Chapter 2 Friendship

Rong Xiaoya's fate was full of setbacks. She had been admitted to a good school with her scores, but for unknown reasons, the college entrance exam did not play well this time, and finally she was only admitted to a junior college.

"Why don't you accompany me to the brook between six and seven?"

Not far from Meng Fei's high school, there is a stream. In summer, many girls like to sit by the stream with textbooks and stretch their feet into the stream. Reading a book quietly, or reciting the text quietly, while those boys with hormone eruptions pretend to hold a book, walk barefoot in the stream, walk around the girls, and shout poems unrelated to the text, such as Li Shangyin's Untitled, Tang Bohu's Peach Blossom Temple.

Xiaoxi is not far from their homes. Just in the middle of the two villages, Rong Xiaoya's proposal is naturally the best. There is a romantic place to go, which also shortens the journey back.

"Good is good. It's only from six to seven. Isn't it time for dinner? Aren't you hungry?"

"I can eat later. If you are hungry, you can finish eating and come back."

Since Xiaoya has said so, Meng unnaturally can't oppose it.

"Well, see you then."

Xiaoya left happily, and just turned out of the door, Meng Fei shouted "ah". Meng Fei rushed out to have a look, and looked at Wang Pang, who was ugly, scratching his head in embarrassment. When you look at the state, you know you are eavesdropping on two people.

Xiaoya leaves indignantly, and Fatty Wang enters the room. With a dull face, he said:

"I thought you were going to say something sweet about me. It made my feet numb."

Meng Fei looked contemptuous and said, "After marriage, you will find that the life of husband and wife is more mundane than this."

"Well, it's like you've been married."

"Who is married?" shouted a loud voice at the door before anyone came in.

A young man with cockscomb hair came in and said, "Feizi, you can't steal the book with Xiaoya to get the certificate."

The boy with Jiguanfa's original name was Cao Yanjun. Because his grandfather was a soldier fighting against the United States and aiding Korea, and his surname was Cao, he also took the name Cao Yanjun. In fact, Cao Yanjun was just carrying the blame for his father. If his father was born after the war, his name would fall on his father's head. For this reason, Meng Fei and Fat Man laughed at him for a long time.

"The law stipulates that men can only get married at the age of 22 and women at the age of 20. You don't know."

Cao Yuanjun wondered, "Is there such a rule in the law?"

"Feizi, what kind of law are you talking about with a second generation of officials? As long as the reinforcements find good targets and talk to his father, his father can get them right away."

Fatty Wang is telling the truth. Meng Fei's mother-in-law was able to give birth to a child only because his brother was.

The father of the reinforcements happened to be the township head, who had no great power. This was more than enough.

Men don't ask for warmth like women do. The reinforcements broke Meng Fei's head and looked at the back of his head. They saw the swollen package. Angry:

"Niang Xipi, I know who bullied my brother, and I will kill him." The reinforcements have been in a period of rebellion from the junior high to the senior high. Therefore, the two generations of the family are Communists, but he is the only one who learns from Mr. Jiang's abusive words and the appearance of an ancient bully.

At that time, Meng Fei once envied the reinforcements. Now, looking back, he feels that both of them are particularly naive.

Meng Fei casually waved his hand and said, "I've been beaten by someone. How can I know who it is?"

"Feizi, have you been knocked out of your head?" Fatty Wang looked at Meng Fei, who didn't care. If he was in a normal state, he would have gone all over the world to avenge his enemies. How could he look calm as if he was beaten by someone else.

"Don't touch it. The head is not bad." Meng Fei beat off the fat man's hands groping on his head.

People say that society is a sharpening stone, which can round the sharp edges and corners of the young. Meng Fei is frivolous in his youth, and he is really sensible just after entering the society. He has been hit more, honed more, and his character has become calm.

"Don't you get angry? Don't you get back?" said the fat man.

"Feizi is afraid of breaking people, but he has no money to pay for medical expenses. Don't worry, I will pay."

"Count me in? As long as you can help Feizi find the place." Wang Pangzi and Cao Yanjun knew that Meng Fei's family was not in good condition, and said that Meng Fei was worried about beating people into the hospital and could not pay for his medical expenses. The last time Meng Fei beat someone, they got the injury identification certificate, which embarrassed Meng Fei's father.

You can be ruthless. Of course, you have to have ruthless capital, which mainly depends on your economic strength. Therefore, economic strength determines the value of force. Cao's reinforcements are the first, Wang's fatso is the second, and Meng Fei is the third.

The friendship between brothers is pure. Meng Fei knew who it was. Meng Fei knew when he volunteered in his previous life that three people blocked the door of someone's classroom for a day. Later, the guy simply asked the teacher to escort him. People didn't beat him successfully, but they also scared him half to death. He slipped back quietly by taking advantage of Meng Fei's efforts to fill in the volunteer. The three people were depressed for a long time, and said they went to find someone in the summer vacation, As a result, everyone disappeared.

"Forget it, I don't know who it is anyway, so I should be shot by the bricks falling from the sky." Meng Fei quipped.

