Chapter 19 Trying to Persuade and Try Medicinal Mud

Ning Shu raises her eyebrows. It seems that the story in this story is the reason why Zhan An is now reacting violently.

"At that time, Anger was just a novice. If the Second Stronghold Leader hadn't taken care of him more, he would be gone now. At that time, Anger was irritable and would rush forward when being provoked. Everyone knew the danger of rushing forward. Besides, he rushed out without anyone's reaction.

The second stronghold leader was the first to react. Even though he provoked the other's bow and arrow, he was attacked by someone and was seriously injured. Brother An has always felt guilty about this. He hopes that he can return such a great favor somewhere.

Who would have thought that the Second Stronghold Leader would be like this before he returned the favor? How could he not worry? Without the Second Stronghold Leader, he would not know whether he was alive or dead now. "

Zhan Yu's eyes widened as he said, afraid of tears coming out of his eyes. How could such a good man like the second leader have such a bad life? It's unfair. If he still has eyes, the most important thing to be infected by the plague is that the emperor in the palace guessed correctly, was ignorant, indulged in alchemy all day long, and even the people did not care. What an emperor, how could no one overthrow him!

Ning Shu can't help nodding, but Zhan An is really a man.

She approached the Third Stronghold Leader without any trace. As a think tank in the stronghold, the Third Stronghold Leader was the most intelligent and flexible, so her proposal could be accepted.

"Third Stronghold Leader, don't you really think about my potion? Second Stronghold Leader, even if you try it now, it may turn out to be a turn for the better! No matter how bad the result is, I believe there is no difference today! Besides, there is still a doctor here, so we don't need to be afraid of our heads and tails."

Ning Shu's voice was not loud enough to attract the attention of many people in the village. Zhanyu, who had been talking with her, found that Ning Shu had gone to the Third Stronghold Leader at some time. He could not hear what she was saying. He only saw the Third Stronghold Leader look at Ning Shu in surprise, and then led the Stronghold Leader into the house.

Everyone noticed the action of the Third Stronghold Leader, and looked at each other for a moment. Why did the Stronghold Leader and the Third Stronghold Leader leave? What are they going to do?

"Sister Ning, what did you say just now?"

Zhanyu's voice was low, but it still scared Ning Shu. He didn't know when he came to her.

"No, I didn't say anything. I collected a lot of herbs today and didn't deal with them. I went to sort them out first. It's no waste for us to spend time saving the medicinal properties of the herbs as soon as possible. Go to persuade your cousin again! His condition doesn't look very good."

"Well, I will, and Anger can certainly see through it." Zhanyu was immediately diverted by Ning Shu, and Ning Shu also left in time.

The old doctor wanted to leave with the medicine boy, but was stopped by the people of the mountain stronghold.

"Doctor, you can't leave yet. Maybe the Second Stronghold Leader can still save you!"

"That's the doctor. The stronghold leader spent a lot of time to invite you back. You can't just leave!"

"Yes, in case there is any help!"

The people were talking noisily. The only thing the old doctor heard was that he should not leave. Obviously, he could not leave for a while. He was afraid that the bandits would disagree with each other. Although he has been treated very politely, he is still a bandit colony.

After returning to the room, Ning Shu really took out the herbs to bask in the sun. She needed to concentrate on making pills. She certainly couldn't practice pills at this time, so she didn't cheat the fish.