Chapter 30 The rich have a long way to go, while the poor have no place to stand.

There was blood on the ground, but Jiang Jin still kept kowtowing.

While kowtowing, Jiang Jin said loudly: "The general avenges the villain, and the villain cannot avenge him for ten generations.

Don't mention the execution of military law. If the villain escapes at the moment, the general will cut the villain into a thousand pieces, which is the villain deserved. "

Li Qing saw this and just went down from the platform to help Jiang Jin up.

But before Li Qing came to Jiang Jin, all the teachers below left their seats, knelt down and kowtowed: "The general has avenged us. If we dare to flee at the battle, we will be cut to pieces."

Li Qing stood in the crowd and shouted, "I'm just doing justice for you, but it's not a big favor. These are what I should do. It's what the general's office should do. Get up quickly."

When people heard that they were still kowtowing, they were all oppressed by big officials in Xingxian County. They knew that otherwise Li Qing and his family would not want to revenge in their life, and how could they not be grateful to Li Qing.

Li Qing saw that many people were bleeding. He cursed, "Your mother, get up! This is an order. Do you want to obey my order?"

Hearing that Li Qing had given an order, everyone dared not disobey and stood up in a hurry.

"Well, sit down and listen to me." Li Qing nodded with satisfaction.

Everyone sat down one after another. Li Qing bent down and picked up a rag (a kind of towel) that had been prepared under the table, and got up to clean the blackboard.

Seeing this, Ang Lee immediately went to the podium and whispered to Li Qing, "General, let me go."

Li Qing didn't speak, just handed Li An his hand clothes and retired to the podium.

Ang Lee gently rubbed the blackboard, trying not to get the powder everywhere. After a few wipes, the blackboard looked fresh, and then Ang Lee returned to the first row next to the platform and sat down.

Li Qing walked to the center of the podium, picked up a lime pen and wrote four neat characters "Inspire morale" on the blackboard.

After finishing writing, Li Qing turned and sat on the chair of the platform facing the crowd.

Li Qing looked at the crowd and said slowly, "To boost morale, as the name suggests, is to mobilize soldiers so that they can fight bravely for the Han Dynasty.

To achieve this goal, it is wrong to rely on the personal charm of the general.

Do you know how to make soldiers willing to fight for the big man from the bottom of their hearts? "

Li Qing paused for a moment and motioned for everyone to answer.

Many people raised their hands. It seems that they all have their own opinions on this point.

Li counted a memory on his face. A middle-aged man about forty years old got up and answered.

The middle-aged man's face was full of hardships left by life, and his eyes seemed to be full of stories.

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and uttered a hoarse voice: "I don't know about other places. The general killed many evil landlords and evil gentry in Xingxian County. The people who the general has been bullied by those landlords and evil gentry in these years are their sun and their hope for life.

Under the command of the General, these people will not hesitate to go through fire and water. The backbone of those who dare to retreat will be punctured by their hometown people.

I think that every time our army occupies a place, it will try the local landlords and evil gentry, and these troops will get a steady stream of soldiers loyal to the general. "

People on the stage nodded after hearing this, which had already happened around them, and they also agreed with this view.

Li Qing nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Well said, we will naturally judge these evil landlords and evil gentry when we overthrow the decadent and backward Ming Dynasty.

This is our fundamental policy and will not change in any way. However, this is not comprehensive enough. I also want to hear opinions from other parties.

The middle-aged man replied with shame, "General Hui, this is the only thing I think about for the time being.".

In fact, this is not the only thing that middle-aged people think about, but after years of difficulties, they know that they should not only show off themselves, but also leave some room for others to show off, so that they won't be hated by others.

Li Qing smiled and motioned him to sit down.

Then he looked at the crowd and asked, "What about you? Do you have any other ideas?"

Many people in the crowd immediately raised their hands, which seemed more than before. Li Qing smiles and randomly orders a person.

The man stood up and stammered nervously: "I, I think, must punish corrupt officials, landlords and evil gentry, which can certainly win over many people.

However, at the beginning, people may be grateful to the general for his service, but after the cruel war, they may still be afraid and even flee.

I think we should fully implement the policy of land division, and fully link the land with military merit. Those who have made more contributions will be allocated more land, while those who are afraid to flee will not only implement military law but also take back their family's land. "

After saying that, the man looked at Li Qing nervously.

Li Qing looked at him gently and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous. Sit down first. I will tell you about the land policy in detail."

"Yes," the man quickly sat down.

Li Qing sat up straight and said: "You are all people who have read books. You also know the military merit conferring system of the Qin State, and know that the land and military merit are linked to inspire officers and men.

However, we should know that one of the fundamental reasons why we overthrew the puppet Ming Dynasty was the land annexation. Some people in today's Ming Dynasty have a long way to go, while others seem to have no place for us to stand.

If we can't ban the sale of land from the beginning, even if we can build a big man, there will be a group of people who will overthrow us for hundreds of years.

Our Han is not different from all the dynasties in the past. Our Han is a man who serves the people, not a man who only benefits Li Qingmou.

Even I, Li Qing, cannot have more land than others. "

"The general has the world in mind and foresight. We admire him."

"The general is dedicated to the people. It's really lucky for all people in the world."

"Heaven never gave birth to a general, and China will last forever like the night. A general was born to lead the people of the world to a happy life."

"Keep the mission in mind and never forget the original intention. We should learn from the general who has a heart for the people."

Although Li Qing knew that these were all flatteries, he was still a little happy, but he didn't show it on his face and said:

"I hope you can always remember your original intention of serving the people and the country. Don't go astray because of temporary temptation. If someone persecutes the people and deceives them, I will never be lenient outside the law."

Everyone stood up and said, "We swear to die and never forget the general's teachings. We are willing to fight for the Han people all our lives, and we are willing to pay our lives to pave the way to build a Han."

Li Qing looked at these fighting faces. Maybe some of them would be timid and some would be afraid of death. But Li Qing believed that most people would rather give their lives to complete the task Li Qing gave them.

The overthrow of Daming is not a dinner party. This road is bound to be full of bloodshed. Li Qing has already been prepared for possible sacrifices in the future.

No matter how difficult and dangerous this road is, Li Qing will go on with determination.


The words after the volume: Thousands of lights, but I can't find the one that belongs to me.