Chapter 47 Homeboy Has the Potential of a Good Man

After breakfast, seven members of the family entered the space together and stayed for more than two hours before leaving.

That day, after 9:30 Beijing time, Han Xingchen drove his mother-in-law to work at the Xingye Plaza store.

Zhang Qianqian's mother doesn't work in the restaurant. As the boss's mother-in-law and the mother of the boss's wife, she often goes to the restaurant to check accounts as a supervisor. It's true that she found no problem. Two employees who were not clean handed were dismissed directly, and some of them operated illegally and deducted bonuses.

That day, Zhang's mother stayed in the restaurant for more than seven hours. When she left the restaurant, Han Xingchen drove her home for dinner.

On the way, Zhang's mother asked, "Star, do you often chat with your college classmates on WeChat now?"

"Mom, I'm not afraid of your jokes. After graduating from college, I was the worst one among my classmates. But I added several students' WeChat messages. At the beginning, I didn't talk to them because there was no common language. I didn't want to flatter them. They were too lazy to talk to me, but they never deleted WeChat. Later, she went after Qianqian and deleted all the female students. Qianqian knew my secret, especially after opening a restaurant, she needed to send a circle of friends to delete all the students who would never meet again in their lifetime. "

"Xingchen, you don't have to mind these things too much, people..."

Zhang's mother paused for a moment, not knowing what to say to persuade her son-in-law.

"Mom," said Han Xingchen, glancing at his mother-in-law with a smile, "I think I'm in a healthy state of mind now. My wife and children are the most important in my heart, and there are four parents. If it's not for business, I wouldn't particularly want to go out if I stayed at home for half a year. I am willing to help friends who used to have a good relationship if they met with difficulties, but I will not involve too many interests. As for relationships, they are neither hot nor cold. "

"Do you think you need a bosom friend?"

"Qianqian is my bosom friend. I am in tune with Qianqian, and the three views are very consistent. I used to stay at home for several years, and the friendship between me and several old classmates has become cold. Now I am developed, and I don't want to show off in front of them. They want to flatter me, and I don't want to give them a chance."

"Every homeboy has the potential to become a good man at home," said his mother-in-law with a smile.

"Hard!" Han Xingchen smiled and sighed. "In the eyes of most people, otaku is synonymous with failure."

Without saying a few words, Han Xingchen drove the car to his home.

The car wasn't in the garage, it was parked in the yard.

After returning home, Han Xingchen chatted a few words. He took some chicken guts and entered the space with his father and father-in-law. The three men together set up several shrimp nets.

Before, Han Xingchen bought some fresh wild river shrimp from fishermen, put them into the space and put them in the pond. Most of the river shrimp survived. Now the river shrimp has produced offspring.

Tonight, Han Xingchen and his family are going to eat braised river shrimp.

After finishing their work, the three people went out of the space. After more than half an hour, they entered the space again, put away the net, took out the shrimp in the net, and put them in the bucket.

Today, there are many kinds of aquatic animals in the space, such as grass carp, crucian carp, river shrimp, eel, loach and snails.

Although he has a slaughterhouse, Han Xingchen often slaughters goats and firewood chickens in the space. In addition to eating for himself and his family, he also gives them to relatives and friends. Most of his internal organs are not edible, but are cut up and thrown into the pond to feed the creatures in the water.

That night, after eating some delicious river shrimp, Mother Zhang smiled and said, "You can consider raising crawfish in the space. Crawfish is easy to raise and tastes delicious."

"Mom, I talked about raising crayfish with Qianqian, but I haven't bought crayfish, so I haven't raised them in the space. Tomorrow, I will go to the supermarket and buy a few kilograms of crayfish." Han Xingchen smiled and said, "Compared with river shrimp, crayfish tastes better."

"Buy more. Crawfish will definitely taste better if they are kept in the space for a while. You don't have to wait for the next generation of crawfish to breed to catch and burn them." Zhang Qianqian's face showed a greedy expression, "I want to eat hairy crabs a little."

"When hairy crabs come into the market, buy them together."

Zhang Qianqian ate a shrimp and asked, "Can hairy crabs breed in space?"

Han Xingchen replied, "I don't know. I think it should be possible."

After eating, drinking and talking, I had supper for more than half an hour.

Han Xingchen's mother picked up the dishes and took them to the kitchen for cleaning.

In the past, the economic condition of Zhang Qianqian's family was far better than that of Han Xingchen's family. Zhang's mother was willing to spend money on food, while Han Xingchen had stayed at home for more than ten years without going to his wife. His mother was reluctant to spend money on food and wanted to save more money for his son to marry.

Mother Zhang, who bought expensive ingredients, naturally hated wasting them. She checked her cooking skills on the Internet and tried them many times, so her cooking skills became better.

Compared with Zhang's mother, Han's mother's cooking skill is much worse.

Since the two families lived together, it was basically Zhang's mother who took charge, and Han's mother took charge. After eating, Han's mother washed the dishes.

Han's mother doesn't feel that washing dishes is a grievance. Compared with Han Xingchen before he met Zhang Qianqian, she felt that the past life was not easy. She is a hardworking person, and she works more. She doesn't feel tired, and her son has no future, which makes her look disgraced. This makes her feel that her heart is burning again... uncomfortable!

There is no servant at home. The two mothers work together, cooking, washing dishes, washing clothes, and cleaning. They think these jobs are very easy. Mother Zhang often goes to the restaurant to check accounts, which makes her fuller. Mother Han, if she is only allowed to do some housework at home, she will be free from illness. Fortunately, she has space, and she can often go into the space to help do some farm work.

After dinner, they sat in the living room and watched TV for a while. When it was dawn in the space, they went into the space and did some work for a while, then took a bath.

Before going to bed, I had a snack.

Entering the bedroom, Han Xingchen and Zhang Qianqian applauded for love.

"Husband," said Zhang Qianqian, lying in Han Xingchen's arms with a smile, "what are the things you wanted to buy, but haven't bought yet?"

"Space carrier!" Han Xingchen joked.

Zhang Qianqian chuckled and said happily, "You want to fly out of the earth!"

"With the development of science and technology, it is not impossible for us to travel to the moon by space carrier in our 70s and 80s."

"Spacecraft and space carrier are not the same thing, are they?"

"It's not the same thing. The space carrier is very large, and it has only appeared in movies and novels. With the current technology, even if the United States takes the national effort, it will not be possible to build a real space carrier in ten years."

"The United States is not as good as China in doing great things as the whole country."

"The GDP data of China is pretty good now, but the income of ordinary people is too low."

"You are a good boss. Although the average income of ordinary waiters in the catering business is very low, you are willing to pay more salaries and bonuses to employees. You are a good boss."

"I can't be a good boss without your support!" Han Xinghe smiled and kissed his wife's cheek. "Is it very comfortable to lie on me?"

"Yes," said Zhang Qianqian with a smile. "Do you want to lie on me?"

"Just lie on your stomach when you are slapping. Now I'm afraid I will crush you."

"You are neither fat nor heavy, and can't be crushed."

"Do you want me to press you?"


"As you wish!"

Han Xingchen hugged his wife, rolled over, kissed her on the lips, and said with a bad smile, "Still want it, right?"

"I don't want to." Zhang Qianqian said angrily. "As the water goes on, you are old. Even if you have room to rely on, you should take it easy."

"I think most twenty year olds are not as good as me!"

Han Xingchen began to make trouble with a bad smile, and the good play began to play again.