Chapter 10 Addition and Change

"Sanji! I want to eat."

"Wait a minute. I'll do it right now. You can eat as much as you want."

In the previous battle to recapture treasure, Shanzhi got a lot of food from the naval fortress. This time, he ran away from the naval fortress. Everyone was tired and needed a party to celebrate.

"By the way, Nero, how did you get caught?"

Luffy grabbed the meat in one hand and poured wine into his mouth in the other. He asked Nero a question that everyone wanted to know. Nero watched him eat and wondered how he could talk without choking while eating and drinking.

"At that time, I was solving the 65 million Bailey White Wolf Pirates group, and I didn't have the strength to rest on the other party's boat."

Nero took a sip of wine and continued: "That Kontriano, that is, Sharpard, just passed by and saw me on the ship and the body fell to the ground. Regardless of my explanation, he took a picture of me directly, distorted the situation into a pirate infighting and was caught by him, which was recorded as his credit."

"So you are now a wanted criminal with a reward of 65 million?"

After hearing Nero's words, Ursopp was shocked. Isn't this a little higher than the reward offered by Soron, who was only 60 million yuan.

"It should be about the same. Calculate the time. Now it's time to send out the reward list."

"It's really powerful." Joba grabbed a piece of meat in his little paw, looked up at Nero, and his eyes were shining with adoration.

"You will become a big pirate in the future."

After being alone with Joba last time, Nero has found out the bottom of this little reindeer. He was abducted by Lufei as a pirate, but he is timid and timid like a child. He will be very happy if he praises him.

"Well, Nero, why don't you join us? Since you can't go back to be a bounty hunter, besides, we fought together." Lufei is still eating, and his voice is casual.

"Yes, yes, Nero, we are already good friends, aren't we?" Joba held Nero's hand and looked at him expectantly.

Yes, I haven't had any friends for 21 years since I was kicked out of my home at the age of seven. Is I going to be lonely all the time. Looking at Joba's expectant eyes and everyone's affirmative eyes, Nero slowly raised his glass.

"Captain, and all of you, cheers!"

"Ha ha ha, cheers!"

Everyone raised their glasses and touched each other. A lot of beer liquor and orange juice were thrown into the air. The golden beer liquor and orange juice blended with each other, and shone like a bunch of fireworks in the sunshine.

Sanji put down his wine cup, lit a cigarette, glanced at Nero's right hand, and asked, "What's wrong with your right hand? Are you a fruit maker?"

"Oh, this."

Nero raised his hand, pulled the short sleeve onto his shoulder, and opened the bandage round and round, revealing the red and black arm inside. The arm was wrapped in pieces of red and black scale like things. There were golden grooves at the junction of the scales, stretching to the back. The fingers were dark blue, and there were conical nails at the fingertips.

"I am not a fruit maker, but I began to become what I am now when I was six years old. This arm gives me strength, but it takes away my life."

Nero knocked on his arm and made a thumping sound. It was the sound of knocking on hard objects.

"Neither the knife nor the bullet in my arm can cause damage, and it has a strong force, but this arm will lose its strength and ability like a fruit maker when it touches the sea water."

"Ah! But it's so cool!" Luffy, Usopp and Joba looked at Nero's right hand, their eyes shining, and Luffy stopped even stuffing food into his mouth.

"Ha ha, how are you?"

Nero looked at Robin and his mouth moved, but he still held his words. It seems that they don't know that Robin is the one who is called "the devil of O'Hara" by the world government.

In order to find the secret of his right hand from Robin's knowledge, Nero did not intend to expose it to them.

"All right, tidy up and repair the boat. The fire of Yanbei is running out, and it's ready to land."

As a newcomer, Nero took the initiative to undertake the task of repairing the ship. Together with Usopp and Joba, he tied a rope and hung it in mid air to repair the Merry.

"I knew this would happen, so I took all the materials in the naval dock with me."

"Ursopp is really powerful."

After a busy time, the two openings of the Merry were finally filled. They said goodbye to Mr. Octopus, who had worked hard, and embarked on the journey again.


"Hey, Green Algae Head, are you dying?"

"So what, you idiot?"

I don't know if it is because of getting up angry that Sorong Shanzhi and his wife quarreled again.

"Have you always been so noisy?"

Nero yawned and used to sleeping on the chair. Because the two men were quarreling, he could not stay there any longer.

"Stinky old man, I advise you to stay well. I'm afraid I can't help kicking you apart." Nero's white hair became Yamaji's attack point.

"What are you talking about? Even if I don't have a knife now, I can cut you both over!"

"Damn it, come here if you can. I can cut off you and that smelly eyebrow in two or three times."

"You two idiots are right to fight together!"

Two ladies were sitting on the orange tree watching the three men scold each other. Robin sipped his coffee and smiled: "I didn't expect they would be one piece so soon."

"Ha, it's really true, I don't understand them." Nanmei looked at the three people downstairs with a look of disgust.

"Urgent report! The ship is found at twelve o'clock."

Wuthorp, standing guard at the watchtower, found a strange ship.

"What, is it the enemy?"

"Well, the other party has neither flag nor sail, and there are very few crew members on the ship, all of them are listless."

Just as Usopp's voice fell, three sea apes appeared from the sea behind the Merry, and they looked at the Merry with a grin.

"Run away! It's the sea monkey!" cried Joba, climbing on the railing and pointing at the sea monkeys.

At this time, the sea monkey merged with the sea, rolled up the waves tens of meters high, and rushed toward the Merry.

"But there is no wind!"

"Go rowing!"

The three men, who had just been in a state of tension, had to give up their plan of scuffle and run to push the mechanism on the deck to row the boat.

"What's the matter with that ship? Such a motionless ship will be submerged by the waves." Soron said, looking at the strange ship that was getting closer and closer.

"Hey, I said you, big waves and sea monkeys are coming, turn the rudder and run away!"

Lufei finally wakes up the listless sailors on the ship with a loud cry, and the people on the ship are in a mess.

"Brothers, it's the enemy ship. Take up weapons and attack quickly."

"Fool, didn't you see the big waves coming? You have to run away first."

"Get your guns ready!"

"Turn the rudder, turn the rudder quickly."

Lufei and others looked at the ship that had been overtaken by the Merry. The sailors on the ship were in a mess, as if they were not unorganized.

"What happened to them?"

"It's really the enemy ship. Don't worry about them."

After several monkey calls, the big waves swallowed up the ship that was still in place, and the whole ship sank into the sea. The three sea monkeys also swam toward the bottom of the sea, and the sea was calm again.

"Don't you think there's something wrong with that ship? There's no captain to command, no navigator, no flag and no sail. I have a very bad feeling." Ursopp put his hands together and thought.