Chapter 62 Strange Players

"Ha ha, I finally became an internal test player!"

"Whew... What fresh air! What a beautiful forest!"

"The authenticity of the game... I don't know how to express it anymore..."

"Yes, we must have. This is definitely an alien conspiracy!"

"Is this the town built by the players in the first test? It's so beautiful..."

On the square, hundreds of second test players looked at the strange world curiously and excitedly.

In addition to the beautiful forest scenery, the unique fairy town, and the fresh and pure air, they were greeted by

And three hundred enthusiastic faces.

"Ha ha ha! Welcome newcomers to join the Elf Kingdom family!"

De Marcia laughed and skillfully squeezed into the crowd, holding hands with two shy new girls:

"Are you excited? Are you very open-minded? Don't you know how to integrate into the game more quickly?"

As she spoke, De Marcia flashed the black iron machete of the bright purple epic, and proudly said:

"Hey, hey, hey... come on! Let the first tank soldier of the whole service teach you how to get started!"

As soon as he spoke, he was kicked on his butt and fell into the mud.

"Go away. These two are my real friends. Don't chat up!"

Googoo came over with a cold face.

Demasia got up from the ground, his head shrank when he saw the visitor, and smiled:

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough

Then he ran away.

"Poop poo..."

Looking at De Marcia's back, Xiao Xianmiao laughed.

De Marcia is also a unique flower of Quanfu.

Actually, my heart is not bad, but why is EQ so low?

Xiaoxianmao shook his head.

She looked at Gogoo bird who was chatting with her new friend, hesitated for a moment, and didn't bother her.

At this moment, the first test players who received the guidance task also found their own goals and started the activity of taking new people to do tasks.

This is the task of the Goddess. Whenever players lead a new person onto the right track, they will get generous contribution rewards.

The content of the task is very simple. Just take the newcomers to complete the daily task once, and each person will be rewarded with 100 points of contribution.

In order to exchange the epic equipment in the system and learn various skills, 900 second test players have become mobile contributions in the eyes of the first test players

Every player in the first test scrambled to lead people, and some even pulled in four or five at a time.

The level of enthusiasm almost scared the newcomers who just entered the game.

Xiaoxianmiao has no idea of bringing new people.

In fact, she just wanted to join in the fun and see how surprised the new people were.

She likes the atmosphere of the game in Elf Country. Although the players here will quarrel for interests and sometimes have conflicts, they are united on the whole and treat their partners sincerely.

Even those who hug their thighs against the name of her local tyrant players are very real.

This is much better than those hypocrites with smiling masks in reality.

However, although Xiaoxianmiao does not intend to bring new people, some things are not transferred by human will.

In fact, when she appeared in the eyes of the second test players, she had become the focus.

No other weapon. The weapon repaired by Eve, let alone the actual combat effect, is absolutely powerful.

The luxurious appearance of the black iron level gold legend equipment even made Alice think it was a divine artifact.

And Xiaoxianmao, who is equipped with golden legend equipment, is undoubtedly a big guy in the eyes of players.

Plus, she's a sister

Soon, she was surrounded by a group of second test players.

"Xiaoxianmiao?! Is it the Xiaoxianmiao on the forum? Cute and new!"

"Miaodai, can you be my master?"

"Big guy! New people want to be friends!"

For a moment, the girl who was surrounded felt a little confused.

"Well... I'm sorry, I don't plan to bring anyone."

At last, she had to decline with regret.

The rejected novice players were disappointed.

But soon, they were targeted by other first test old fogies and pulled away

Gradually, Xiao Xianmiao's surroundings became empty.

She didn't care at all, but found a corner of the square to sit down and smiled at the players who came and went in the town.

Excited newcomers.

Enthusiastic old players.

And Alice, the busy virgin of nature.

It's so busy.

Compared with reality, people here seem to be more energetic and authentic.

Xiaoxianmiao likes this feeling very much.

Her eyes swept through the crowd, enjoying the feeling of hanging up.

Suddenly, a figure came into her eyes.

That is a strange female novice player.

Unlike other excited players, she looks very calm.

She did not rush to do the task or communicate with the old players, but stood quietly beside the stone tablet in the center of the square.

She reached out her hand and slowly stroked the stone tablet, not knowing what she was thinking about.

At just one glance, Xiaoxianmiao felt that he could not move his eyes.

Not that the player's pinched face is so beautiful.

In fact, the players on the Elf Kingdom are absolutely top rated.

The player's style is absolutely ordinary and can't be more ordinary.

Hair color is the most common golden color, eyes are the most common emerald color, and even hair style is the most common shoulder length hair.

Medium stature, medium height... All are the most basic settings of the system.

It can be said that just from the appearance, this player is no different from other players.

But...... The temperament is different.

Temperament is a very strange thing.

Obviously, everyone has the same appearance, but people with temperament are different from those without temperament.

For example, Demasia has a handsome face, but when he smiles, he always gives people a sense of indecency.

But this female player is different.

She clearly stood there, but seemed to be out of tune with the surroundings, emitting a smell of strangers away.

Obviously, she looks ordinary, but she gives people a noble, elegant and independent feeling

It seems that she will leave the world in the next second.

There was a faint smile on her mouth.

That smile, from the heart, but it seems to have a kind of inexplicable taste.

Delighted... Miss?

Not knowing how to get it, these words suddenly popped out of Xiaoxianmiao's mind.

Gradually, a trace of curiosity came into her mind.

Xiaoxianmiao glanced at the ID on the other side's head.

Only one word.


She raised her eyebrows.

Is the wind?

The wind has no roots, no duckweeds and no shadows.

The wind is born and moves with the heart

Little Xianmiao got up from the ground with a trace of interest.

She tidied up her clothes and walked to the other side