Chapter 77 Is Wild Ginseng Deified?

Hearing her husband say about buying a house, Zhang Qianqian asked, "Do you want to live separately from them in the future?"

"No. Our family are used to living together. It's good."

"Then why do you buy a house for them?" Zhang Qianqian said angrily.

"I know that they are not short of food and clothing now. As long as I treat you well and treat them well, they will not have other requirements for me, but I... I just want to show off."

"Husband, your performance is good enough." Zhang Qianqian kissed her husband on the cheek. "A few days ago, in my parents' bedroom, I talked about you with my mother."

"What did you say about me?"

"My mother said I was the happiest woman in the world."

"What do you think?"

"I think so too!" Zhang Qianqian said with a sweet smile.

"Wife, I'm glad you think so!" Han Xingchen held his wife tightly. "I also feel that I am the happiest man in the world."

"By the way, I have one thing to tell you. From the income of selling succulent plants, I have transferred 600000 yuan to my parents each. Now the family has good economic conditions, and the relationship between relatives and friends is a little generous, spending a lot of money."

"You don't need to talk to me about such things. If you are short of money, just talk to me."

"You," Zhang Qianqian said with a smile, "don't look at money as money now."

"How can you exaggerate?"

"You drive to the underground parking garage of Industrial Plaza, and when you get off, you see a hundred yuan on the ground. Will you pick it up?"

Han Xingchen thought for a moment and said with a smile, "I don't know. I may or may not pick it up. I haven't met this situation. I haven't picked up money for years."

"How much money did you pick up at most?"

"One hundred!"

"Didn't you return it to the owner?"

"A hundred dollar bill fell on the ground, and there was no one around. Where can I find the owner? What about you?"

"I once saw a bag collector with thousands of yuan in cash, many bank cards, ID cards, and the owner's business card. I could easily contact her. I returned my wallet to her, and she was going to take out some cash to thank me. I refused. After a few words, she knew that I worked in the investment and wealth management department of ICBC, so she bought some wealth management products and introduced some friends. In that month, I got more than 10000 rewards. "

"Male or female?"

"Female. When Kaisheng Plaza opened, I contacted her on my own initiative, and she brought many people to join her. Later, she often came to our restaurant for dinner."

"Good people are rewarded!"

"To be honest, I have taken advantage of Sister Wu. In a while, the Clivia on the earth will blossom. We take out a pot of budding Clivia from space, and I personally send it to Sister Wu's house."

"Is this Sister Wu not tall and a bit rich?"

"Yes. You've seen her many times."

"What does her family do?"

"She and her husband have opened a furniture company, and the income is good. She lives in a villas built by herself in the countryside all the year round. I have visited her house once. The building area of the house is at least 600 square meters, the decoration is particularly luxurious, the yard is particularly large, and it is particularly beautiful. Sister Wu likes to grow flowers. I sent her a pot of Clivia, and she must like it."

"Wife, do you think you are a fawning personality?"

"No. I have a lot of friends, who are different from each other and have ordinary relationships. I don't care much about the other party's opinion of me. I don't try to please the other party. I regard the other party as my friend and don't try to please the other party. But when the other party needs help, I am willing to help the other party."

The couple chatted for a while, and Zhang Qianqian shifted the topic to the farm.

"It will take at least half a year for a newborn lamb to develop commercial sheep. If you don't send sheep in the space to the farm or slaughterhouse, will the slaughterhouse have hundreds of slaughterhouses a day?"

"You must send some from time to time. Otherwise, the number of sheep in the space will increase too fast, and the grass in the space will not grow well. The time on earth will not be long, and the Boer goats in the space will lack food."

"It's risky."

"It's OK. When I built the farm, I made the design. Goats purchased from outside should be raised in an independent area for a period of time. The time and space gate is located in this area. The employees who manage this area are not regular employees. If temporary workers are hired, as long as they are careful, there will be no problems."

"It is not a matter to transport a batch of goats in the space to the farm every few days."

"It's profitable, isn't it?"

"It's risky." Zhang Qianqian smiled, "but then again, those illegal people who go on private business, as well as those who make and sell drugs, have made a lot of money doing illegal things. Because they can't resist the temptation of windfall profits, they are still willing to lick their blood on the edge of the knife. If you drive the goats in the space to the farm, you can earn a lot of money without too much work. It's too wasteful to do nothing. "

Han Xingchen changed the topic and asked, "Do you know Huyang?"

"I know. Because you raise Boer goat in the space, I checked some information about sheep on the Internet two years ago. Hu goat is a native sheep breed originating in Taihu Plain, and Boer goat is a goat breed introduced from South Africa."

"According to the online information, compared with Boer goat, Hu goat tastes better."

"Are you going to raise Hu sheep in the space?"

"I've had this idea for a long time."

"Then why not?"

"If the Boer goat in the space is not emptied and the Hu goat is brought into the space, the two kinds of sheep will definitely cross, and the quality of the cross cannot be guaranteed."

"You are considerate."

"Just think."

"When you think about it, it's good to raise Boer goats with all kinds of pastures. Let's say wild ginseng. I read on the Internet that it takes a long time to dig out a wild ginseng that has been dug for hundreds of years. If the roots are short and the quality is poor, the price will be much lower."

"If we change the climate of space and sow a large number of ginseng seeds, we will be able to harvest authentic wild ginseng in a few years. It doesn't matter how many roots we have to drop when we pick and dig. Ten years later, it will take an hour to dig wild ginseng for hundreds of years. How can we earn tens of millions of dollars?"

"What do you think?"

"Nowadays, the number of authentic wild ginseng is too small. It is exaggerated that two or three wild ginseng trees of over 100 years old come out every year. If I make too many wild ginseng trees at once, I will definitely cause a lot of trouble. In addition, I think the efficacy of wild ginseng is mythical. The life span of dignitaries who often ate wild ginseng in ancient times may not be long. If we have a large number of wild ginseng in our hands in the future, it may not be able to sell at a good price. But if we engage in breeding farms to raise goats, the taste of goats is better. Customers will not be surprised, but it is easy to make money. "

Han Xingchen paused for a moment and continued, "In the future, I will establish a food company. The goats raised in my own farm will be sent to my own slaughterhouse, and then the mutton will be sent to the workshop of my own food company for processing mature food, and then sent to the cooked food specialty store for sale. Get through all the links and sell the finished cooked mutton directly to customers. In this way, customers will not be surprised that it tastes good. After all, every food company has its own secret recipe. "

"In this case, your business will surely grow bigger and bigger."

"Is it bad?"

"OK. If you want to do it, I will support you."

"If the food company develops well, the farm should also expand its scale. No, it is more appropriate to invest in farms in other places."

"In addition to mutton, you can also make other cooked food."

"Of course."

"How much mutton do you hope this food company can process in the next year?"

"One day... 10000 jin, and one year 3.6 million jin. Including other cooked food, the annual output value is more than 400 million. Hehe, do you say more, or less?"

"Four hundred million, a little less. In the future, slaughterhouses can kill hundreds of sheep a day. If you open another farm, the daily slaughter will increase."

"Then set a small target, with an annual output value of one billion yuan."

"The annual output value is 1 billion yuan, and the actual net profit can exceed 300 million yuan, right?"

"There must be."

"Delicatessen, direct or franchise?"

"Direct marketing and franchise work together."

"Will this food company go public in the future?"

"Not listed. After listing, the financial disclosure will make it difficult to do accounts."