Chapter 11 Mengcun Meeting

"Brother Sen, what's the good thing today? We also held a meeting in the ancestral hall of Meng Village." The speaker was a middle-aged man, his shoulders were high and his shoulders were low. It was obvious that it was the result of a long load of things.

"You look worried. As soon as everyone arrives, they will announce."

"Don't I have to work today? I will have an early meeting so that I can make money early."

"Don't worry, you can't delay making money."

Iron Steel came up and said, "Brother Sen, I think people are almost here, so we can start."

Meng Tiesen cleared his throat. He said: "All the old and young men of the Meng Family, today we gather together for our fluorite mine in Baishi Mountain. Yuxi Town has more mountains and less land, and the average household land is only more than one mu. Therefore, we Meng Family will rely on the mountain to support the mountain. You have heard that the boss of ZJ will invest in our fluorite mine. As far as I know, the price of fluorite ore is not cheap, and the selected fluorite price can be sold for more than 1000 yuan per ton. "

At this time, the price of coal was only more than 200 tons, and the price of fluorite was five times that of coal, which surprised everyone.

Meng Tieyu said, "Why should outsiders develop such a good resource?"

Tiesen said: "Yes, why can't we mine such good resources by ourselves? So, I think Tieshan Iron Steel and I have the ability to develop them by ourselves. But how to develop them? Let's talk about it from Tieshan Brothers."

Tieshan stood up and said: "Everyone knows my character. I don't speak much. But everyone knows that I have been working in fluorite mine, so I have rich experience in prospecting and mining. Just now, Brother Tiesen said that the price of the selected fluorite ore can be sold to twelve thousand, and I believe it will be higher in the future, because our country is vigorously developing industry, and our fluorite can be used in all fields of industry. Therefore, the fluorite mine is worth mining. In addition, I estimated that the quantity of fluorite ore in Baishi Mountain is not less than 100000 tons. What is this concept? It can produce an economic benefit of 100 million yuan. I have calculated that it can bring a profit of 50 million yuan. That is to say, if everyone here participates in the investment, each household can get nearly 200000 shares. "

You know, at this time, the average gross income of a family in the village is only 10000 yuan a year, and the profit of 200000 yuan is equal to the income of each family for 20 years.

In rural areas, people pay attention to building houses and taking daughters in law. At this time, 100000 yuan will be able to build a small western-style building with two and a half floors, and 100000 yuan will be left to their sons to take daughters in law. As soon as Tieshan's words fell, he began to whisper after the following exclamations.

"Iron Mountain. It's not that Uncle doesn't trust you. The white stone mountain with short grass can really bring us such great benefits?" an old man asked.

"Uncle Yin Shu, this is the result of Meng Fei's investigation in our family, and the report has been made. If you are worried, you can take it to see." Tieshan said, passing Meng Fei's report on the Baishishan fluorite mine.

There are not many people who can read in the countryside, but Meng Yinshu opened the report and saw the explanation with pictures and words on it, which made him understand at once. Seeing Meng Yinshu nodding and reading the report, the villagers all gathered around him. Begin various discussions on the report.

Tieshan is not in a hurry to speak. He has enough confidence in Meng Fei's report. Instead of letting the villagers listen to him, it is better to let the villagers see more convincing.

The people in Meng Village read the report for more than ten pages carefully. It took Yinshu about half an hour to close the report and said, "nephew Tieshan, I understand a little about this report. You are a sincere person, all descendants of the Meng family, and I'm sure you won't cheat me. What's the specific rule? Tell us about it."

"Villagers' joint venture."

"What kind of joint venture law?"

"According to my opinion and Tie Gang's, those who give more money hold more shares and those who give less hold less shares. But my son Meng Fei and Uncle Tie Sen both suggested that the whole village's Meng surname should participate, that is, each family should contribute 10000 yuan. In this way, the whole village can become rich."

Tie Yu runs a small shop and has some deposits. He then said, "Brother Tie Shan, if I want to invest more, I can't do it."

Tieshan replied with a smile: "Yes, Tiegang is going to contribute 200000 yuan, but Senge refused. Now he is still angry."

People are whispering again. Rural people who don't understand don't mean they are not smart. As long as they have brains, of course, the less people invest under the same conditions, the better. It's really the first time to hear about Tieshan's fund-raising method.

Tieyu then said, "What if someone can't afford 10000 yuan and can't invest?"

Iron Mountain: "We opened a mine and set up a factory in order that all the people in Meng Village can enjoy the benefits brought by fluorite mine and make all the people in the village rich. Of course, there must be people who do not believe that fluorite can bring such great benefits, and there must be people who cannot afford to invest money. But as the initiator, since we have agreed to pay 10000 yuan for each family, according to my son, it is one share for each family. How much money is available , you can buy it from people without money. We will not participate in this process, as long as you talk to the shareholders. "

Tieshan said: "Of course, Tiegang would love to see some people can't afford to pay. He can buy equity from the villagers. Of course, I believe that we villagers are not fools. We can't make money even if we borrow money. Am I right?"

The audience laughed for a while, "Yes!"

Just after the laughter fell, an untimely business suddenly asked, "What if I lose?"

