Chapter 97 Precious Medicinal Materials

The Diyuan Pill is such an important thing, but it is useless only if the stronghold leader agrees. It is really useful only if Ning Shu agrees to make the Diyuan Pill, which the county magistrate knows very well.

"By the way, you woke up my brother. He wanted to follow you today to thank you for saving his life, but he was still ill. I just didn't let him out. It was a bumpy road. I believe Doctor Ning doesn't mind!"

Ning Shu naturally shook her head. The younger brother who saved the county magistrate was also to save the two stronghold leaders. In fact, the grace of saving his life had been cleared. Unexpectedly, he could still remember it. Maybe it was the county magistrate's polite words, and Ning Shu would not take it seriously.

"What about this medicine? If you can take it out to cure people, it will be a great achievement!"

Seeing that no one answered the key points, the county magistrate once again reminded everyone not to forget to answer the most important question.

"My lord, I said last time when I cured your brother that the herbs for refining Diyuan Pill are very rare. Even the refining techniques are extremely complex. How can it be effective with ordinary drugs if it can cure such a difficult disease!

After such a long time, I haven't made any medicine here. It's really hard to find herbs. The plague has just passed. To be honest, many brothers in our mountain stronghold were also infected with the plague. At that time, it was to cure the pills they developed. I didn't expect the effect to be so good, but the mountain stronghold spent so much, and today's herbs are expensive. "

Ning Shu tactfully said so much, but in fact, in a word, the money of the cottage has been used up, and there is not so much money to buy those precious and hard to find herbs, so Diyuan Pill is not available.

The absence of Diyuan Pill means that he went for nothing today. The magistrate frowned, but could not show it on his face. Now he needs Ning Shu's help.

"What kind of herbs do you need? I will ask my people to find them and collect them for you as soon as possible, so that you can make Diyuan Dan as soon as possible.

It would be a pity for all of us if we didn't have such a powerful medicine! "

The magistrate sighed, as if he wanted pills for the safety of all the people.

But all the people present did not know that the magistrate wanted this pill purely for the purpose of improving his official position, or else it was for his own future preparation. It was just a tacit understanding.

"These herbs are a little expensive. It took most of the people in the stronghold to continue. At that time, they saved the Second Stronghold Leader, and the patients who were not serious didn't want to use them."

It is true that he saved the Second Stronghold Leader. The Second Stronghold Leader, who has never spoken, has the right to speak. He nods heavily and agrees with Ning Shu.

And he began to talk with the county magistrate about his dangerous situation at that time, together with the fact that the stronghold leader did not invite a doctor in the city. After all, everyone knew that they were mountain bandits who robbed for a living, so there was nothing to hide.

The magistrate confirmed the magic of Diyuan Pill and really cured many serious patients.

"How many Diyuan Pills has Doctor Naning refined in total, and he has cured three patients who are so serious?"

This is the most concerned question of the county magistrate. Another one is: "Must we catch the plague to cure it?"

If this is the case, it will not be of much use. It can only be sold at a high price to the rich people in the city who are suffering from the plague, so that they can make a good profit.

"To be honest, because the medicinal materials were so precious, I made four pills in total at that time. The first one didn't work so well, and it didn't work when someone ate it. The man was cured after taking the doctor's medicine, but you can see the three effects later, adult."