Chapter 27 Animation

However, Chen Xiao is not a philanthropist. He uses the name of Breaking Dawn Film to buy, that is, he needs shares.

"Breaking Dawn Cinema invested 1 million yuan to acquire your Star Media, so all the shares of your company will belong to me.

However, I don't have time to manage the company for the time being, so all the management rights of the company can be handed over to you. In contrast, you can temporarily own 10% of the company's equity share. What do you think of it later? "

In other words, Chen Xiao still owns all the shares, but Wu Daoyi shares the company's profits.

Why buy Wu Pangzi's company instead of creating a new one?

This is because the reconstruction of an animation company requires too many certificates, which does not cost much but takes a long time.

Conversely, direct acquisition is more convenient.

Wu Daoyi's former partners were also classmates. All of them were technology investors, and none of them paid. Although they had a company name, they were more like playing together.

At the end of the day, I found that I had no time to play, and then they all scattered.

This is a normal phenomenon. No one can blame anyone. After all, after graduation, there is a heavy pressure in addition to dreams. Everyone is responsible for himself.

What Chen Xiao needs to do now is to regularize the other party's company.

With the injection of funds, the company can operate smoothly and have money to recruit.

Wu Daoyi said it was meaningless, but he felt that Chen Xiao paid him well. With this money, Chen Xiao could even open an animation company and recruit his own people, but chose to buy his own company.

No one wants to see their efforts wasted.

So did Wu Daoyi.

Now that the company is acquired, it can be regarded as a child with a father.

Whatever his purpose, Chen Xiao owes him a favor.

Wu Daoyi, who has solved the problem of later generations, seems to have taken off the burden in an instant and began to discuss animation production with Chen Xiao with great interest.

"Chen Xiao, I saw your Cat and Mouse separately, and it is really creative. According to your idea, a background framework can be reused, reducing a lot of links, and it is simply tailored for a newly founded company like us."

Chen Xiao showed an unfathomable smile: "So I am sure that I am responsible for the script."

Wu Daoyi roughly calculated; "I think that if I can do this animation alone, I can do one episode in a month or so, and the second episode may only take more than a week."

"No, no!"

Chen Xiao quickly waved his hand. According to Wu Daoyi's method, he had to work himself to death: "I know you like doing animation, but you should also pay attention to your body. Your body is the capital of the revolution. You have 1 million now. Why don't you want to recruit several people?"

Wu Daoyi smiled: "You don't have to be nervous. I'm just trying to figure out how I can do it alone. And it's not my expectation to produce an episode for such a long time."

Chen Xiao was relieved. He really didn't want to see his good friend's news: shocked! The shareholder of an unknown animation company died suddenly while doing animation because

Then he saw Wu Daoyi with an obscene face and said, "Besides, how can I let go when I finally got into the big money? I decided to recruit 5 animation designers and 10 apprentices at a time!"


"Are you serious?"

Chen Xiao choked directly.

what the fuck.

Originally, I thought Wu Daoyi was a frugal person, but I was wrong.

In this way, the salary of employees alone is nearly 100000 yuan a month.

What is spending money like water? Chen Xiao feels that he is far from fat Wu. Is he rich or fat Wu?

But these are all my own money!

At this moment, he had a deep question. Could it be that fatso Wu's company could not continue to support him, not because the animation was not well done, but because he spent too much money?

Fatty Wu nodded and said, "At the beginning, we need professional people to repair, color, and synthesize the animation. If we want to make the animation fast and good, we still need to do assembly line operations. After making profits, we can recruit employees, and then we can start two projects at the same time."

Chen Xiao asked carefully, "When will the company be able to save money?"

In fact, he wanted to ask, when will my investment return?

Wu Daoyi: "Recently, Mr. Sun talked to me, and he told me that I should regard animation as a career, so that I would naturally earn money. If it was just for profit, it would be difficult to make money.

I think I used to be too utilitarian, so I'm a bit impetuous, so I think I should change something now. "

"Well, what you said is reasonable."

Wu Daoyi enjoyed his meal and Chen Xiao was depressed.

Although it is generally different from Chen Xiao's expectation, it is also within his acceptance range, and the loss should not be lost.

Wu Daoyi left, and Chen Xiao promised him to call the money in five days.

Before leaving, he also took away the authorization letter and the copy of business license of Breaking Dawn Cinema, and was fully responsible for the change of shareholders of the company.

In fact, the animation market is also very complex. For example, in the film market, small cost films may sometimes explode large cost films.

The animation market is sometimes more obvious.

The cost of each episode of animation series varies from several thousand yuan to several million yuan.

Yes, the low cost is only a few thousand yuan per episode, while the high cost is several million yuan.

It's just the cost of one episode.

However, the animation of several thousand pieces per episode is sometimes likely to completely press the animation of several million dollars under foot.

There are such examples in previous lives.

"Pleasant Goat" and "Bears Appear" are examples of success.

But these two movies are modeled on Cat and Mouse.

However, the viewability of Cat and Mouse has never been surpassed, and it is suitable for all ages. Many of its episodes have won Oscar awards.

Chen Xiao has probably calculated that, according to the cost of 2 yuan for each picture, every seven minute episode of Cat and Mouse requires 10000 pictures, and an episode of animation costs about 20000 yuan.

However, because the background structure basically has only one room, it does not need to be changed. In addition, there is basically no need for people to dub, and sometimes every two frames can be counted as one frame.

So in total, 1 million yuan is enough to support 70 episodes of animation.

Wu Daoyi is responsible for animation companies, including recruitment, but background music is their weakness, which can only be taken over by Chen Xiao himself.

And because of the previous soundtrack of Wu Daoyi Company, Chen Xiao is not sure to give him the soundtrack.

For music, Chen Xiao needs to find a symphony band.

He hasn't touched this before.

However, he felt that Bai Yiyi should have more contact with these things. He asked her to help him, and when he was finished, he could invite her to dinner.

It's perfect.

At this time, the money of video websites began to arrive.

Some of them are hundreds of thousands, and the largest one is more than two million, all of which have been deducted from taxes. In total, he got more than 5.2 million.

It's a pity that I didn't get the operation award, otherwise I could get an extra award.

The music website also received more than 200000 yuan this month. It seems that the song "Stubborn" is selling well.

Tianlai Music is usually played for free, but if it is downloaded, it must be a member, and the money he gets is the member download share.

Chen Xiao became a rich man in an instant.

This is the benefit of marketing. This movie may not be seen by so many people, but most of those who have seen the problem have seen it more than once.

Chen Xiao can only get 1 yuan for the first time, but 2 yuan for the second time, doubling directly, which is also the reason for his soaring data.

He beat Wu Daoyi for one million yuan, leaving more than 4.8 million yuan.

Chen Xiao is going to buy a car first, which is something he has planned for a long time.