Chapter 213 Patrol along Shandong Coast (II)

When Xie Chun returned to the Prefecture Magistrate's back office, Li Xue ran over with a shout, put her hand on Xie Chun's arm, and said coquettishly, 'Brother Chun, I have cleaned up the room, but the back office is also spacious and clean. I call Brother Jie Zhen and them to come in and live together, which can also protect the safety of Brother Chun. The bodyguards have other residences outside. I didn't interfere much like other officials. How do you like it, Brother Chun? ''

Xie Chun looks at Li Xue as a completely innocent person. He is very happy. No matter in his previous life or in this life, he is a calm and uncontroversial person. He is not used to intrigues and power struggles. He is especially pleased that Li Xue and others can live together in harmony. If they fight with each other every day, they will be jealous all the time, He doesn't know how to deal with it?

In fact, he didn't know that several of his wives and concubines were still engaged in infighting, but they knew Xie Chun's character well, and they were always fighting in the dark. It was impossible for Xie Chun not to feel any infighting and jealous? But they are all smart and intelligent women, and there are no disputes on the surface.

Just like Li Xue takes the address of Brother Chun as his own, and does not allow outsiders to address him; Lithuania can occupy Jiechun for several nights in a month, and others dare not make suggestions; Several women envied Mu Rong for giving birth to twins and deliberately left her few days to serve; Mu Rong was too dumb to speak up or tell Xie Chun All kinds of performances are in secret, but Xie Chun doesn't know about them.

Xie Chun carefully looks at Li Xue's appearance today, and finds that the scruffy little beggar has gradually grown up. Now she is a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, and her figure has also increased a lot, about one meter seven or so. Her hips are up, her chest is straight, and her face is like a picture. She is a delicate girl in the south of the Yangtze River.

Xie Chun can't help praising: 'Xueer is really grown up and knows a lot, and the affairs of the Houya are handled very well. It seems that I can rest assured in the future. I will leave all the affairs of the house to Xueer. Do you agree, Xueer? ''

Li Xue was very happy when she heard this. She looked at Xie Chun with a smile and said, 'Brother Chun, but you said yourself, Xueer has grown up and we have been married for so long. So tonight is the time to reunite. They are all making fun of me and saying,' I,,,,,,,,, '

That night, Xie Chun finally failed to resist the temptation of Li Xue. He became a real couple with Li Xue. Looking at Li Xue's satisfied and tired sleeping face, Xie Chun could not help but secretly blame him. His control was too weak, and he was captured by the seduction of this little girl.

The next morning, Xie Chun got up early to practice Taijiquan in the courtyard. Xie Zhen and others also got up one after another to practice fist and foot kungfu in the courtyard. To their disappointment, they only practiced martial arts taught by Xie Chun, and they didn't feel the "qi" in Xie Chun's mouth. Xie Chun didn't know what was going on, Finally, it can only be attributed to the welfare brought by cross rebirth.

When having breakfast, Xie Chun sends his breakfast to the bedroom again. He doesn't allow Li Xue to get up at all and let her eat in bed. Then he orders her to stay at home for a day. He and Jie Zhen and others are going to handle business and can't accompany Li Xue in the house.

The jealous middle-aged cook kept wiping away her tears and kept muttering that her man was a beagle. When she got married, she didn't care about herself and only cared about her own happiness. Even if her master was half as good to her wife, she would be grateful. She also kept lamenting that she had never met such a good man.

Xie Chun still leaves the affairs of Dengzhou Mansion to Zheng Yu, one of his friends in Dengzhou Mansion. After all, Dengzhou is well governed by Zheng Yu now. He is also a good official with good reputation among the scholars and the people. Let Zheng Yu give play to the waste heat of the Ming Dynasty again, contribute his last trace of enthusiasm in governing civil affairs in his later years, and be an ancient wise minister who "bow down and be willing to be a willing ox".

Xie Chun, led by Xie Zhen and others, under the protection of 50 imperial guards, patrolled the military affairs of the Davidsons along the Shandong coast, making early preparations for the establishment of the Ming navy to guard the sea transport. The first stop Xie Chun and others went was in the area where Yantai City is located in the later generations, which was called the place of Yantai Thousand Households during the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty.

How prosperous the city of Yantai was in the later ages, but now it is very desolate and remote. Like a township in the later ages, the location of a thousand households was just a beacon tower set up in the Hongwu period. Because of the smoke and fire, it was named Yantai.

During the reign of Zhu Di, the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, due to the increasing importance of shipping in the sea, thousands of households in Yantai were built in the mountainous area of Yantai, more than 130 miles away from Dengzhou Prefecture. Xie Chun and his party were all single riders, and they reached the thousands of households in Yantai in two days.

At that time, after the war on the ground in Shandong and the rebellion of Tang Saier's Buddhism and Mother Religion, the population was extremely scarce. There were many mountains in the territory of thousands of households in Yantai, and the sea was close to the sea. The sea breeze in the north was cold and howling. The sea breeze carried with it contained quite a lot of salt, and the land could not grow crops at all. The Ming Dynasty also implemented a sea ban policy, and people could not go out to the sea to fish to subsidize their livelihood, Life is really hard.

Xie Chun saw this sad situation along the way and knew that it would be difficult to survive a large number of people here in Yantai without several generations of hard work. This made him feel more burdensome, and he did not know whether he could turn the tide and manage Yantai and other places in an orderly manner, so that the people under his rule could eat and drink, raise the children and teach, and everyone could eat, drink and wear.

When Xiang Ruibo Xie Chun and his entourage came to Yantai's 1000 Households to inspect the news and sent it to the king of the 1000 Households in Yantai, he could not help shaking with fear. Xiang Ruibo was deeply loved by his majesty. If he saw some clues and flaws in the 1000 Households, his own life would be hard to save.

He immediately came to Li Si from hundreds of households to discuss the countermeasures. Li Si was not afraid of Xie Chun and others. He persuaded Wang Dahai, who looked a little flustered, to say, 'The big people from thousands of households are so flustered and afraid, which will let Xiang Ruibo and others see through our tactics. It's better to take a deep breath and deal with them. If something goes wrong, you and I will join hands to kill Xie Chun and his gang. They will go into the sea and harm the border of the Ming Dynasty for bandits and bandits. Do you really hope that he and the Imperial Court can spare us easily? I'm going to recruit you and my confidants. There should be dozens of people to recruit. Of course, it's best not to do it. If we can make a thorough effort, we can still be officers and soldiers‘‘