Chapter 38 Durian Powder

After swimming for a while, Zhang Qianqian started backstroke swimming slowly.

"Honey, do you like kiwi fruit?"

"I like to eat."

"Then why didn't you think of planting several kiwi trees in the space?"

"When I bought fruit seedlings before, I didn't see any kiwi seedlings. Next year, no, I will check the Internet. If there are kiwi seedlings planted in flower pots, I will buy some, as well as grape seedlings."

"Need to put up a shelf."

"I know. I'm not short of money. I can build some rusty steel shelves."

"What fruit do you like best?"

"When I was a child, there were fewer kinds of fruits to eat, and I like bananas best. Now many fruits are very fond of eating. I don't like eating most, but I will be tired of eating too much."

Zhang Qianqian stopped backstroke, stepped on the spray, looked at Han Xingchen and asked, "Are you bored with me?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know."

Han Xingchen swam to his wife, stretched out his right hand, put his arm around her waist, kissed her lips, and said affectionately, "My wife, it is my blessing to continue to marry you in my last life. Since I knew you, I have lived happily every day, and I never regret knowing you. I thank God for letting me know you."

"Really?" Zhang Qianqian smiled sweetly.

"Of course it is."

"I like durian, do you like it?"

"I used to be poor and couldn't afford durian."

"If you can afford to rent a villa, how can you not afford to buy durian? You are unwilling to try."

"Before I got the magic power, I really couldn't bear to spend the money to buy Durian. Is Durian on the market?"

"It should be available in supermarkets now."

"We've been together for a long time. Why didn't you buy durian?"

"When I went to the supermarket, I didn't buy durian because I didn't see it."

"Go to Yonghui Supermarket sometime tomorrow. There should be durian. If there are, just buy some back."

"If you can't eat durian, can't you smell it?"

"When I'm not at home, you can eat durian again. Is that OK?"

"No problem."

After two people spent more than twenty minutes in Lingquan Pool, Zhang Qianqian became sleepy and said, "Let's go back to the bedroom to sleep."


After pressing the button, they took a towel to dry their bodies, put on their clothes and left the space together.

Back in the bedroom, Zhang Qianqian took out a hair dryer to dry her hair. After that, she climbed onto the bed, kissed her husband on the cheek and asked, "Husband, are you sleepy?"

"A little bit."

"I closed it."

Zhang Qianqian reached out and turned off the light. After saying good night to her husband, she closed her eyes and went to bed.


At about nine o'clock the next morning, Han Xingchen drove Zhang Qianqian out of the car and drove the car to the maintenance department of the Toyota 4S store.

After going through the repair procedures, the two walked to a nearby BMW 4S store.

There are many kinds of sample cars in the store. After a stroll, Han Xingchen said, "Wife, I don't want to buy a five series car."

"What kind of car do you want to buy?"


"SUV, yes, I also like this car."


"We can't afford it. You can buy it if you want."

"Do you like this car?"

"I really like it."

"Compared with the Porsche Cayenne, which one do you like?"

"Er --" Zhang Qianqian pondered for a moment

"You prefer the X7?"

"I really like both models. Since you have come to this store and you like the X7, I prefer to buy the X7."

"OK, let's buy a BMW X7. I don't think we have any cars in stock. Do you remember you said you liked red and bought red?"

"After buying a new car, I'm sure you drive a lot. You'd better buy a black one, and be steady."


To buy a luxury car, you need to choose various configurations.

The salesperson responsible for entertaining Han Xingchen and Zhang Qianqian is a woman in her 30s. She understands the BMW X7 very much and has made some good suggestions on the configuration.

After completing the car purchase procedures, Han Xingchen and Zhang Qianqian left in the Didi bus and went straight home.

When having lunch at home, Zhang Qianqian asked, "Do you want to go shopping in the supermarket in the afternoon or in the evening?"

"Afternoon, fewer people."

"Do you want to take a nap today?"

"Not sleepy. If you want to sleep, you can take a nap with you."

Zhang Qianqian ate two mouthfuls of food and said, "I'd better take a nap. Recently, I was awakened by Yitian every morning. I didn't wake up naturally. If I take a nap, I will be more energetic."

After three o'clock, Han Xingchen drove his father-in-law's Audi to Yonghui Supermarket with his wife.

On the way, Han Xingchen asked, "What else can I buy besides durian?"

"Er --" Zhang Qianqian pondered for a moment and smiled. "It seems that there is nothing lacking at home. No, we are running out of toothpaste. Buy some toothpaste."

"OK. Buy three more bottles of shower gel. It's hot now, and you have to sweat every day. You need shower gel to take a bath."

After entering the supermarket, Han Xingchen pushed a shopping cart with Zhang Qianqian beside him.

After shopping for half a circle, the cart was almost full.

"If you don't come here, you will buy a lot of things." Zhang Qianqian smiled and raised her hand, pointing in one direction. "Look, there are durian."

"Let's go and buy some."

"Buy one first. After paying the bill, let's taste it. If it tastes good, buy more."


After selecting a large durian, Zhang Qianqian said to the supermarket staff responsible for weighing, labeling and labeling: "After paying the bill, I will taste the durian. If it tastes delicious, I will buy some more. Please cut it for me first."

The supermarket employee hesitated for a moment and said, "After cutting, you can't stop buying."

"I will definitely buy it."

"I'll cut it for you."

After checking out, Han Xingchen pushed the shopping cart to a corner, tore open the plastic bag containing the durian, took out a piece of durian meat from it, and handed it to Zhang Qianqian.

Zhang Qianqian smiled and said with a smile, "Husband, you feed me."


Zhang Qianqian opened her mouth wide, and Han Xingchen sent the durian meat to Zhang Qianqian's mouth.

Zhang Qianqian bit it with her mouth, then took it with her hand, bit a piece of flesh, and chewed it slowly.

"Is it delicious?"

"Not bad." Zhang Qianqian said with a smile, "Honey, you should try it."

Without hesitation, Han Xingchen broke off a piece of meat, put it in front of his nose, and smelt it.

"Dare not eat?"

"What dare you? If you can't get used to it, you will vomit it."

Han Xingchen felt that the durian flavor was not unpleasant. After tasting it, a smile appeared on his face.

"Is it delicious?" Zhang Qianqian said with a smile.

"Yummy!" Han Xingchen smiled and ate the whole pulp. "From today on, I will be durian powder. If you stay here, I will buy some more."


On the way home, Han Xingchen asked, "Do your parents like to eat durian?"

"My mother likes it very much, and my father can also eat durian, but I can't say he likes it very much."

"I like to eat durian. I think my parents also like to eat durian."

When they got home, they cut durian. Han Xingchen's parents tasted durian, and they both thought it was delicious.

Han Xingchen smiled and said, "It seems that we have a lot in common!"

Zhang's mother smiled and said, "When picking the durian, it was not very mature, and the taste was not particularly bad. When traveling to Thailand, I ate the durian that was ripe on the trees, and the taste was several times better than this!"

"Next year, our family will travel abroad together!" Zhang Qianqian said, "When we travel to Malaysia, Malaysia's cat mountain king durian tastes much better than Thailand's golden pillow durian."

Han Xingchen asked, "Have you ever eaten durian?"

"I haven't eaten fresh cat hill king durian, but I have eaten Pizza Hut cat hill king durian pizza."

"Many gourmets regard the Maoshan King Durian as the best durian to eat. In the future, we must taste the Maoshan King Durian just picked from the tree."