The audience was in an uproar. "Yes, what if we lose? Ten thousand yuan is a lot of money."

For the assurance of human nature, the farmer born Tieshan is obviously not as accurate as the man who has lived for two generations. Originally, the enthusiasm of the audience was high, and they wanted to spend their money on investment. However, at that moment, some people began to doubt, even the purpose of the three of them.

Tiesen is worthy of being the village director. Seeing Tieshan's face turning blue, he knew that he was upset. He stood up and said, "Normally, investment is risky. We invest in factories and do business. If we make profits, we will lose. But Tieshan brothers said that if we lose money, we will lose it. That is to say, when you invest in the company, at the end of the year, if you really lose and want to withdraw your shares, you will be paid back the principal and 10% of the interest. That is to say, if you invest 10000 yuan in the company, you will earn more. If the mine loses, you will still earn more. "

Silver tree said: "Is it unfair to Tieshan?"

"Of course, Tieshan, as an operator, has 5% dry shares." Tiesen said

5% is already very small. According to the haircut, only 5% of the dry shares are allocated to those who are busy, which is very small.

The risks and distribution are obviously one heaven and one earth. In the words of later generations, it is to take the money to sell cabbage with the heart of selling white flour.

What opinions can others have? The eyes of Tieshan suddenly looked high.

"Everyone has no opinion. If not, we will sign the joint venture agreement." Tiesen produced a document from the folder on his desk.

"This is the content of the agreement. The content is what we discussed just now. Tieshan, as Party A, has signed and stamped. The rest is up to you."

After that, Tiesen signed at Party B's position on the last page of the agreement, stamped his hand seal, took out 10000 yuan from his pocket, and handed it to Yinshu, saying: "Uncle Yinshu, you are the elder of our Mengcun Yinzi generation, and what everyone admires most is you. You have to work with me to be responsible for the finance of the mine."

Yinshu used to be an accountant in the village, but he has been retired for more than ten years. Now he hurriedly postponed saying, "This is impossible. How can I be such an old man?"

Tie Gang jumped out and said, "Uncle Silver, I'm not convinced by others. You are always the first one to be convinced."

Tie Shan said: "Uncle Yin Shu, you have a high rank. I can rest assured that you have the money. In addition, this job is not for nothing. At the current monthly salary of 1000 yuan, you are always responsible for the cashier, and Sen is responsible for the bookkeeping."

At that time, when Meng Fei discussed with Tiesen, Tiesen suggested that the bookkeeping should be settled with the cashier alone, but Meng Fei disagreed. Although the rural people were simple and didn't have so many frivolous ideas, it was difficult to achieve disinterestedness for a long time without corresponding constraints.

Human nature is fragile, and system is the best way to restrain human nature.

"Well, I'll be an accountant once, old man. I hope to see more and more money in our villagers' accounts."

Tiesen said to the crowd, "Uncle Yinshu will manage our account, and everyone has no objection, right?"

At first, people thought that this account management would be created in Tieshan Tiesen and Tiegang, but now they have invited an outsider. How can people have any opinions? Now, we have repeatedly explained.

"Since everyone agrees, this agreement will be circulated with your help. If anyone who needs to buy shares will sign and affix their hand seal, let's start now." Tiesen finished his words, and Tiegang took the agreement one by one to sign and affix his hand seal.

In half an hour's time, all the people in the village signed and sealed their fingerprints.

Taking back the agreement, Tiesen said: "I will copy three copies of this agreement, one kept by my village director, one kept by the financial department, and one kept by Tieshan. If you can't trust me, you can take one copy of each copy home."

"How can it?" Everyone laughed.

"Well, since everyone trusts us, we need to implement the capital situation now. After all, we are going to open mines and run enterprises, and we can't do without money. I will give you five days. Can you collect all the money?"

The servants all agreed that 10000 yuan was not much, and there were people at home who could save money the next day. In order to take care of such poor households, Tiesen set the time as five days.

When the villagers dispersed, Meng Fei came up and looked at the three people with happy faces. My heart was also happy. But he couldn't help reminding.

"Senbo, I'm afraid that other surnames in the village will not agree with our Meng family for raising funds to run a factory, especially the two brothers of the Chen family, who are now making efforts to attract investment. I think they will get news in the afternoon. Therefore, we still need to report in advance in this town."

Meng Fei is not worried about the trouble of other surnames, because when the village divided the fields and mountains into households, the village directors and secretaries were all Meng. Therefore, the barren Baishi Mountain was assigned to the Meng surname, for which the people with the Meng surname have always been bitter. Now that fluorite mines have been found, they belong to the people with the Meng surname, which makes sense in the sense of mining by the Meng surname. As for those who are jealous, That is the future.

The main problem is that the Chen Family Brotherhood has become the biggest obstacle.

"Feizi, did Mayor Cao promise you to agree to raise money and mine in the village yesterday?" Tiesen asked.

"Senbo, I just proposed this matter at that time, but I haven't given up the whole story yet. If it were you, you wouldn't dare to promise it, would you?"

"If we can raise money, what should we do if we can't get through to the town in the end? It's our own face." Meng Tieshan was worried