Chapter 292 You also have the right to pursue happiness

"Ann should not be far away. We will try our best to find her back. I will still treat her as a companion."

There was no doubt that Jia Er's face was solemn. An was still the maid who did housework in daily life and the comrade in arms who fought side by side.

"Hmm. If we find Ann, we will use the terminal to notify each other."

I didn't delay any longer, but I was still worried and anxious. Ann had left alone for some time. I didn't know where she would go, and I didn't want to see her suffering. I had to find her.

There are all kinds of factory buildings around. There are countless roads and avenues. The area is very large. No one knows where she is. We can only use our feet to find her.

Then, without saying a word more, everyone knew very well that finding Ann was the most important thing, and everyone scattered their search.

Zhong Hangu understood that the current situation was not optimistic. The black core was seized, and the Five Element Formation would be difficult to complete. He said goodbye to me for a while, but he left to return to Dongfang Ancient Street and needed to inform Wenzi of the current situation.

At this time, although I was upset and irritable about the capture of the black core, no one knew where Darvera was going, and I was really powerless. However, in the absence of Ann, I have endless worries and anxieties from the bottom of my heart. I don't want her to have an accident or do something stupid.

The figure of people who had gathered together was like flying leaves, and they started out in the harbor industrial area. Everyone swam like a strong wind. They kept walking around the area, looking for the figure of the maid, shouting and calling.

"Ann, where are you? Come out quickly! We are worried about you!"

My extremely anxious cry spread in the wind continuously, and my feet rushed in various areas. No matter where I hid, I polished my eyes and searched every corner carefully.

The voice of everyone's concern echoed in this area, and the footstep hurried through each area. The figure of the maid never appeared from beginning to end.

However, I didn't give up easily. I was eager to find industrial buildings and kept calling.

"Ann, it's all right! Come out quickly!"

The anxiety on my face is like a flame burning. The already hoarse cry goes through one area after another, and my heart also expects her to respond.

However, from the beginning of the search to now, I have never been able to find the trace of Ann. Almost half an hour has passed, and my mood has become increasingly anxious and upset, even full of restless emotions.

If I can't get Ann back, I suddenly feel that we will be the enemy if I see her in the future.

"Why? Ann, where have you been?"

I have been looking for no results. I waved my fist angrily and hit the nearest building wall. Even the sharp pain could not cover up my incompetence and weakness. The black core has been taken away. I don't want to see Ann leave me again.

"Ann, where are you on earth? I'm worried about you! Come out quickly!" I cried out reluctantly. If this continues, she might really leave me completely.

For the first time in my anxiety, my brain tried hard to think about how to find her. Suddenly, I thought of something on my body. I woke up and said, "Yes, tactical terminal! If you track her by location, you may find her!"

In an instant, I was in a hurry. I clumsily took out the mobile phone terminal from my pocket, and then quickly found the terminal information of An. The mobile phone terminal she carried with her was not turned off. Maybe she forgot that the terminal could be located, or she was always in sadness, and she did not notice the role of the terminal.

"Great, the location is tracked. Ann should not have found it." My face was immediately overjoyed, and my eyes were fixed on the terminal display screen, very excited.

It is also through the terminal to locate the exact location. According to the map, she has not left this area, and that location has been stopped somewhere. Obviously, it should be her hiding place.

"Ann, wait for me. I will find you."

After the terminal gets the secure location, I cherish every minute of the moment. If she finds my terminal tracking, once the terminal is shut down, I will be helpless.

I didn't shout again all the way, because I didn't want her to find me close. I had to find her out before she left the harbor alone.

Along the way, I quickly walked through the dangerous collapsed plant area and walked through it non-stop, getting closer and closer to the positioning point. The surrounding area was full of large heavy industrial buildings, and the nearby area was also cold and desolate, and the area was empty.

"It should be here."

I came to a remote factory with a burning face, looked around nervously, and then walked towards a dark corner on the left, where the corner was very empty. After I came here, I slowed down my pace, because the location was here.

At this moment, I finally put down my burning emotion, took a deep breath for the last time, raised my eyes, and gently called to the empty corner: "Ann... I know you are here. Don't hide, come out."

As soon as the withered branches and leaves were pushed on the ground and two oil green cylinder garbage cans were quietly leaning against the wall, the vision here was not dim, nor did I see An's figure.

However, with my soft and soft voice, two oily green trash cans suddenly shook up twice, and you could hear someone crying faintly. I walked there without hesitation: "Ann......"

In the dark corner, the figure of the maid was weak and curled up. She seemed to escape from pain, hiding behind the garbage can, always crying alone, her hands kept wiping tears, just like a little girl who ran away from home, her eyes were swollen with tears.

When she saw me appear, Ann began to tremble with more fear and kept shrinking into the corner to avoid my sight. She kept crying and crying, "Go away! Don't get close to me..."

Seeing her appearance, my heart felt as if it was punctured by thousands of needles. It was extremely uncomfortable, and my heart kept urging me to do something.

So, I squatted down in front of her, approached her gently, looked at her eyes that were unwilling to look at me, and comforted her with the usual gentle words: "Ann, it's OK, come back with me."

However, An did not feel the concern in the words. On the contrary, the more gentle she was, the more she felt that she was wrapped in cold. As if she felt cold, An tightly curled up her body again, with her little hands always covering the abandoned wound, she wanted to avoid it.

But because I was right in front of her, she could not escape. The scattered and drooping hair covered her expression. Ann did not look up, only heard a painful voice, and sobbed out from her mouth: "These...... Wounds, you can see. I...... Am not a human. I am a made" doll "."

