Chapter 12 Washing

Kurihara drives her small car to the front of the flat house and honks the horn. The scene is the same as two days ago, but nothing is the same. Takahashi Ronin packed the things entrusted by the two people into the trunk of the car and sat on the co pilot himself. At this time, Kurihara looked at him sideways and said, "You were driving when I was in a state of emotional breakdown."

"Right." There is nothing to deny about the iron fact.

"Where's the driver's license?" Li Yuanxun asked him.

"No." Takahashi Ronin was very single, his hands folded behind his head, waiting for Li Yuanxun to drive.

Li Yuanxun glared at him: "You are going to enter the police station if you are caught driving without a license!"

"Hmm." Takahashi Ronin naturally knew this law. But the situation was urgent at that time. In addition to his ability to drive the iron box away, the people present might not be able to ask Nainai Hashimoto not to drive?

However, Li Yuanxun only said that he wanted the Takahashi ronics to pay attention to this aspect without too much criticism. After a moment's silence, she said, "But thank you for stopping me at that time."

After losing control of her emotions, Li Yuanxun became silent but did not riot because she received the news that her family had evacuated safely. She confirmed that her family had followed the police to a safe area. She had nothing to worry about, so she asked the store manager for leave two days later. She also knew that everyone in the store was worried about her safety, and she acquiesced to the request of Takahashi Rovers to follow.

No matter what, you should always feel at ease when there is one more person beside you.

"You boy, you should think about your own situation when you work in the future." From the beginning, Li Yuanxun regarded the Takahashi ronin as his younger brother. Now he said in a sisterly tone, "'Don't be complacent just because you can drive, or get your driver's license."

The Takahashi wanderer did not know why the man suddenly changed his temper and began to preach to him. He held his hand in front of his chest and looked out of his mouth, but casually replied, "Hey, hey."

In response to Takahashi's response, Li Yuanxun nodded with satisfaction and started the car to drive to the northeast defense line.

Because of the earthquake, traffic to the disaster area was restricted. After the Shinkansen over there was temporarily stopped or diverted, the airport in Miyagi Prefecture was disrupted by the tsunami caused by the earthquake. So now we want to go to Miyagi County more by private cars, and we all choose the same road, taking things with big bags and small bags to Sendai Fukushima.

After leaving Tokyo, Kurihara Xun joined the northbound traffic flow, and vehicles with a certain distance kept driving orderly on the road. NHK TV station recorded this scene through the aerial camera and broadcast it to the people of the country in real time.

With the deepening of vehicles, the road ahead becomes rugged, and people begin to see the power of the earthquake. Along the way, the road maintenance team worked overtime to repair the traffic, and the traffic police and other functional personnel were ensuring the smoothness of the line.

The traffic police will tell the traffic police about the local road conditions and where there will be supplies, and the safety areas and people's resettlement places will also be highlighted.

After the traffic police checked the driver's license, Kurihara was released, and then the real disaster area came. Building materials that peeled off the wall due to the earthquake began to become common. However, Li Yuanxun could not let go and ran. He slowed down and watched for the danger signs that would appear on the road from time to time.

It took one third of the total time to drive to the resettlement area. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when we actually arrived from eight o'clock in the morning, which was a ten hour drive. Li Yuanxun just took a break for 20 minutes and they had lunch and then moved on. Takahashi Roren suggested changing the driving mode, but Kurihara disagreed. The fact that he didn't have a driver's license always made her uneasy to hand over the steering wheel.

When arriving at the site, there are special staff left to receive and integrate them, arrange the vehicles to stop at a unified place, and the materials on the vehicles are registered.

Li Yuanxun came to confirm the safety of his family. He patiently went through a series of procedures and then called his family. After handing over the materials, Takahashi Rovers didn't plan to follow Li Yuanxun to see the touching scene of reunion. After greeting her, they wandered around the resettlement area by themselves. Just call me then.

"Well, you can stroll here by yourself. But you should be careful. I heard from the weather bureau that there will be aftershocks later." Li Yuanxun told him to separate from Takahashi Rovers.

This is the first time that Takahashi Rovers have appeared in such a place. Although they have no sense of belonging to neon signs, they still feel depressed when they see the misfortune. This is a kind of awe of nature, but also a kind of lament for human weakness. No matter how human beings claim to conquer the world, they are still so small in front of the natural environment.

Takahashi Rovers walked on all the way. People who had nothing to do because their homes had been destroyed gathered together to chat and encourage each other. Some of them were working hard. They did not know where to get a computer and found a corner to knock. There are all kinds of situations in the world, and all kinds of things are happening. Unfortunately and fortunately interweave into a huge magnetic field that hangs over the entire settlement area. When Takahashi wanderers walked among them, they suddenly found that their heart knot left by the premature death of their previous life was gradually disappearing.

He joined the Kendo Club just to control his mood. He held a wooden sword in his hand and didn't think too much. Maybe he forgot things in his previous life quickly for some reason.

Multiple personality has always been abnormal.

Takahashi Rovers walked straight ahead and left the resettlement area unknowingly. As he walked along the road at his feet, he did not know where to go. With his own heart, he finally came back to the mountain when he came to his senses.

The resettlement area is placed on the vacant land on the nearby mountain. The road taken by Takahashi Rovers was taken by people who had nothing to run up the mountain before. At the end of the path is a small vacant land. There was nothing to block his eyes. Looking forward, he saw the coastline in the distance and the debris caused by the tsunami at his feet.

What kind of image is this. What is left in the place called the city is all the wreckage after the destruction, the deformed cars, the steel bars inserted obliquely into the sky, and only half of the buildings left. Takahashi Ronin continued to walk forward for two steps, and the scene in front of him became clearer.

He could only see the first aiders in orange fire suits working at the bottom from a distance, because he could not hear the voice from a distance, but the emotion was completely transmitted through the scene.

He looked down at the scene at his feet in silence.


A small voice came from a distance, but Takahashi, immersed in his feelings, did not hear it at all.