines. All the medicines are available, even the rare 'evergreen ivy' on the outside market.

Ye Liu saw a lot of things he didn't know and some things he knew, just like going to a hidden medicine valley. Such an environment makes people can't help loving TCM.

"Have you heard? It seems that the school has recently recruited a group of students from other second rate and third rate universities." A group of students from the same school walked in front of Ye Liu.

"Of course, I heard that the recruit is from the department of traditional Chinese medicine. Our school has the weakest traditional Chinese medicine." A girl wearing a pink skirt was full of contempt.

"No matter what department the school recruits, it has nothing to do with us, we are clinical," said a boy.

Ye Liu looks at this group of students and thinks that this hospital is really weak in traditional Chinese medicine. There are very few students of Chinese medicine.

After wandering for half an hour, Ye Liu thought of going back to find Qian Haoyu to take him to practice.

"Teacher Qian, I'm back." Ye Liu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Have you finished reading?" Qian Haoyu was a little impatient.

"Hmm. I've seen it." Ye Liu looks respectful.

"You see, what medicine is there around the office?" Qian Haoyu said.

"Teacher, I saw a rare evergreen ivy, and I don't know many others," Ye Liu said.

"Teacher Qian, we are late." Zheng Tianyu came in with Luo Huanhuan in his arms.

"Tianyu, are you here? No late." Qian Haoyu stood up.

"Teacher Qian, this is my girlfriend. Her name is Luo Huanhuan. Please take more care of her later." Zheng Tianyu said.

"That's right. You are all my students." Qian Haoyu smiled.

Qian Haoyu changed his face too quickly. He ignored himself when he came. Zheng Tianyu almost shook his tail when he came. Money is really a good thing.

"Teacher Qian, are you bringing the three of us?" Luo Huanhuan said.

"Yes, all three of you will be my students in the future." Qian Haoyu smiled.

If Ye Liu had not come first, he might have misunderstood that this is a kind teacher. Qian Haoyu's kindness is a sign of right people, such as Zheng Tianyu.

"Well, you are all here, then I will take you to the mountain to see some rare medicine." Qian Haoyu led the way ahead and went out.

"Teacher, what kind of medicine is this tree?" Luo Huanhuan pointed to a green leaf like half dry wood.

"This is the evergreen vine," Qian Haoyu said mildly.

At the top of the mountain, the medicine here grows better and more luxuriant than that below.

"The front row of houses is where the school invites people to take care of medicinal herbs. They are more familiar with the growth of these medicines than you are." Qian Haoyu continued.

"Sobbing. Sobbing." I heard the sound of a road coming from the front house.

"How can someone cry?" Ye Liu was a little curious.

"Don't mind your own business." Qian Haoyu snorted.

Hearing someone talking, the door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged woman ran out of the room with tears all over her face.

"Teacher Qian, are you Teacher Qian?" The middle-aged woman looked at Qian Haoyu with tears on her face.

"Yes, I am. What's the matter with you?" Qian Haoyu looked serious.

"Please help my child." The middle-aged woman knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Qian Haoyu.

"Take us to have a look." Qian Haoyu pulled the middle-aged woman up.

Walking into the room, I saw a three-year-old child lying on the bed, his face red and out of breath.

"Teacher Qian, can you save my child?" The middle-aged woman cried.

"There is nothing here. I can't save it. You'd better send it to the hospital." Qian Haoyu frowned.

"Daming, come here quickly and ask Teacher Qian to save the child." The middle-aged woman turned her head and shouted.

"Teacher Qian, who doesn't know that you are the little master of traditional Chinese medicine in this school, please save my child." The child's father Daming cried.

"You'd better send it to the hospital, I can't see it." Qian Haoyu refused.

"Teacher Qian, my child may not be able to wait to go to the hospital. Please help him." Daming kept begging on his knees.

"I can't see through. How can I save without medical equipment?" Qian Haoyu was used to this situation.

Ye Liu heard Qian Haoyu say that he would have perspective. Ye Liu turned on the flashlight and looked at the child's whole body. He found a tumor in the child's throat, but it was benign after analysis for a long time.

Just use a silver needle to break the tumor.

When the middle-aged couple saw that they could not beg Qian Haoyu, they were ready to take the child to the hospital. Looking at the child, it seemed that he would die in the next second. Ye Liu felt that the doctor was just trying to heal the wounded.

"Wait, let me take a look at it for you." Ye Liu took a step forward.

Qian Haoyu was shocked when he heard Ye Liu's voice. He dared not look at it. What was Ye Liu's courage?

"Little doctor, please." Daming ran to his knees again. He had no hope and saw the same hope.

"Ye Liu, you don't know how much you can do? You still save people." Luo Huanhuan was the first to stop.

"I know it in my heart." Ye Liu looks pale.

"Ye Liu, you are too brave. Don't mess around." Qian Haoyu felt a little afraid.

Ye Liu is the student he led. Now he is responsible if something happens.

"Ye Liu, if you want to die, don't take us with you." Luo Huanhuan looked angry.

"Get out of the way, don't delay me to save people." Ye Liu went to the child.

He gave the child a pulse, even if he had known the result for a long time, he still had to install it, and then rolled the child's eyes.

"Are the children unable to eat these two days?" Ye Liu asked.

"Yes, little doctor, the child has been unable to eat since yesterday." The child's mother nodded repeatedly.

It's strange that you can eat with a big tumor in your throat.

"Do you usually eat very greasy?" Ye Liu looked at the child's mother.