"Although it seems to others that I can live like a human being, in fact, I can't. I'm just an" alien "."

After saying these words, she seemed to be suffering from endless suffering and trembling helplessly. She buried her head deeply in her arms and sobbed painfully alone. Hot tears flowed from her eyes, and she was still avoiding looking at me.


I saw that she was suffering. I felt sad and kept silent for a moment. I forced myself to tear off a piece of cloth from my clothes and gently wrapped the wound on An's arm like a bandage. I still sincerely regarded her as the one I knew, Ann, and whispered, "I never treated you as a stranger. You are always the maid I know."

"Although I like human beings very much... I can't really do it." An still didn't look up. She hung her head in pain, as if no one cared. She shrank in her arms in sorrow, and tears poured out of her eyes wet her dress.

She knew that she was just a "doll", as Orucia said, she was an alien who could never become a human being.

These deeply hurt her heart, and Anger resisted my contact. I never really understood Ann. At this time, I want to know her, her inner pain and her sadness.

Then, following her words, I asked softly, "Why do you... like human beings?"

"Because... with you... I will be very happy with you. You... Jia'er... and everyone. It seems that as long as I stay with you, no matter how difficult and desperate the situation can be overcome. Such creatures really make me respect and envy." Some are happy, some are uncomfortable, and Ann finds that the emotions inside are very complex.

"So you... just learn from others everywhere, love life, and record life?" I looked at her gently. An once said the reason why she became a maid. She wanted to experience people's hard work and love every day's life like a worker.

"Hey hey... I always thought that if I could experience human life, even if my body could never become a human, I could also feel human feelings." Although I could not see Ann's expression, I could hear that there was a happy feeling in the words.


She knows her identity better than anyone. Human beings are different from dolls after all, and there are also some secrets in her body. Ann bit her white lips in fear, and her voice suddenly choked: "A doll is a doll after all, and I can never be the same as a real human being. And... if I stay with you all the time, I will betray you sooner or later."

When I heard the last sentence, I didn't hesitate. With a confident look, I looked at her and said, "No, I won't. I believe you won't be like that."

Ann shook her head sadly. She was at a loss. She hesitated for a long time, as if she had made up her mind. Her face suddenly struggled with pain. Her hands clasped her dress tightly, as if to bring a little courage to her heart. Ann told the truth with great sadness: "In fact, I am from Hiro. I was placed beside you from the very beginning to gain your trust and follow you... I thought I would always stay beside you, but I know... Hiro will not allow it. "

At this moment, when Ann told me that she was an undercover agent inserted by Hero, my head burst into a buzzing sound. Maybe it was a big impact. My fists were tightly clenched together. I didn't want to believe this result. My mind was upset and complicated. I kept silent for a long time. Looking at Ann, who was uncomfortable, it didn't mean that I would abandon her.

At this moment, I still did not change my attitude, but looked at her gently and said: "What if you were ordered by Hiro, even if you were a doll? You are still you, with the yearning for life and the right to pursue your own happiness."

"I don't want to see you suffer like this. No matter where you come from, no matter how many secrets you hide, I'm still willing to trust you from the bottom of my heart, or I'm willing to give you my back. And I can't live without you, so... Ann, come back with me." I opened my heart and revealed my true feelings to Ann.

Perhaps she felt the sincerity and sincerity in her words, and Ann's sobbing was restrained, which slowly raised her face, but then she was sad and did not open her eyes. She pursed her lips painfully: "But I don't even know what my" nature "is... I don't know who created me, nor what the purpose of creation is."

"My consciousness is set. Maybe one day I will lose control and do something dangerous to you, but I don't want that to happen."

At this moment, I noticed the tears on An's face, such as the glistening beads of tears, falling down in large drops. The girl's pained look lingered on her face, and my heart suddenly became more painful. I loved to wipe the tears off her eyes and whispered, "It's OK... I will not let that happen."

"But... I'm afraid of hurting you... Maybe... Let's part here..." An's face shows pain and struggle, her eyes are like dim candlelight, and she seems to be going to make the final farewell.

"Why do you think so!"

I suddenly became angry and defiantly pulled the trembling girl into my arms. Ann wanted to push me away, but maybe she felt the warmth in her arms. Her movements seemed weak, and her sad mood was also soothed. But her body was trembling slightly, and her heart was very upset.

I firmly embraced her with a warm hug, and did not allow her to leave in front of me. I said in a decisive voice: "No matter whose doll you are, I don't know any doll, you are you. The maid who has been protecting me in danger, who has always loved life and housework, that's what I really know about Ann."

"No matter what you have done, I will always stand by your side and make an appointment."

At this moment, Ann stopped crying and trembling. She felt the true care that human beings had brought to her. She raised her wet face and stared at my gentle eyes. She slowly put her head close to my arms. Her heart was touched. Hot tears rolled down happily, An whispered: "No matter who you face... Xiao Gu... you are always so gentle..."

"Xiao Gu, please promise me a promise... If I lose control one day, please press the switch on my chest, so that I will fall asleep forever, so that I will not hurt you, so that I will be completely relieved from the pain..." An buried his head in my arms, looking for a temporary shelter belonging to the heart.

I gently touched her head, made a promise to her: "If it really comes to that day, as long as you don't suffer, I will personally let you fall asleep."

After getting my answer, the girl seemed afraid that I would leave her in the next second. She held me tightly with both hands and felt the warmth and care in her arms. The helpless and confused heart of the girl received the warmth of care and sincerity.

"The human embrace is really warm."

Her voice murmured like a gentle breeze