Chapter 60 Completed Novice Village!

Game time is always fast.

Under the temptation of equipment and upgrading, the players in the internal test also broke out with unprecedented passion.

Over and over again, many players have accumulated enough contributions to replace their coveted equipment.

What surprised Eve most was that the golden legendary equipment he put on the shelf was also quickly exchanged.

Not only that, these golden legendary equipment are exchanged by one person.

The nickname Eve is also familiar, Xiao Xianmiao, who is the chairman of the "Mengmeng Committee".

This female player is a mage and loves fireball, but she is always uncertain. Eve is very impressed with her

But after a little attention, Eve knew that after the golden legendary mage's equipment went on sale, the sister began to collect contributions in the whole service for free

Some players have made statistics. In order to collect contributions, she has spent at least two or three hundred thousand


Eve could not help sighing, and recalled her poor years on the blue star.

How can there be a truly balanced online game in the world

Can you become stronger without krypton gold?

Hmm... except the game of a pig farm.

One month after the recovery of the holy city of Feilengcui, the construction of the fairy town was finally completed.

At this moment, this player stronghold under the World Tree has grown to a large scale. Apart from the lack of city walls, it has become a rather charming town.

Moreover, due to the interest of players, this town is different from the traditional fairy buildings. The town is full of various European, Chinese, Japanese and even Arabic classical buildings on the blue star.

Several players of landscape architecture and civil engineering have made the most of what they have learned. These buildings with different styles are gathered together, but they are not abrupt at all. Instead, they have different interests.

Among the buildings, there are unique gardens and various green belts, which make the whole town seem to be located in a sea of green leaves and flowers, which also reflects the "nature" of the spirit.

It is said that in order to design the architecture and scenery of the town, the players even released a reward on Bluestar and consulted many industry leaders.

The final result is that Eve originally only wanted players to build a stronghold that could live as long as they could, and under the magic bonus, it became more and more exquisite and beautiful.

Among them, the player construction team led by Googoo bird made the greatest contribution.

It is said that her dream is to build a town with different styles from all over the world, but she didn't expect to have this opportunity in the game.

This makes Eve seriously doubt whether there are serious fans of "My World" and "Simulated City" among the players selected by herself

Not only that, players also set aside space for development when designing the town, which can be further expanded in the future.

According to Gogoo Bird, that is a place for other players in the future.

When the town was finally built, Eve was shocked.

"If you let these players go to restore the Old Summer Palace, they will do a good job."

At this moment, Eve couldn't help sighing when she looked at this fairy town that seemed to be a garden handicraft.

Even Alice and Basaka were shocked by the handwriting of the chosen people.

"The Mother God is above... These God elect must be the best craftsman in their world!"

Looking at the exquisite and small garden landscape, Alice couldn't help admiring it heartily.

All the beta players gathered in the square of the fairy town.

The central square is large enough to accommodate more than 300 players.

In Eve's opinion, even three thousand people are absolutely tolerable.

Today is a special day. The Elf Town has been completely completed, and the Googoo Bird has already posted a post on the official website forum, inviting all the beta players to participate in the ribbon cutting of the town's completion.

Although the players' construction team is the main force in building the town, 300 people have contributed in this process, so this town can also be said to be the crystallization of the common efforts of all players.

Not only that, but also their home in the game is here. Everyone has an exquisite house and an attached garden.

Here is their hometown in the Segos World!

It is a miracle in the game world that no one of the 300 players has left the Elf Kingdom after it has been open for so long.

In addition, the average daily online time of the players in the beta test is more than 12 hours based on the time of the blue star!

I have to say... This is a horrible data, which is enough to show the player viscosity of the Elven Country.

Of course, after players enter the game, the body of Blue Star will fall asleep, which is one of the reasons why they have been online for a long time.

Because this mechanism allows many players to choose to go online at night in Blue Star. The body of Blue Star is in sleep, while the consciousness is in the game

In addition to a little maladjustment at the beginning, and some psychological fatigue caused by long-term games, they can completely turn sleep time into game time!

This makes many office workers in the players very happy.

