Chapter 9 Battle Demon Tiger

  • Fairy flavor
  • Guicheng
  • 2803 characters
  • 2019-09-26 11:29:49

"Is that?"

"That's... young master!"

"The young master is back!"

"Master, madam, the young master has returned by himself!"

The guards outside the villa shouted, and one of them ran to the house while shouting. The maids also ran out to see.

Surrounded by a group of people, Xiao Ding and Yan Xue also came out. Looking outside the villa, Xiao Yu, who was hanging rags, barefoot, with long hair spread out, but came with a powerful step, Yan Xue burst into tears.

Run over and hold Xiao Yu in his arms, touching her head and saying, "Just come back, just come back!"

Xiao Yu was also warm in the heart, and could not say the words he had prepared. He just said, "Mother, Yu Er is back, and you are worried!"

"Just come back, just come back." With Xiao Ding's help, Yan Xue, who was already in tears, pulled Xiao Yu to the house, and ordered the servants to bathe and dress Xiao Yu.

The appearance of Xiao Yu after changing clothes has changed a lot. If Xiao Yu was a handsome young man before, now Xiao Yu is like a feminine woman, with white skin that can't be whiter, without any blood color. On the contrary, there is dark black under the skin, which seems strange. She is still dressed in white, purple with gold crown, But the jade pendant often hung on the waist has become an inconspicuous small bag.

Xiao Yu, who had just packed up and sat down in the hall, was pulled up by Yan Xue to ask about his experience in these days. Xiao Yu told the truth, of course, only to tell a part of the truth. He said that after being attacked by a demon tiger that day, he was saved by an expert. Then he gave him a jade pendant and worshipped him. He just practiced hard without taking extra clothes, so he went home to be down in the dumps.

He comforted his mother not to worry, saying that he would become the same immortal as the old man who gave him the jade pendant!

Just for the sake of cultivation, I'm afraid I can't stay at home in the future. I have to say goodbye to my family in a few days.

When Yan Xue heard that her son was leaving again, she refused to let him go. Unfortunately, how could she defeat Xiao Yu?

Finally, under Xiao Yu's insistence and Xiao Ding's persuasion, Yan Xue finally agreed with her son's statement, but asked Xiao Yu to stay at home for another month. Xiao Yu thought about it and accepted it gladly. After all, Han Wei had no place to go.

After settling down her mother, Xiao Yu returned to her own room. This half month's time made Xiao Yu feel like a stranger. She touched her room where she had lived for a year, shook her head, and soon Xiao Yu's eyes became firm. She didn't think much about it anymore, and opened the storage bag Han Wei left for her.

Inside is the black knife that Han Wei used to cut through the forbidden place where bones were buried!

"A little conscience!"

Looking at a black long knife in the storage bag, Xiao Yu's eyes overflowed with love. She closed her eyes and reflected on Han Wei's action of cutting the sky with his knife. Xiao Yu also moved up, as if she had already cut the heaven and the earth open. But Xiao Yu didn't learn the battle method Han Wei gave Xiao Yu, so she could only think about it.

The rest is just a few bottles of pills needed at ordinary times, plus two skills, one is the art of breath collection, and the other is the sabre technique. The name of the sabre technique is simply called Yidao Chop.

After complaining about the name, Xiao Yu still put the jade slip close to his forehead and began to understand. Before, he was buried in the ground thinking about how to get out of the ground, but he didn't have time to practice this sabre technique!

Now I'm going to wander the Jianghu alone. I must have something that can protect my life!

After watching it for a while, Xiao Yu has a certain understanding of the so-called "one cut", which is a skill that blindly pursues attack strength. You can change it in any way, and I will cut it myself!

But according to the above, with Xiao Yu's current state, at most one knife can break out! Will fall into a state of exhaustion.

That is to say, after Xiao Yu wielded the sword, either the other side died or he died!

Xiao Yu sighed about the danger of this method, and then held the black knife to practice in the room.

A month's time soon passed in Xiao Yu's diligent cultivation. During this time, Xiao Yu also went to find the guards at home to fight each other every day, so that she could adapt to the feeling of fighting with others.

From the beginning of being abused to the end, Xiao Yu was not the rival of everyone. Xiao Yu's growth not only surprised the bodyguards, but also made Xiao Ding sigh in the eyes.

"My son is really different!"

On the day of departure, everyone in the Xiao Family Village came out to greet Xiao Yu. The guards and other servants were in awe, while Yan Xue and Xiao Ding were reluctant to part. After saying goodbye to them, Xiao Yu carried the black knife on his back, and from this moment on, he embarked on his own way to cultivate immortals!

