Chapter 93 Competition Accidents

Then there was a ten minute break.

Cen Wenkai, the president of the Normal University, saw the huge auditorium full at first sight, and many people even stood in the aisle to watch the game. He couldn't help asking the vice president next to him: "The tickets have been given out? How can there be so many people standing?"

The vice principal explained: "This half district is crowded with strong people, and there are a lot of people watching. The tickets have been shining half a month ago, and many teachers and students from other schools have made comments. Just now, many social masses have come to watch the game, which shows that this competition has a good reputation."

Cen Wenkai frowned: "Good fortune depends on bad fortune. Although provincial leaders did not come, we should pay more attention to safety. In this way, there must be more competitors in the university group tomorrow. You'd better organize everyone to take precautions."

"Good headmaster, I will convene a meeting after the competition to improve the evacuation plan."

Cen Wenkai nodded and said, "Well, this competition must be held smoothly. If something happens, our school can't afford to lose people."

"Good headmaster."

At the end of the break, the competition began again on the stage. After the host introduced the information of the top four players, he announced the start of the battle for hegemony.

According to the drawing order, the male student from Xingcheng No. 2 Middle School came on the stage first, and he sang the original lyric song "The sky has no moon but stars".

Generally speaking, the lyric song with slow chorus rhythm in the final will suffer a little, but he completed it well, with perfect intonation, timbre, breath, etc., except for the weak sense of melody resonance, the final score was 9.62 points.

Chen Shangdong could not help sweating. If this person came out at last or changed the melody slightly, the right champion could not run away.

This final is really a gathering of experts and talents.

Then Chen Xiaoqin came onto the stage. With the accompaniment, she sang the "hibiscus flowers" with deep feelings. The beautiful melody and harmony were very consistent, and the resonance was strong, which attracted many audiences to tears.

When the song was finished, the audience applauded loudly.

Chen Shangdong's heart fell to the ground and immediately urged the four people to go behind the scenes.

At this time, there was a quarrel among the judges. A sharp voice was very clear in the quiet auditorium. It was Zhao Liming who started to make trouble.

"President Shi, it is obvious that this is not an original song. My profession and experience tell me that this song is definitely from everyone, not from her and her sister. Imagine what experience two middle school students have? Can they write songs with such rich emotions? So she is lying. I want to ask you, if the player is suspected of plagiarism, should you deduct points? Should you?"

"Even if it comes from everyone, as long as it has not been published, it is original, isn't it?" There is a disgruntled judge beside it.

"But what about the player's attitude? Can we let her lie?"

"Are you sure she lied? What about the evidence? Can you get it out in five minutes?" asked Shi Jia, chairman of the jury.

Zhao Liming choked at once and produced evidence within five minutes. How could it be possible?

The Shi family's face sank. "If not, give a score quickly."

Chen Shangdong sat back and listened with half an understanding. After the judges' argument was fully understood, the score was 9.68. It was obvious that the judges were misled by Zhao Liming, and the situation became tense at the moment.

He waited anxiously for Chen Xiaoqin, who had rosy eyes, to come and ask, "Why don't you explain?"

"The microphone was taken away."

Chen Shangdongqiang suppressed his anger and said, "It's OK. We still have hope."

Chen Xiaoqin sits next to Zhao Qingke. Chen Shangdong makes Zhao Qingke's mouth open, and then walks to the front of the stage.

At this time, the prelude sounded on the stage. At the most appropriate time, the voice of the four person group cut in.


The evening wind blows a few chills, and I feel lost yesterday.

All the achievements and fame go back to the dust, and the students' feelings remain unchanged.


The beautiful and soothing melody, together with the sad lyrics and the background of the school auditorium, soon aroused strong resonance among teachers and students. Many students who are about to graduate even began to cry and sing loudly to the beat.

Others applauded regardless of the occasion, which caused a lot of criticism. Zhao Liming's eyes were especially harsh.

At the end of the performance, the foursome retreated to one side, and the host walked over with the microphone to say a few words, asking the judges to start scoring.

Zhao Liming once again stood up as a demon, questioning the originality of the song. "Listen to me, this song is a British folk song. I have heard it with my own ears, so it is naked plagiarism, piracy, not original."

The Shi family made the fox suspicious, "What you said... is true?"

"It's absolutely true. I can guarantee my personality." Zhao Liming said it with absolute certainty.

"Then, please tell me, in which village have you heard this folk song? Hawkeshead or Cotswold?" Suddenly someone shouted under the stage, it was Chen Shangdong who came to the front.

"Who are you?" asked the host in time.

Chen Shangdong gestured and asked, "Can you give me a wheat, or let me go to the stage?"

The Shi family asked him to make a decision immediately when he saw something was wrong. "Let him come up, take a ten minute break from the competition, and the guide will switch the advertisements immediately."

The host asked Chen Shangdong to take the stage.

Chen Shangdong quickly stepped forward and asked, "Judge Zhao, I don't know what offended you. You are questioning the originality of all the lyrics and songs I handle. The first" hibiscus flower "is like this. This" friendship "is even more outrageous. It has become a British folk song. Can you tell me which village it is?"

Zhao Liming stared at Chen Shangdong coldly, and he hated him. It was the boy who stood with Miyuan talking and laughing that day. He could see clearly upstairs.

He never forgot the feeling of jealousy.

"The lyrics and music that you handle?" Zhao Liming sneered, "According to you, you wrote this" Friendship "?"

"Exactly. I have also changed the song" Hibiscus Flowers "just now. I came to the stage to know that you have no reason to question whether it is out of public interest or revenge."

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was in an uproar, and soon became audible again, because everyone wanted to know the answer to the question.

Cen Wenkai asked Vice President Zhou quietly, "It seems that this person graduated from our school. Do you know him?"

Vice President Zhou shook his head. "He is the leader of Chenhe City. I can ask him."

On the stage, Chen Shangdong and Zhao Liming are fighting each other head to head.

"Why should I take revenge?" Zhao Liming asked coldly.

"How can I know about you?"

"You are making trouble for no reason. I will act as a member of the jury and can directly disqualify you from leading the team."

"In full view of the public, you may not dare to bully."


With a "bang", the Shi family asked Pat to stand up. "Don't make any noise. Let me ask you, is this song really your original?"

"Of course."

"Can I have a voucher?"

"I sold it to Miwei Music Room. You can send someone to check it."

"How can we send someone to check during the match? Is there a phone in the Milwei Music Room? Or is there anyone present?"

Chen Shangdong hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "None."

The Shi family nodded, "I'm sorry, I can't let the game become a farce, you'd better..."

"Wait," someone stood up and shouted.

Chen Shangdong turns around and sees Wei Zheng walking behind a woman.

In the distance, Mi Yuan sat beside the two men and smiled.

Chen Shangdong thought to himself, who are these two men and the woman in front of them? Is it the crew of Stone Beating?

The audience laughed off the stage. The game tends to become a farce. Who doesn't like it?

Many people took out their mobile phones to take photos, but Wei Minghua sat under the stage and rolled his eyes.

Where is the wild boy? How dare he oppose his son? It's a bear's heart and a leopard's gall!