These days, they have already regarded this place as their second life!

At this moment, all the players gathered in the square looked excited.

In the center of the square, beside the transmission array connected with the birth place of the players on the world tree, a solemn stone tablet was erected.

It was a natural boulder that players found from the forest of elves, and it was carefully polished by them.

On the stone tablet, from top to bottom, there are numerous inscriptions.

That's Chinese.

And the content is names!

That is the nickname of three hundred players in the internal test, and the name of the people who participated in the construction of this fairy town!

Googoo, Li Mu, Demasia, boxed lunch, Xiaoxianmao, etc.... All included.

At the bottom of the name, the planning of the fairy town, the vision of the players, their construction history, and the completion time of the fairy town are introduced.

Eve borrowed Alice's words to propose this stone tablet, which was unanimously approved by the players.

From then on, this stone tablet will accompany the growth of the fairy town and become a beautiful scenery of the "Spirit Country".

Every player who comes to the town will see the stone tablet and know the struggle of the players in the first test.

With the revival of the spirit civilization, this stone tablet recording the first coming of the Chosen Ones will also appear in the story of the bards, sung from generation to generation, and eventually become an ancient myth

Here will be the beginning of the fairy epic!

Players gathered in the square and sat together excitedly.

Alice and Basaka were also invited to the square.

Gogoo bird handed a knife to the fairy girl in the solemn holy dress and said respectfully:

"Miss Alice, please cut the ribbon for the town!"

As she spoke, she pointed to the stone tablet.

On the stone tablet, the ribbons have been wrapped by the players.

They made it from all kinds of flowers and plants in the forest, instead of red ribbons on the blue star.

Alice, who has been told by the players in advance, knows that ribbon cutting is a ceremony in the hometown of the chosen people, so she is also very attentive this time.

Looking at the smiling faces of the candidates, her heart was filled with emotion:

"Although they are still stumbling, they have gradually integrated into the world!"

Taking a deep breath, Alice showed a sweet smile and cut the ribbon on the stone tablet in the witness of three hundred people.

"Congratulations... Chosen Ones, you have built your own home!"

She congratulated her heartily.

"May nature be with you forever!"

With Alice's blessing, the players gave a burst of cheers.

The prepared mages kept releasing fireballs and other explosive magic into the sky, like fireworks

Everything is like a holiday.

While the players cheered, suddenly, a magnificent and sacred glory fell from the sky

Countless bright photons float like rain, like a dream.

The stone tablet, on the other hand, shines with dazzling light, and all the words carved on it are transformed into sacred gold.

The ethereal hymn came, which was ethereal and magnificent, and cleansed all people's hearts.

"Miracles! Miracles!"

Alice looked surprised at the sudden change.

Turning to the direction of the world tree, she piously drew a symbol of the mother of nature on her chest and said happily:

"It's Mother God! Mother God is also sending you blessings!"

The players looked at each other, and their eyes brightened.

I don't know who was the first to start, but suddenly shouted:

"Praise the Mother of Nature, praise the Goddess of Life, and praise the great master of the elves Eve Euktrahir!"

Then came a more enthusiastic agreement

Numerous players raised their weapons and equipment, cheered and shouted excitedly:

"Praise the Mother of Nature, praise the Goddess of Life, and praise the great master of the elves Eve Euktrahir!"

Just yelling, the content is distorted

"Goddess, I will try my best to fight for the rise of the elves. The new version must bless me to find the epic script!"

"Me too! Me too! The new version must bless me to trigger the hidden story!"

"And me! Please bless me to find the equipment of the Golden Legend!"

"Praise nature! Please give me a player sister for the second internal test!"




In the sky.

Eve, who has basically repaired the soul storage pearl, is also pleased to see the bustling town square.

As for the players' "metaphysical" prayer, he has ignored it.

On the world tree, hundreds of human shaped "pupae" have taken shape, and there are mature elf bodies sleeping in them.

Eve played with the soul storage pearl for a while, and then put it into one of the "pupae".

Soon, the second internal test will be started.

At this moment, he is full of expectations for the future!