Chapter 119 Enemy Attack

The black dragon is back?!

The mountain and the night hikers were surprised at the same time.

The night walker looked at the Orc Priest, and frowned:

"Didn't you say that the Black Dragon was dead?"

Looking at the sight of the night hiker and feeling the pressure from him, the mountain felt numb:

"Sir, this... it has never returned, and the soldiers who went with our tribe also..."

He is a bit incoherent.

The night walker sighed and said:

"Forget it. Go out and see what's going on."

"The dragon has always regarded treasure as his own forbidden property. Although it is only a young black dragon, we can't be careless."

After saying that, he took the lead in getting out of the tribe's main account.

Seeing the night walkers did not seem to be very nervous, Dashan also breathed a sigh of relief.

With the presence of high-level divine relatives, they are about to summon the divine envoy. The young black dragon, who is just a silver leader, should not pose a great threat to the tribe

When they came outside, they heard the angry roar of the Black Dragon from afar:


"Despicable, evil and cunning half orcs! Return Lord Myriel's treasure quickly! Otherwise, Lord Myriel will eat you!"

It stood on the castle at the top of the mountain and looked down at the cave tribes at the mountainside. The sound spread far and far.

The terrifying dragon power came from afar, coupled with the threat of impoliteness in the voice, which made the half orcs of the cave tribe have a little trouble.

Looking at the commanding black dragon, the night traveler smiled and said:

"Black Dragon, your treasure has been requisitioned by the true god for the time being. I can swear by my soul that I will repay you three times the amount in a week."

Three... three times!

For a moment, Myriel's eyes widened, and there was a trace of intention in his expression.


At this time, Xiao Xianmiao, who was hiding behind him, quickly coughed a few times, reminding him:

"Myriel, I heard that they are going to summon demigod level power. If they really want to succeed, can you still run? Think about just cause, think about comfortable massage, think about honey barbecue......"

"The gods of Orcs are not necessarily as talkative as Goddesses..."

Justice? Massage? Barbecue?

Myriel's eyes brightened and he swallowed subconsciously.

But soon, it reflected:

Half... half god level!

For a moment, Myriel's face turned green.

These damned bastards! You are deceiving it again!

"Myriel, please hold off for a while and attract their attention! I and Googoo will build the array as soon as possible."

Seeing that the silly little black dragon was awakened by himself, Xiaoxianmiao continued to say to it.

As she spoke, she rubbed her temples with a headache.

Originally, the players planned to sneak attack.

But who knew that the little black dragon was so reckless that he took them to the top of the hill of the Orc tribe!

After listening to her words, Myriel nodded and then shouted down the hill:

"Rua! No way! Myriel must get his treasure now! Otherwise, Myriel will destroy your tribe immediately!"

This word immediately caused the panic of the half beast people.

The night walker frowned.

Now is the critical period. He can't delay the opportunity because of the black dragon.

Immediately, try to calm the black dragon down temporarily.

Although his strength is one rank higher than that of Black Dragon, he is not sure to kill him.

He doesn't want to have another disorderly enemy.

So the night traveler continued:

"Sorry, Mr. Black Dragon, I'm not hiding from you. Your treasure has been used by us, but don't worry. I can swear by God that I will give you a satisfactory answer in a week! Not only that, if you can join us, I will give you ten times back!"

His posture is very low.

Generally speaking, the dragons are afraid of the real gods, especially the legendary dragons.

They will maintain a certain degree of respect when facing the relatives of the true God.

The night walkers also believe that his words can appease and even move the black dragon

Ten times more treasure, no dragon, no heart!

Myriel's eyes did jump.

However, the soft cough came again behind me.

He speaks softly, but with disdain, and is very rich:

"Cough cough, isn't it treasure? I can find a way to get you as much as you want in the future! It's definitely better than him!"

Myriel was moved.

It gave Xiaoxianmiao a look of "I believe you, don't cheat me", and then looked down the mountain again.

It growled and threatened the night hikers with a grimace:

"No! No! Myriel wants it now! Three times! No! Ten times now! Otherwise, Myriel will breathe now!"

Night Tourists:

The black dragon is messing around. Is there a hole in his brain?

For a moment, he had a headache.

He was not sure to kill the Black Dragon, nor could he meet its requirements immediately, so the two men started to pick a skin from afar

However, with the gradual communication, the night walkers gradually saw that the black dragon seemed to have scruples about his strength, but only moved his lips.

It dare not even fly down from the mountain.

But... why?

Apart from time consuming, what's the use?

The night traveler felt that he must have met a greedy black dragon with a brain problem.



Suddenly, a bright light flashed in the heart of the night traveler, and his face suddenly became solemn.

At the same time, a strong spatial fluctuation came from the castle on the mountain

Space magic wave?

Not good! It's transmission!

The night walker's expression changed slightly.

In an instant, a dense and small figure appeared in his sight.

They are all fairies waving weapons!


The night walker was stunned at first, and then his expression suddenly became severe!

Those are... the elves in the forest of elves!

Those elves have conquered an evil and greedy black dragon?

How did they do it?!

If it's the metal dragon of the good camp

This is an evil five colored dragon!

The famous Erwuzai and Renguzai - Black Dragon!

For a moment, the night hiker's eyes widened mysteriously.

At the same time, the black dragon Meiruier immediately became excited.

It screamed "rua", then flapped its wings, dived down the mountain, and opened its mouth to breathe!

The night walker's expression was grim. Instead of taking care of the black dragon, he shouted at the enemy attack and retreated to the main tent.

The Orc Giant Mountain has also been shocked by this sudden situation.

"The spirit... unexpectedly attacked?"

His expression is very wonderful.

The elves will take the initiative to attack, which is the biggest joke in the Segus world.

Even if he knew that the elves in the forest of elves were strange, he did not expect such a day.

Taking the initiative to attack the target can never happen to those long ears who love peace and accept adversity!

But soon, he responded with a roar:

"If there are enemies, blow the warning horn!"

With the horn of "Woo -", the whole rock cave tribe began to mobilize.

On the top of the mountain, Xiaoxianmiao was even more depressed when he watched the black dragon rush down:

"You two fools! What are you aiming at? Have you ever played high level professionals?!"

"There are not enough people! Protect the transmission array first!"