Chapter 20 Surprise

"Suck~crop~", Li Rang sucked a bowl of noodles into his mouth and ate them all at once, then took the cup beside him and drank all at once, then shouted, "Cool!".

Previously in Beirut's castle, Zhimi asked Beirut to exchange Li Rang after the war ended, but Zhimi didn't think Beirut had nothing to ask for, so he gave Li Rang's fairy ball to Zhimi directly. Zhimi is very clear that Beirut, which doesn't want anything, wants only one favor from him, so that he can help Beirut at a critical moment. Even so, Zhimi doesn't care very much, because Zhimi is a person who has a clear distinction between public and private affairs and black and white. Zhimi won't pay back anything because Beirut has his favor.

Then, Li Rang's trainer became Zhimi. When he left the Fairy Ball, he had already arrived at Zhimi's home, his restaurant. As a cook, Zhimi not only cooks for human guests, but also makes Tongbao Kemeng food. Li Rang, who tried Zhimi's skill for the first time, was captured by Zhimi. Li Rang, who used to eat tree fruits and river water, has not had such a good meal for a long time?

As a cook, Zhimi is satisfied as long as the guest is satisfied with his craftsmanship, even if the guest is a croaker. Looking at Li Rang, who was fully fed, Zhimi took the plate and cup aside, and sat down with Li Rang face to face. He said seriously, "The reason why Beirut and I exchanged you is that I have to face a very powerful opponent later. We are both water system trainers. Even though our fields are not quite the same, I really want to defeat him. And you, Guagua Paowa, are an opportunity for me to defeat him. In the next period of time, I will train you and nurture you. I also hope you can listen to my command and give me enough trust in the fight. I believe that we will win! ".

Hmm. Zhimi is good at eating and drinking. It's normal for him to work hard for him. Each takes his own needs. However, Li Rang, who has long been used to fighting alone, does not feel that he can listen to Zhimi's command in the battle, because he will fight according to his own judgment, and when his own judgment is contrary to Zhimi's, Li Rang must choose to believe in himself.

Zhimi is very familiar with the communication of croaker frogs. These words are just to prepare Li Frog. Zhimi's real intention is to cultivate their mutual understanding in the battle. Moreover, Zhimi believes that Li Rang is the core of one of his teams.

First of all, Zhimi gave Li Rang a day of rest and preparation. The next day, he started training Li Rang. At the beginning of the training, Li Rang mastered his unique skills. As a trainer, you must have a number of all the unique skills Baokemeng has in mind, or you will be unqualified as a trainer. After Li Rang has shown all the unique moves he can, Zhimi has a number in mind, and then starts to train Li Rang to master the unique moves he can't, which Zhimi wants him to know.

The first unique skill that Li Rang needs to master is command skill. As a wild Baokemeng, Li Rang has never known what his own characteristics are. Although it is relatively easy to distinguish, Li Rang has never encountered the absolute danger, which makes him trigger his possible torrent characteristics. Therefore, Li Rang has just obtained his own characteristics from Zhimi and can change freely.

The characteristic of free transformation is that its own attribute changes into the attribute of the used move before using the move. It can be said that Li Frog, with such characteristics, has the same power as his own water system skills no matter what kind of unique moves he uses. However, as a water system treasure, Li Rang can't learn all his unique skills, so his command skill has become a very good skill that can adapt to his characteristics.

The unique move performed by the command skill is random, and has the bonus of Li Rang's ability to change freely. No matter what department of the unique move performed by the command skill, its power will not be weakened. This is why Zhimi wants Li Rang to be the first to master the unique move of the command skill.

It's hard to learn the unique command skill. Even with one-on-one teaching, Li Rang still spent more than ten days learning this command skill. But after learning it, Li Rang also had to admit that this move had greatly improved him. Although this move has great uncertainty, no matter what kind of opponent Li Rang is fighting with, theoretically Li Rang can use the command skill to use the move to restrain the opponent's attributes, and this time, there is a great possibility that Li Rang can help Li Rang to establish the victory. Moreover, another advantage is that Li Rang has a feeling that he can learn by releasing the feeling that he can learn several more times when he uses command skills to perform other unique skills that he cannot.

Li Frog thought it was just his illusion at first, but until he learned to spray fire through his command skills, Li Frog was sure that his feeling was true. This change of Li Rang also amazed Zhimi. When Li Rang was constantly mastering command skills, Zhimi was also planning his cultivation plan for Li Rang, but he did not expect that Li Rang would give him a surprise before his plan was completed. A water treasure Kemeng learned to spray fire, and its power is no worse than that of fire treasure Kemeng! What is a surprise? This is a surprise!

Zhimi doesn't know whether the croaker frogs like Li Rana are special cases, or whether other croaker frogs with the ability to change freely can do so. But Zhimi is not a researcher like Dr. Bratano. He is a trainer and a cook. So Zhimi gave up exploring the reasons behind Li Rang and gave up the cultivation plan for Li Rang. Instead, he tried his best to master different skills for Li Rang.

Three months passed. In the past three months, with the help of Zhimi, Li Rang has successfully mastered one or two of the unique skills of other departments, such as fire spray flame, flame fist, lightning fist of electricity, 100000 volts, mind power of super power, energy ball of grass, Yan Hui of flight, hole digging of ground system, rock blocking of rock system and ice fist of ice system.

Originally, although Zhimi attached great importance to Li Rang, he did not want to cultivate Li Rang into his ace. But now, Zhimi's idea has changed. Li Rang deserves to be trained as an ace. And Zhimi feels that when Li Rang is successfully cultivated by him, it is time for him to challenge Kalunay.