During the month at home, Xiao Yu, who beat the guards to the ground, was also extremely confident. In addition to what Han Wei said before, he mastered the technique of turning Yin and Yang, and was invincible in three levels. Xiao Yu decided to meet the demon tiger for a while.

Beat him first, and you can even subdue him as a mount. After all, riding a tiger is very handsome!

Then let the demon tiger take him to the place where there are real friars. Xiao Yu thinks more and more beautiful.

Xiao Yu didn't ride a horse when she went out this time. According to Xiao Yu's thought, "If you are a monk and still ride a horse, you have to be a tiger or a lion."

But Xiao Yu regretted it soon after she came out! At this time, Xiao Yu's strength and speed were about three to four times that of an adult male, and she ran much faster than horses.

But! Xiao Yu forgot that the distance from Xiao Family Village to the Beast Mountain is more than 100 miles!

Walking and stopping all the way, Xiao Yu finally arrived at the foot of the mountain where Xiao Yu once encountered a demon tiger when it was dark.

Looking at the familiar environment around, Xiao Yu sighed slightly. After more than a month, there were more than 20 people on the way to the mountain, and he was the only one left. Xiao Yu was somewhat complicated and felt sorry for the team.

Xiao Yu sighed and slapped on the nearby tree. The magic spewed out, and the tree fell. Xiao Yu waved the knife for a while. A moment later, a wooden card soon appeared.

Xiao Yu carved the words "Xiao Family Guard Tomb", inserted the tombstone into the soil, bowed to the tombstone, and said sorry.

Then he took a deep breath and shouted to the mountain, "Your Lord Xiao is back again!"

A moment later, a white demon tiger appeared not far away. This time, because Xiao Yu had already cultivated, he looked at the majestic demon tiger not far away, and suddenly felt that the demon tiger looked a bit like a lion!

After shaking his head, Xiao Yu threw away the absurd idea. How could a tiger grow like a lion? Could it be a liger in a previous life?

Xiao Yu held the knife and challenged the demon tiger, "Do you remember your master Xiao? If you go down now and kowtow to my brothers, I will spare your life if you become my mount."

Evidently, the demon tiger also recognized that the man in front of him was the one who ran away not long ago. Hearing Xiao Yu's words, he was not upset. After looking at Xiao Yu with a look at food, he bent down on a big stone beside himself and squinted, thinking, "I'm full today, let's keep it! It's time for a change!"

As for what Xiao Yu said, would you care what the meat said before you ate it? You only care about the meat!

Xiao Yu looked at the demon tiger and ignored him. On the contrary, just like before, she lay on the stone. She did not think that other tigers could understand her.

In any case, Xiao Yu only feels insulted at the moment. You should know that Xiao Yu is now an inflated horse. As a monk, he will become like Han Wei sooner or later. As for Han Wei's previous statement that monsters of the same level are stronger, he is completely forgotten.

"Good, good. I won't kill you today. I'll kneel down and call you Grandpa!"

Xiao Yu was so angry that he raised his knife to fight. The demon tiger was stunned and thought, "Don't dare to do it, it seems that we can't keep tomorrow!"

Xiao Yu cut it with a knife, and the demon tiger jumped up with the trend, and the stones were cracked in response to the sound. The demon tiger also got up a bit of spirit and stopped being careless. The food in front of him really posed a threat to himself.

At least the knife is fast!

Xiao Yu didn't care, nor did he know the monster tiger's mental activity at this time. He just cut it again as fast as he could, one knife after another. The monster tiger also kept dodging. For a while, the stones were flying, so busy!

At the time of Xiao Yu's crazy attack, the demon tiger was also a little impatient. When his paw was extended, he hit Xiao Yu's knife hard, and the other claw went straight to Xiao Yu's forehead. The situation suddenly became dangerous!

However, Xiao Yu did not dodge when he saw it. He drew his sword and cut at the key point of the demon tiger again. The demon tiger looked at it coldly and did not dodge. In the calculation, one of his claws would definitely kill the person in front of him, and the knife cut at him would lose its power because of the death of the person holding it!

But what the demon tiger did not expect was that the moment the tiger's paw touched Xiao Yu's head, Xiao Yu's head became as sticky as paper, and instantly became a stream of black smoke from the tiger's paw.

Yin and Yang turn around!

The demon tiger was shocked and hurriedly avoided Xiao Yu's knife, but it was a pity that Xiao Yu cut Xiao Yu on the front paw. Xiao Yu made great contributions with one knife, but he could not forgive people. One knife after another. Several times, the demon tiger appeared several huge cuts on its body.

But Xiao Yu himself was not hurt because of the technique of turning Yin and Yang!

Yin and Yang turn around, so terrible!