Chapter 62 Stealing Saint White Jade Soup

Li Feng left the pawnshop and hurried to Tongfu Inn.

The gate of the inn was closed, "Kuang, Kuang, Kuang." Li Feng knocked on the door several times, and Tong Xiangyu's voice came from the inn, "Who is it?"

"I'm Li Feng, Constable Li." Li Feng's voice just dropped, and Bai Zhantang at the door quickly opened the door for him.

After seeing him, he shouted enthusiastically: "What's wrong with Constable Li? He still knocks at the door so late."

The others smiled awkwardly when they saw Li Feng, and then asked him to sit down.

Li Feng sat down, poured himself a cup of tea to moisten his throat, and then said, "Shopkeeper Qian's pawnshop has just been stolen."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked down at him.

"Aren't you surprised?" Li Feng asked, pretending to be extremely surprised.

"Oh!" Several people were surprised and embarrassed, but Li Feng didn't say it.

Li Feng leaned back and said, "The thief's trick of stealing is very clever. He is an old hand at first sight.

There was almost no trace left at the scene, and the lightness skill was extremely high.

But I already know who did it. "

"Don't you say there is no trace? How do you know?" Lu Xiucai asked curiously.

"The thief forgot that there was no trace but the biggest flaw." Li Feng lowered his voice and looked gloomy.

"Who do you think did it?" Guo Furong looked flustered and distrustful of Li Feng.

"In the Jianghu, only one person can achieve such a perfect technique." Li Feng did not finish his words, constantly teasing the curiosity of all the people in the inn.

"Tell me who it is." Bai Zhantang felt his head and asked nervously.

"Stealing saint white jade soup." Li Feng had just finished saying the name. Bai Zhantang listened to Li Feng, but wanted to start, but Tong Xiangyu gave him a look.

"How can you prove it's him?" Tong Xiangyu asked suspiciously.

"The first point is that this person's lightness skill is very high. The next day, this person often does not do things once or twice,

Third, this person has a unique appreciation of antiques. Shopkeeper Qian stole a small inconspicuous jade ring from so many treasures in the pawnshop, but this ring is the most valuable one in the pawnshop.

You know, shopkeeper Qian never told anyone that there was a jade ring in his shop. "

"There are many people who can meet one point, but only one of the three points is the holy white jade soup. Apart from him, even the god of thieves could not do it."

Li Feng just finished saying and sighed: "If you want to talk about this thief, you really want to die."

"Why did he want to die?" Tong Xiangyu volunteered to add a cup of tea to Li Feng.

Li Feng gulped down and said, "The imperial court has gradually reduced its efforts to track down the thief because he has stopped committing crimes in recent years.

But once he came out this time, we were ready. "

"We have informed all the captains and captains in the vicinity overnight to increase their efforts to track down and be careful about white jade soup.

Secondly, Louzhi County has already written the notes and sent people out to change horses without changing people. It is estimated that within seven days, you can reach the six gates of the capital. When the time comes, bring the people from Six Gates Gate and lay a tight net for him. We will never stop until we catch him. "

When Bai Zhantang heard that there was some stagger sitting down here, he asked in a trembling voice, "I stole a jade ring, but I don't think so."

Li Feng smiled and said, "It's unlucky on that jade ring, which was used by Emperor Gaozong of this dynasty and is said to have been given to others in that year. I don't know why it fell into the hands of shopkeeper Qian."

"Sunflower puncher." Just after Li Feng's words, Bai Zhantang stepped forward to point Li Feng.

Li Feng looked at him and cried bitterly, "I just wanted to frighten him to see if I could cheat the sunflower acupoint puncher lightness skill secret script or something. But I didn't expect to let him go. Now he has stopped himself."

Bai Zhantang points his own acupoints, and Li Feng can only use his internal power to slowly grind the old Bai Dian's acupoints open.

After Bai Zhantang stopped Li Feng, he formed a circle with others who turned their backs to Li Feng.

Guo Furong asked in a slightly flustered voice, "Brother Bai, what should we do now?"

Bai Zhantang glanced at Guo Furong in a bleak way, and stretched out his hand to wipe his neck.

"No, you can't kill him." Li Dazui immediately stood in front of Li Feng and shouted.

Li Dazui is neither a good person nor a bad person, but he always thinks of others who treat him well.

Li Feng treated him fairly well. Lao Bai wanted to kill him, but he couldn't watch him.

Li Feng was also very moved. It seems that his kindness has not turned into a donkey's liver and lung. It would be good if Li Dazui was willing to stand up for him.

Bai Zhantang came to Li Feng with a murderous look on his face. Everyone else was frightened by the look of Bai Zhantang and dared not move. "Get out of the way, or I will kill you today."

Li Dazui was so frightened by Bai Zhantang. Although his legs were weak, all he could do was shout, and then he rushed to Bai Zhantang with his fists.

"Sunflower acupoint puncher." Li Dazui, who has only trained his basic internal skills for a few days, must not be Bai Zhantang's opponent, and he was also stopped immediately.

After lighting Li Dazui, Bai Zhantang rushed up to get Li Feng's knife.

"It's overwhelming." Guo Furong acted, and the situation on the scene is becoming more and more chaotic.

Bai Zhantang evaded Guo Furong's move with a sideways gesture, and then growled with a gloomy face and anger, "Why did you attack me? Aren't we robbing the rich to help the poor?"

Guo Furong was a little collapsed. He didn't understand that he was just trying to rob the rich to help the poor, but now his big brother Bai wants to kill Constable Li and Big Mouth.

She sat on the ground with her hair disheveled, and could not help sobbing, "Why? Didn't we say that we would rob the rich to help the poor and act for heaven?"

Tong Xiangyu seemed to see something at this time. He didn't speak but looked at them calmly.

Bai Zhantang also stopped his hand and walked up to him, saying, "Do you know why I want to quit the Jianghu?"

Guo Furong wiped the tears on her face and asked, "Why?"

"Just because I see through a little, what is a thief is also true? It's all nonsense. A thief is a thief. There is no difference between a good thief and a bad thief. It's chivalry to steal something and give something away."

Then he pointed to Li Feng and Big Mouth, "Look at them, what they have become for a little finger? Do you understand?"

Guo Furong gave a hum as if she had nothing.

At this time, Li Feng finally broke his acupoints and took out the pistol and hid it in his arms.

"Take out the things, and I'll go and give them back to Boss Qian. Let's forget about this." Li Feng stood there and said without moving.