Chapter 332 Defeated Western Fleet

Zhu Houzhao returned to his palace and played with the little eunuchs. Although Zhu Youxuan didn't like his eldest son's nonsense, he didn't scold him in anger for the Spring Festival holiday.

After the Zhengde Emperor took charge of the government for several months, he found that being an emperor was not as comfortable as he had thought before. Yang Tinghe, the first assistant, was extremely just and followed etiquette.

His handling of political affairs has nothing to criticize, but his temper is too stubborn, and he believes in bending rather than bending, which has damaged the face of Emperor Zhengde several times.

Wang Shouren, as the minister of the Ministry of War, was born with a bad temper with the Zhengde Emperor. The emperor and his subjects often argued about something. The two sides were always red and angry, and they had been getting along very badly.

Jiao Fang, the second assistant, is a grass on the wall and has no independent ideas at all. The second assistant, Jie Jian, is very interested in government affairs. Zhengde seldom sees him and seldom talks with Jie Jian.

Zhengde felt that he could only go back to the harem and play with the little eunuchs. It was a very happy time of his day. After a few months, he gradually reduced the time to meet the officials, and gradually delayed in playing.

The little eunuchs also planned to bring beasts like lions, tigers and leopards from all over the country to fight with each other, so as to win praise and favor from Zhengde by killing each other with bloody cruelty.

Although the Supreme Emperor Zhu Youdang also heard about it, he thought that his son was over forty years old and he could not interfere too much in his free life, so he forbore to ignore it. He hoped that one day, Zhu Houzhao would wake up and return to the way of being a holy monarch who is diligent and loves the people.

Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty is now very peaceful, the northern border has no worries, the Yellow River in the mainland has also been tamed, and there has been no major flood in decades.

The royal vassals around the country are honest, obedient and obedient, and docile in their respective territories. The navy of the Ming Dynasty has risen rapidly for many years, and the sea border of the Ming Dynasty is also very peaceful.

In this way, unless a big court meeting was held, the Zhengde Emperor had to attend other court meetings. If he could refuse, he would refuse to discuss government affairs with his officials.

Even the fatuous monarch in history, with the help of the ministers, made contributions to all aspects of governance after taking the throne, and gradually became arrogant, fatuous and corrupt.

But Zhu Houzhao, who had just taken over the throne less than a year ago, was so reckless, which is rare in the world. It is also rare to find such a wonderful new emperor.

This had been a nonsense until the spring of the third year of Zhengde, when the Supreme Emperor Zhu Youdang couldn't stand it, he sent out an edict, asking Xiangrui to wait for San'an's son-in-law Xie Chun to supervise the Emperor Zhengde's going to court.

He also moved out or removed the beasts in the leopard house and several eunuchs who had bewitched Zhengde, and severely reprimanded Zhengde. Zhu Houzhao then stopped playing and dealt with the government affairs with the help of Xie Chun.

In the summer of July of the same year, Western barbarians landed on the coast of Daming. Soon after, they were disarmed and imprisoned by the officers and soldiers of Daming, and all their ships were confiscated.

At the beginning of August, more than a dozen Western ships appeared on the coast of Daming. The navy of Daming immediately set out after hearing the news. In the future, the ships were surrounded all around and ordered them to lay down their weapons and surrender. Otherwise, they would be killed immediately.

Westerners claimed to be the navy of the Netherlands. They mistakenly entered the coastal territory of Daming because they were looking for a missing companion. They hoped that the navy of the Ming Dynasty would grant extra legal favors and let them withdraw from the territory of Daming and refuse to pay arms for surrender.

After a dispute with Zhengde, Wang Shouren refused to admit his mistake and was sent to the southern coast. Wang Shouren, then the commander of the South China Sea Water Army in the Ming Dynasty, was unmoved and ordered the other party to surrender unconditionally, and then negotiate again, otherwise he would be annihilated immediately.

The Dutch did not think that they were wrong because their fleet invaded the territory of Daming. They still refused to surrender, hoping to withdraw from the coast of Daming by force, and then negotiate with the Daming court.

Seeing this, Wang Shouren immediately ordered to fire and bombard the Dutch fleet. The Dutch refused to be outdone and also fired back.

After the Ming Navy led by Wang Shouren sank three ships, the rest had to lower their flags and choose to surrender unconditionally.

The war report was soon delivered to the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Houzhao, who was originally at odds with Xie Chun, said the same thing with Xie Chun for the first time.

He ordered Wang Shouren and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to be rewarded. He also ordered the captured foreigners to be enslaved and punished as shipmen in the Nanhai Shipyard.

According to Xie Chun's suggestion, the captured Western ships were disassembled for investigation, and the superior performance of Western ships was recorded.

Referring to the shipbuilding skills of the Ming Dynasty, we can make up for our shortcomings with our strengths to build a better sea fleet, and send ships to the Nanyang Islands to expel all foreign invaders.

By the way, Taiwan Island and other islands are included in the arms of Daming and integrated with the Lu State of Daming, so as to extend the defense line of Daming's coastal area overseas.

This hunting ensured the safety of Daming's coastal areas, strengthened the military deterrence in the South China Sea, and reduced the recurrence of the invasion of the barbarian fleet into Daming's coastal areas.

Although Zhu Houzhao is hostile to Xie Chun, he quite agrees with and appreciates his proposal this time, and temporarily puts down his bad feelings towards Xie Chun.

He worked together with the cabinet scholars to govern the country, and changed the decadent and absurd act before. Since then, the Ming Dynasty has entered an expansion period, increasing the military strength of the Ming Navy.

The civil and military talents of the Ming Dynasty emerge in endlessly, including new ministers such as Yan Song, Xu Jie, Hai Rui, Zhai Luan, Yang Shen, etc., civil and military talents such as Wang Shouren, Tan Lun, etc., and military generals such as Jiang Han, Yu Dayou, Ma Fang, etc.

By the fifth year of Zhengde, the Daming Navy and Army had unified many islands in the Nanyang, and had been in constant friction with the powerful Kingdom of Chu in the Nanyang.

The current king of the State of Chu is the second generation of the state to advocate Jie. Zhang Xuanji died three years ago and told his adopted son Zhang Jie before he died.

I have a chance to see Zhang Xuan's own sister and say sorry to her instead of myself. I was too selfish at the beginning, which made them have not seen each other for decades.

After measuring the comprehensive strength between Ming and Chu, Zhang Jie could not see the possibility of victory for himself, so he decided to submit himself to the Ming Dynasty and become a vassal of the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Shouren, who was far away from the front line, did not dare to make a decision. He sent people to the capital to wait for the imperial order of Emperor Zhengde. The Ming Navy temporarily stopped moving forward, stopped fighting with the Chu State, and rested for the clear instructions of the Ming Dynasty.

The urgent report flew to the capital of the Ming Dynasty in Beijing. Zhu Houzhao, who was eager to win the victory, decided to use force to pacify the State of Chu. He used Zhang Jie, the king of Chu, as an ornament of his unparalleled force.

Xie Chun is not willing to use force to crusade against the State of Chu, both publicly and privately. After all, it is a country controlled by his own son. In addition, the Ming Navy has occupied many Nanyang islands over the years, but has not yet fully digested them and completely controlled the local people.

Xie Chun disagrees with the military crusade against Chu State and launches a fierce argument with Zhu Houzhao and his officials on the ground that the Ming Navy has been fighting for two years, the soldiers have been tired of fighting, and the occupied territory is not really under control.