Chapter 65 Take Shen Gongbao

Above the blue sky and white clouds, Longji and I are riding the wind and flying towards the Western Zhou Dynasty. Unexpectedly, I met a middle-aged Taoist Priest on the way.

I saw him wearing a blue cloud scarf and a gossip robe, floating in the breeze. With thick eyebrows and big eyes, a national face, an elegant look, and eyes like lightning, it looks extraordinary.

"Two Taoist friends, please stay here. I am the great Shang Guoshi - -."

I didn't wait for the other party to finish talking, but in Longji's confused eyes, I took her and flew around to the Western Zhou Dynasty. It's true that I didn't look at the almanac when I went out. I unexpectedly met this evil star again. I know he is Shen Gongbao without his introduction.

This guy, I really don't want to provoke him. If this is still in the dream, I will open the Qingmu Qingjing Tower and suppress him every minute. It's necessary to hide!

If you want to return to your dream, you will be happy in your dream.

Seeing that I left without saying a word, Shen Gongbao obviously didn't want to stop. He caught up with me again. Smiling at Longji and me, he bowed his hand and said, "Wait a minute, my friend, why did you hide from me when you first met me? But what's your misunderstanding about me?"

Just then, the guy's face showed a bitter expression, as if he had been wronged.

Until now, I found that he didn't recognize me.

So she took a deep look at Longji Bie. She immediately understood my intention, stood on guard, and did not answer the other party.

I looked at Shen Gongbao and said in a low voice, "I don't know Taoist friends. There's nothing to talk about!"

After saying that, Longji and I bypassed each other again and flew to the Western Zhou Dynasty. At the same time, keep an eye on his back to prevent the Shen Gongbao from sneaking attack. Unexpectedly, this guy was so cheeky that he chased him again.

"Taoist friend, stay here, why are you so cruel to me?" This Shen Gongbao is like a follower, and he still asks 100000 why.

I will not talk nonsense with him at the moment. I will take out the gift bag quietly and read a pithy formula to Shen Gongbao. As I turned my back to him, Shen Gongbao didn't notice my little movements.

Long Ji and I kept a steady speed, waiting for Shen Gongbao to catch up slowly. When the distance between the other party and us is only ten steps. I turned around in an instant and put the bag on Shen Gongbao behind me. Longji also took out the Second Dragon Sword and was ready to mend it at any time.

Shen Gongbao Fei was also a personal spirit, and a wooden dun opened the distance. When I saw that I could not get a hit, I sacrificed the bag again and cast the magic to the other side decisively.

This time, Shen Gongbao did not escape again, but was directly put into the Natian bag by me. But I was not happy because what was in the bag was not Shen Gongbao, but a wooden man.

I immediately remembered the puppet technique that Shifu said.

"Why should Taoist friends be angry? If you have something to say, you can say it well!" As expected, Shen Gongbao appeared on the left again. He did not care whether we paid attention to him or not. He said happily to himself, "Two Taoist friends, we are destined. Especially this girl, who is a natural match with my disciple, was married in a previous life. We are one --"

Shengong Balabala said a lot in one breath. I don't know. I thought he was a matchmaker. The key is that the guy gestures while talking. One Taoist friend shouted, not to mention how kind.

If someone else, the two brothers are probably a family now.

After listening for a long time, I was surprisingly not angry. Quickly shake your head and remove the other person's passivity. Immediately, he took out his pointing sword and pointed at Shen Gongbao: "Fate? You said my wife was destined to be your apprentice or a natural match as soon as you met her. Are you sure you are not joking?"

I feel that if I don't speak again, I will not be able to stand the passive bonus of the other party and will be directly killed by the mouth gun. Shen Gongbao's mouth is so amazing!

Shen Gongbao's face froze when he heard Yan, but he soon laughed again, shook his head, and said with confidence, "Don't cheat me, Taoist friend. You and this girl are not husband and wife."

"Oh, why don't you count it and check the truth!" Longji said, suddenly offering the Erlong Sword and cutting Shen Gongbao. Cold voice: "You are a demon. You lied. When you first met me, you told me that I was innocent."

"Look, I killed you today!"

Under the control of Longji, the two dragon sword flies up and down, and attacks from left to right. Shen Gongbao looks ugly, holding a fairy sword to resist back and forth. Although he is superficially at a disadvantage, his defense is watertight.

"Two Taoist friends, there is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, stop quickly, I made a mistake!"

I saw that Shen Gongbao still had some time to talk. Without saying a word, he pointed to the sky sword and flew out to take the other's head. Under the attack of our couple, this guy was like a loach.

He dodged from side to side. He managed to cut a knife with difficulty, but he dodged it with the technique of double.

Long Ji hit harder and harder, but he couldn't hurt Shen Gongbao. This guy waved one hand and created many strange animals out of nowhere, which made Longji and I tired to deal with.

Seeing this, I became suspicious. I immediately opened my heavenly eye and looked around. Sure enough, Shen Gongbao hid in the clouds right above.

I immediately cast a spell, opened the bag and took it away from Shen Gongbao on the cloud.

"Heavenly eye!" Seeing my heavenly eye sweeping, Shen Gongbao screamed and was about to run away.

Since I found his real body, where could he escape. He just flew a few steps, and I put him into the bag.