Chapter 85 The Condor Heroes Kill Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing

(This chapter can be read but not read. I'm just very unhappy with Yin Zhiping. I specially sent a single chapter to kill him. This one is even more. Another chapter is expected to be updated around 8:00 p.m.)

Li Feng looked at the little sun gradually forming in the elixir field, until the last trace of acquired internal power was also transformed into congenital qi and gathered in the little sun, Li Feng was officially born.

Even though Li Feng's Nine Yang Red Sun Code has not yet reached the highest level of cultivation, he also has the ability to resist all kinds of poisons. His recovery ability and anti attack ability have increased significantly, and his internal power will not be used up, but his natural qi will still be used up.

Li Feng vomited out all his teeth with one mouth. The hair on his body had already fallen off, and his skin began to fall off.

This is the second advantage of being born. All cells of the whole person will be renewed once, from teeth to skin, including hair on the body.

After successful replacement, the new cells should be strengthened, because the life recorded in the congenital realm can reach about 150 to 200 years old.

Li Feng lived in the office again for a while. When his teeth and hair were all grown up, Li Feng looked at the last document bag in front of him.

This is the last of the seven document bags when he first entered the office. Li Feng had a general premonition that as long as he completed the commission of the last document bag, he should be able to fully control the office.

Li Feng spent a few days sorting out the storage ring and taking a rest. After a period of practice in the five elements, the second little sun of the Nine Yang Red Sun Code began to gather. Li Feng slowly opened the last file bag.

Client: Yang Guo

Entrusted task: kill Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing -- Yang Guoliu.

Way of arrival: real body.

Arrival node: one year after Yang Guo came to the Ancient Tomb Sect.

There is something extraordinary: the number of transaction interventions (5)

Whether it is necessary to create an identity. Note that this world can perform tasks without creating an identity.

This is the first time that Li Feng has received such a brief task introduction. All the commissions he has received before are to first describe his own history and the cause and effect of things.

But this time, the commission introduction was very brief, but Li Feng thought about Yang Guo carefully, and was embarrassed to speak on his own.

However, I originally thought that this entrustment would be very dangerous, and now it seems that it is not particularly difficult.

As for the identity, we won't create it. It's a little cheaper.

Li Feng was in a trance, and then opened his eyes and came to a mountain.

The place where he came this time was really deserted. Li Feng looked at the saline land in front of him, and even grass did not grow.

However, Li Feng felt a little different at the first moment when he entered the world. If the so-called Reiki really exists, then the Reiki in the world is definitely not as much as that in the office.

Before that, Li Feng Xiuwei could not detect it the day after tomorrow, but only after he returned to the office and broke through the nature did he have such a trace of awareness.

Finish the commission early and go back, Li Feng thought to himself.

Li Feng had no map and had to follow the river. He ran for about fifty miles before he saw the crowd.

This is a small town. Li Feng learned about the location of Zhongnan Mountain Quanzhen Sect from the nearest village.

It's not far from here. Go 300 miles north. Li Feng can only use his lightness skill in one day at most.

According to the information Li Feng came to inquire along the way, according to his own speculation, the five must be masters of the innate realm.

Guo Jing and later Yang Guo should also have reached this level.

As for Zhou Botong, he may also have broken through the nature. With Li Feng's current strength, he directly marched into the Quanzhen Sect to kill Yin Zhiping and then went straight away. The Quanzhen Seven could not stop himself.

Even if they set up Tiangang Big Dipper Array, Li Feng could also directly copy out a tactical grenade to blow up this group of people.

However, Li Fengyi did not attack hard unless he could. He rushed up the mountain honestly and killed people no matter what he did.

Then he returned directly. Li Feng can't wait to fully master the office.

To tell the truth, the third generation disciples of the Quanzhen Sect are really not very good. Zhao Zhijing is a despicable villain, and Yin Zhiping is a female culprit despite the bow. It is estimated that none of the seven sons of the Quanzhen Sect would have been born if there had not been the Big Dipper Tiangang Array.

Li Feng took advantage of the daybreak, put on a suit of clothes and kicked the sand eagle at his waist. He went to the gate of the Quanzhen Sect alone.

Two white and fat street boys dressed outside the gate of the mountain of Quanzhen Sect received Li Feng. Li Feng expressed his hope to burn incense in the mountain. The two street boys even calmly led Li Feng all the way to the hall.

There are not many pilgrims on the hall dedicated to the founder of Sanqing, so there are not many incense sticks, not as many as Li Feng imagined, like throwing a smoke bomb.

After Li Feng took out 20 liang of gold bars from his arms, the treatment of the whole person rose to a higher level.

At least the title changed from a little Taoist to a meritorious master.

A young Taoist brought three sticks of incense. After Li Feng lit it, he bowed three times to the statue of Ancestor Sanqing in front of him. He was about to kill people in your old place. Please don't blame him.

Li Feng threw out a hundred taels of gold with pride after he finished the worship. The two little boys looked straight.

Although they are Taoist temples, they are also martial arts sects.

If there were not a lot of land at the foot of the mountain, the Quanzhen Sect would not be able to get on with it.

Even so, the life of the Quanzhen Sect is very stingy.

It was the first time that they met such a heroic pilgrim.

With this money, we can add several days of meals in the future.

Li Feng smiled slightly, "I heard that there are two Taoist Priests Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing in your sect who have profound Taoist skills. I wonder if they could meet each other."

Li Feng soon met Yin Zhiping, who looked very upright and decent.

Zhao Zhijing also has a decent face. It's hard to tell that he is a mean person.

Li Feng secretly slandered in his heart. Unexpectedly, this person with thick eyebrows and big eyes could also do that kind of thing.

Yin Zhiping smiles when he sees Li Feng. He has just learned that such a heroic pilgrim has come today.

Although Zhao Zhijing was upset with Yin Zhiping, Li Feng, the meritorious master, could not be ignored in front of his eyes.

Li Feng saw that they didn't talk nonsense with them at all.

Even he himself hated these two characters. When he was reading a novel under the bed, he wanted to go into the book and kill them.

As for watching TV dramas later, tn was even more angry.

"Pa pa pa." Li Feng fired three shots in a row. Yin Zhiping had no time to respond and was killed by Li Feng.

Zhao Zhijing still wanted to fight, but Li Feng didn't give him a chance to shoot him and kill him.

Moreover, his head was blown everywhere, and the left and right street boys were also blinded.

Li Feng did not care at all, and they silently recited a return.

He went straight back to the office.

Entrustment completed.

Entrusted task: kill Yin Zhiping -- Yang Guoliu.

Entrusted reward: Yang Guo's Dark Iron Sword Technique.

Destiny point: 13