The two men stared at Meng Fei strangely, and were sure that he was out of his mind. However, if the person involved is not investigated, it is hard for the brother to say anything. They looked at each other secretly.

Meng Fei didn't know the two men's caution, and immediately said:

"Don't try to avenge me in private. I have grown up, and I don't want you to bear legal responsibility."

The fat man is OK, and he knows how important it is. Meng Fei is worried about the reinforcements. This guy has no idea of the height of heaven and earth thanks to the village head's father. Meng Fei clearly remembers that this guy seemed to beat the people in the next department into the hospital when he was in college. He was arrested and sentenced to three years, and his father almost went to prison.

It seems that he beat the wrong man and offended his parents. The reinforcements were sentenced to ten years for intentional injury, while his father was sentenced to five years for corruption. Fortunately, his grandfather's comrades in arms had some influence in the provincial capital and made the matter less serious. Otherwise, the reinforcements will not turn over all their lives.

Suffering makes people sensible, and reinforcements only mature after they are out of prison.

"Are you sure you don't want to find the place?" The reinforcements asked Meng Fei again. Meng Fei shook his head and said, "It's enough if you want to. Don't help me to prove it."

"Come on, let's not talk about that. How did you do in the exam?" Meng Fei opened the topic. At the end of the college entrance examination, this topic is effective for everyone, whether they are good or bad.

Among the three men, Meng Fei had the best performance, which was just the opposite of the force value. Wang Pang was the second, and Cao reinforcement was the third. Meng Fei's achievements can also be a bachelor's degree. Fat people and reinforcements can only choose a junior college.

It also depends on the school. At that time, unlike the university more than a decade later, the junior college also depends on the school. In a good junior college, your scores also need to be on the line. Some college students' scores are much higher than undergraduate students' scores.

"You are the hope of the three of us." Wang said: "I only have more than 300 points at most, and I will definitely fail to pass the exam. I may not go to college. Anyway, studying is not interesting. I should go out to work."

Wang's parents' construction workers in the city, also known as migrant workers, were not paid attention to by the social groups at that time. What they sold was manual work. They took more for more work and less for less work. But even so, their income was much better than that in rural areas. Compared with Meng Fei's family income of less than 10000 yuan a year, the parents of fat people were able to take three Many people in the village are envious of going home for 40000 yuan.

Fat man's so-called job is to move bricks on the construction site. When Meng Fei saw him a few years later, Fat man was already a contractor. Fat man was brave and willing to work. More than a decade later, he opened a construction company and became a larger contractor. Occasionally, he also contracted to write about the housing construction of real estate agents.

The best one among the three was the fat man. Meng Fei got the best grades. Later, he took a comfortable shift in a company, while the reinforcements with the best family were the ones who stayed in prison and never contacted them again.

The fat man's voice was helpless and uneasy. Only there is no reluctance. Meng Fei did not understand many years ago, but now he can understand many emotions of fat people in an instant.

"Fat man, don't be so depressed. Maybe you will be the best of the three of us." Meng Fei patted the fat man on the shoulder and said firmly:

"Don't comfort me. I know how much I can get."

"Don't disbelieve, time will test everything." Meng Fei wanted to say some words of encouragement, but just opened his mouth and found that none of the words could be revealed. There is no need to preach brotherhood. Everyone is half a dozen, but if they say something, they will live up to it, and the brothers will support them silently.

"Don't talk about me. It's you. Are you confident?"

"I'm not sure. If I can pass the exam, I will go to a university."

In fact, people who have gone to college know that it is nothing more than a sudden transition from an extremely tense state to a relaxed life. In terms of what they have learned, Meng Fei feels that the knowledge they have learned in high school is far more than that in college.

Freedom, unrestrained, and dreams have become the goals of many students in order to go to college. In the other part, for a diploma that can enter a higher threshold of work. Meng Fei wants to go to college, but he doesn't want his life trajectory to change because of his travel.

"I envy you, fat man. You can go out to work." Cao Yuanjun is the envy from the bottom of his heart. This guy, from childhood to childhood, wants to get rid of his father's control and live a free life.

He had a little idea of going to college, but when he thought that the economy was still firmly controlled by his family, he immediately wanted to go far away.

"Reinforcement, don't envy fat people. Fat people have had a hard time. Do you have a good family, and it's not good to finish college at ease?" Meng Fei could not help saying:

"What a ball! As soon as I saw my father giving me some pocket money, I felt an impulse to turn around and leave."

Everyone has their own sufferings. Meng Fei is not good at criticizing the fact that the reinforcements were born in bliss. Meng Fei is clear about the sufferings of the reinforcements. Similarly, Meng Fei's difficulties are also shared by the reinforcements. Both of them envy their lives, but if they change over, they may not want to.

This is life. You can envy and hate, but you can't replace it.

"If you don't give me your money, I'm born to be abusive. Let me hold your pocket money and be abused by your father to the point that I can be totally abused." The fat man interrupted.

"Go, I'd better be abused by my father with my pocket money."

Everyone knows that reinforcements are complaints.

"I should choose a junior college to study first," said the reinforcements, "and then join the army to practice in the army."