Chapter 85 Wandering Uler

A bright holy light came in the Pantheon, and three great figures appeared in the temple.

They sat on their seats and could not see their faces clearly. There was only a bright light.

One figure is golden. It seems that there are countless angels of faith singing behind him, and there are many creatures worshipping him.

One is bright gray. It seems that there are countless vague figures roaring behind him, and the sound of war swords can be heard faintly.

The last one is silver blue. It seems that there are countless bright stars around him, which is peaceful and mysterious.

The whole pantheon began to resound with empty hymns, and the glory of divine power made the hall extremely sacred and magnificent.

Suddenly, the golden figure spoke, and his voice was deep and majestic:

"Strange divine power has come..."

But in the middle, his voice was a little surprised:

"Eh? I can't even feel his divine power attribute."

After hearing his words, the bright gray figure scanned the whole room and said in surprise:

"There is no new throne."

His voice is hoarse.

After a moment's silence, the golden figure spoke again:

"It's a new God... But he gave up leaving the mark of divine power."

Then he looked at the third silver blue figure:

"Under Rigdal's crown, who is the real god on duty in the Pantheon in the past hundred years? Why hasn't the new gods been well introduced?"

The silvery blue figure was silent for a moment, looked at the bright gray figure, and said:

"It is Uler, the god of cold winter and hunting."

Hearing his words, the golden figure suddenly looked at the bright gray figure, and his voice was a little dissatisfied:

"Under the crown of Lord, Uler is your god, which is your dereliction of duty."

The bright gray figure was silent for a moment and sighed:

"I will punish him, Eteo."

The golden figure nodded, then suddenly gave out a sneer:

"Uhler... Are you still thinking about that priest?"

The bright gray figure known as Lord nodded:

"That one's ministry is highly compatible with him. Although I have warned him many times, I am afraid he has not given up."

"Nature and life?"

The golden figure turned around and looked at the dark throne behind.

His eyes focused on a god seat carved with flowers and vines, and his voice was a little apprehensive:

"It has been a thousand years, and I don't know whether the curse magic set by that one exists..."


At this time, the silver blue figure coughed twice.

His voice was full of discontent:

"Under Eto'o, you should remember our agreement thousands of years ago. That agreement has fallen. At present, what Saigus needs is to recuperate..."

"At the present level of energy levels in the Segus world, we cannot support our arrival, and its plane origin cannot withstand major interference."

"As for the noumenon of that person... I have said many times that he is deeply involved in the plane of Segos, and the gods cannot attack it until the origin of the plane of Segos is restored. Or..."

His words turned with a hint of irony:

"Do you want the Saigus world to collapse?"


The golden figure grunted and stopped talking.

Just a moment later, he uttered a light sigh:

"Eh? The magic of the Saigus world has improved?"

The silver blue figure nodded:

"Yes. It has been thousands of years. Although it is much faster than my prediction, it is indeed time for the Segs plane to recover its original source."

The golden figure was silent for a moment, and looked at the silver blue figure again:

"I don't know what your plan is, but our agreement thousands of years ago will not change."

After saying that, he stood up from the throne with a deep and powerful voice:

"All the existence that threatens the gods will be completely wiped out!"

Then he said to the bright gray figure again:

"Under the crown of Lord, please tell Uler to find the new God as soon as possible and introduce him to the Pantheon."

After saying that, his body bloomed with bright light, and then the whole figure slowly disappeared.

The other two figures looked at each other and returned.

The Pantheon, once again restored calm.



In a small godly country with an area of about 10 million square kilometers, countless people are praying enthusiastically.

In the center of the Kingdom of God, there is a towering snow mountain, covered with snow, on which there is a silver temple.

In the temple, a towering figure covered with holy light is playing with a delicate divine bow.

Suddenly, his heart moved and he stretched out his hand.

A silver light flew into his hands, and when he touched it, an angry roar rang out in the temple:

"Uler! There is a real god! You will be on duty in the Pantheon for a hundred years! You should locate the new real god as soon as possible and introduce it into the Pantheon! In addition, you will continue to be on duty for another hundred years as a punishment!"


Taking a deep breath, he stood up from the throne and bowed slightly in one direction:

"Please obey the God's instructions."

When he heard his words, the silver light seemed very satisfied, and then slowly disappeared.

Uler was relieved and said with some chagrin:

"Unexpectedly, a real god was born..."

The Saigus universe has not seen a new god for thousands of years, so he also relaxed his guard, but unexpectedly hit the muzzle of the gun.

It seems that something came to mind. Looking at the direction of the light cluster, Uler snorted a little unconvinced:

"Hum... If I had mastered nature and life, how could I stoop to God?"

As the youngest and most potential (self styled) new god for thousands of years, he has always wanted to be independent and have his own divine family. Unfortunately, the orcs are too weak and his religious position is too weak

"I don't know how the believers have investigated, but there has been no news for so long..."

Uler put down his divine bow and walked around the temple impatiently.

Suddenly, his heart moved:


He stopped and waved gently outside the temple.

Soon, a thin half orc soul floated over.

It was an old half orc, dressed in sheep's skin, and a priest.

If Demasia is here, he will be found to be the unlucky guy who was stabbed to death by boxed lunch.

Uler narrowed his eyes and then put his hand on the top of the priest's soul.

In a flash, scenes were shown in the temple

That was the experience of a priest's life.

Priests are different from other believers.

When becoming a priest, intelligent creatures are equivalent to opening their souls to the true God.

In this case, once an intelligent creature dies, its memory will be protected by the power of the true god, and the soul will still have the memory of life after entering the kingdom of God.

And the true God can also read his memory!

This is the real reason why Eve wants to guard against the priests of Uler!

As he read the memory, Uler's expression changed from expectation to gravity, and from gravity to doubt

After a moment, he put down his hand and muttered in a daze:

"Seven dragon beads? A kaleidoscope wheel eye? The treasure of the pirate king?"