Chapter 51 Burning Village

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, who were not in good shape, were crowding towards the unknown village. They were afraid that their companions would rob all the women and money if they were a little late. The officers and soldiers went door to door, kicking the door hard with their feet, and then went into the house to look for it everywhere.

Several officers and soldiers dragged an old woman with gray hair who was inconvenient to walk out of a shabby courtyard, angrily scolded: "Where are your family members and money?"

"Everyone in my family has gone to Xingxian County, and only my old man is left. Take everything you like from home." The old woman said intermittently, as if she was still confused.

One of the soldiers kicked the old woman to the ground, and said angrily to the people around him, "It's really unlucky that there is only one old man left. He said that he would take away what he liked when he saw it. Everything in the house was taken away except a few pieces of rags and old tables and chairs. We hurried to the next house, and everything was taken away later."

After saying that, several people did not look at the old woman who breathed more than she breathed. The head would not rush to other houses in the village. Just a few steps after they left, some officers and soldiers came out of the houses in the village, swearing. Some of them were empty and didn't look like they were carrying extra things. There were also some officers and soldiers pressing some older people. The officers and soldiers found that there was no young woman or young man, and the valuable things in the village were also taken away.

"Damn it, there's nothing left but a group of old people," said someone spitting on the ground.

"A group of unworthy descendants left the old man alone."

"Kill these old people," said a soldier with a scar on his face.

"Kill them with a knife and make them cheaper. Let them stay here and we will burn the village." After that, some officers and soldiers cursed and lit a fire one after another. Most of the houses in the village are thatched houses. In addition, autumn is the season when things are dry.

The flames burned from one hut to another, and the whole village was ignited in less than a moment. The soldiers left the village and stayed outside. When they saw an old man running out of the village, they kicked him and threw him back. The firelight seemed to reflect through half the sky. Amid the crackling sound of burning grass and the shrill wailing of the elderly, the officers and soldiers laughed and cursed with twisted faces. In the fire, the roof of the thatched house was ignited. The wooden shed and roof in the whole village kept falling into the fire, shaking the fire a little, and then the fire rubbed and became bigger.

"What's the matter? Why set the village on fire?" He Dayong rode to the officers and soldiers and asked loudly.

"Sir, the young people and children in the village have run away with all their valuables and money, leaving only a few old people here." A soldier answered loudly with red eyes.

"We want to find a beautiful woman for you."

"My brothers are really angry, but they just burned the village."

"These people deserve to die."

"Please don't blame your brothers."

"Yes, please don't blame us," replied the officers and soldiers around.

I don't know if it was the reflection of the fire, He Dayong found that the faces of these soldiers were twisted, and their eyes were red, as if they were bleeding. He Dayong shivered and said, "It's all his brothers. How could I blame you? If I were here, I would also burn this place. Rest assured, brothers. When Xing County is conquered, you will plunder it for three days. You will get all the gold and silver, whether women or gold."

"Thank you and forgive me"

"Break through Xingxian County and rob women's jewelry."

"Break through Xing County and rob women's jewelry." The soldiers raised their swords with red eyes and cheered loudly.

He Dayong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then took the reins, rode his horse to meet the elite servants who hurried to stop.

"Don't worry, adult!" The servant in armor at the head held the scabbard tightly, looked at the burning village from time to time, and asked anxiously.

"There is nothing to do tonight." He Dayong looked at the dozens of servants in front of him and felt more secure. At the same time, he regretted that he had only raised these dozens of elite servants because he cared about his money.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the army was lax, and the main force of the army could only rely on the commander's own family to maintain. Not all generals are unwilling to pay ordinary soldiers to improve their combat effectiveness. However, in most cases, the salary has not been paid by the civil servants to the general, and it has already been lost. Even if the general does not withhold any money, the soldiers will not give up. It is better to use this money to support our servants. They train hard and dare to fight hard in battle.

He Dayong turned his head and took a deep look at the soldiers crying and laughing near the fire. Riding the coach of Ma Chao Prefecture Magistrate, the servants around followed He Dayong quickly and vigilantly.

"What's the matter? How did it burn the village?" The magistrate asked with big eyes and an interrogative tone.

"Lord Hui, all the villagers in the village have run away, so he set fire to the village." He Dayong did not want to take responsibility for the soldiers, but was afraid that the magistrate would punish the soldiers who were angry, which might cause a mutiny.

The prefecture magistrate stared at He Dayong closely in the carriage, and He Dayong kept his hands bowed slightly. "Let's camp here tonight." The magistrate put down the curtain and said nothing.

He Dayong looked at the ground with complicated eyes. After a long time, he raised his head to the nearby messenger and said, "Rest here today and set up camp."

"The general has an order to camp here today." The messenger rode around the soldiers, carrying out the order loudly.

After more than 800 veterans had heard the order, they opened the tents brought with the army, took out shovels and dug out small holes on the ground to bury the fence. When the newly enlisted soldiers saw this, some came to help, while others did not move and pretended not to see.


On a hillside, Sanbao saw the red light of the whole east reflected in the distance, and suddenly bounced off the ground. He rolled over the stone and wanted to hold it in the direction of the village.

Captain Wu got up and pressed Sanbao to the side of the big stone with a flying attack, and tightly clasped Sanbao's hands. The soldiers nearby saw something happened here. Although they didn't know what was happening, they bent over to help the commander control Sanbao.

"Sanbao, you are crazy! If you go out now, we will be exposed." The Wu Chang stared at Sanbao with fierce eyes.

"I'm not crazy, let me go. The village is on fire, and my mother is still in the village, so I'm going to save her. Let me go!" Sanbao shouted hoarsely, his veins were swollen, and he wanted to pull out his arms, and his legs were also trying to get rid of the crowd's control.